Tower of Fantasy Ling Han Guide | Best Build & Matrices

Ling Han is a New SSR simulacra that introduce into Tower of Fantasy. Guide on which characters should Ling Han team up with, matrices build & gift list.

Check out all Ling Han information and Build Guide down below:

Character & Weapon Banner Info

Tower of Fantasy Ling Han - zilliongamer

Ling Han is a New SSR DPS simulacra. She was born on June, 7 in a town called . She made her first debut on 24th, October 2023, and is ready to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy with her Alabaster Tiger as her main weapon.

  • EN Voice Actor: Dani Chambers
  • JP Voice Actor: Yumi Hara (原 由実)
  • Chinese Voice Actor: KIYO (萧清源)

How to Get Ling Han Simulacra

This simulacra is a limited-time offer character. In order, to get her you need to spend Red Nucleus on the Limited-time Called All Swords as One

How to Get Ling Han Matrices

This matrix is also a limited-time offer. You can go to All Swords as One Matrix Special Order and spend a Special Voucher to get all of her chips. 

Weapon Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Ling Han Unity level you need IcecoreAcidproof GlazeNanofiber Frame. You'll need a higher rarity of these materials when you upgrade your weapon to a higher level.

Weapon Stats & Effects

  • Weapon Name: Alabaster Tiger
  • Type Effect: Ice Shell
  • Shatter: 16.00
  • Charge: 8.00
  • Attack: 16
  • Crit: 11
  • HP: 1010

Ice Shell Type: When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will freeze targets for 2 seconds and leave them frostbitten for 6 seconds. Breaking the ice shell causes additional damage equal to 144.00% of ATK. While frostbitten, the target's weapon charge rate is reduced by 50%.

Elemental Frost Resonance: Increase frost ATK by 15% and frost resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more frost weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with effects of the same type.

Extreme Cold: Unload: After using Sword Art: Shadowy Ice, every second, deal damage eqaul to 70% of frost ATK plus 10% of the wanderer's max HP plus 36% of the sum of all the Wanderer's resistance types plus 135% of crit for 30 seconds.

Multiple unload damage will not stack and Extreme Cold damage will be counted as skill damage.

If there is a 1 volt/ physical/flame weapon of any kind equipped, Extreme Cold damage increased 1.3 times. In addition, Extreme Cold damage is not affected by any damage boost effect except from titan equipment's rare stats, and won't trigger additional attack effects.

Weapon Advancements

  • 1★: After launching Frost Blades, the Wanderer's frost ATK is increased by 10% and nearby targets will be dealt damage equal to 104% of ATK every second for 30 seconds.
  • 2★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
  • 3★: The wanderer can produce up to 4 Frost blades and Temperature Reduction's damag's base multiplier is increased to 468%. If the target is the only one affected by Temperature Reduction within 6 seconds, additionally apply Vein Seal to the target, reducing their speed by 30% (unavailable in Apex League and against bosses).
  • If the target receives Frost Blade damage again during Vein Seal's duration, trigger Icy Burst, dealing skill damage equal to 1700% of ATK plus 2% of the target's HP lost at that point (Icy Burst damage will be no lower than 2000% of the wanderer's frost attack and no higher than 220% of the Wanderer's frost ATK). Then, remove the Vein Seal and Temperature Reduction effects on the target.
  • 4★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
  • 5★: The damage dealt by Crystalline Crack and Cold Air is additionally increases by 50%. Light Steps use attempts are increased to 10 and the recovery rate is increased to 1 attempt every 3 seconds.
  • 6★: The Temperature Reduction effect inflicted after firing Frost Blades is now applies to an area and also deals additional damage equal to 1170% of ATK to nearby targets.

Best Matrices for Ling Han

Discover the Best matrices for Ling Han in Tower of Fantasy from R to SSR grade. 

Tower of Fantasy Ling Han Matrices - zilliongamer

  • R Matrix: 3 Pieces of Hauler Increase damage dealt by frost weapons by 6%.
  • SR Matrix: 3 Pieces of Robarg When a target is shattered, poison the target and deal damage equal to 45/56/67.5% of ATK every second for 10s.
  • SSR Matrix: You can use all 4 Ling Han matrices if you are lucky enough to get all 4 together. 
    • OR 2 Pieces of Frigg When switching from a frost weapon to another frost weapon, Frost ATK increased by 15%/18%/21%/25% for 10 seconds. Only the highest level's effect is applied when obtained repeatedly.
    • Plus 2 Pieces of Samir Increase damage progressively by 1% upon hitting a target. Stack up to 10/13/16/20 times. Last for 1.5s.

Best Ling Han Team Build

Tower of Fantasy Ling Han Team - zilliongamer

Check out Other Ling Han Best Team Comp

  • Recommend upgrading Ling Han to A1 after using Frost Blades, the Wanderer's frost ATK is increased by 10% and nearby targets will be dealt damage equal to 104% of ATK every second for 30 seconds which will deal more damage in the fight.
  • Putting Yu Lan (A0 only) in this team will boost Ling Han more Frost ATK15% & Frost Resistance25% plus the Attack Resonance which will increase final damage by 10%.
  • Also upgrading Fiona to A1 to gives any weapon discharge more final damage & healing effect. And for Fiona Skill, you should use WellSpring to boost more Damage by 9% for 20 seconds & Crashing Falls can suspend targets & deal more damage while the target being suspended. 

Weapon Skill

Normal Attack

Sword Art: Mooncutter

While on the ground, use normal attacks to launch 6 attacks in a row.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 97.8% of ATK +5 and knock the target back.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 129.4% of ATK +7 and knock the target back.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 207.2% of ATK +11 and knock the target back.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 125% of ATK +7 and knock the target back.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 226% of ATK +12 and draw in enemies to the front of the wanderer.
  • Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 253.6% of ATK +13 and launch the target back.

After triggering sword Art: Mooncutter, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Sword Art: Endless Snow.

After any of Alabaster Tiger's normal attacks land a hit, apply 1 stack of Crystalline Crack to the target, dealing normal attack damage equal to 48% of ATK every second for 15 seconds. Only 1 stack of Crystalline Cracks can be applied to the same target every 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. The stacks will disappear one by one after the effect duration is over.

Sword Art: Plum Swordcry

While airborne, use normal attack to launch 6 consecutive attacks in mid-air, consuming endurance.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 95.9% of ATK +5.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 100.7% of ATK +5.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 218.6% of ATK +12.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 130% of ATK +7.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 213.7% of ATK +11.
  • Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 256.9% of ATK +14.

Sword Art: Endless Snow

While using the normal attack on the ground, tap and hold the normal attack to trigger Sword Art: Endless Snow. Use mind control to manipulate the sword while consuming endurance, during which the Wanderer gains hyperbody.

Every attack that lands deals damage equal to 140.8% of ATK plus 7 to nearby targets. When Sword Art: Endless Snow ends, release a powerful sword aura, dealing damage equal to 422.4% of ATK plus 22 to nearby targets.

Sword Art: Falling Frost

Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (tap when a target is available), or use normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using the Jetpack to trigger Sword Art: Falling Frost. 

While falling, deal damage equal to 75% of ATK plus 4 each time a target is hit. Upon landing, deal damage equal to 366.7% of ATK plus 19 to nearby targets.

Light Steps

While the Wanderer is airborne after double jumping, tap jump to trigger Light Steps. Briefly dash upward before gliding down. While airborne, Light Steps can be used up to 2 times. 

While on the ground, Light Steps recovers 1 use attempt every 10 seconds (switching areas or unequipping Alabaster Tiger will reset the use attempts).


Dodge right before getting hit to trigger Phantasia, reducing the speed of targets within the area. Become immune to hitstun while dodging.

Sword Art: Cloud Shower

Use normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (use a directional button before dodging) to trigger Sword Art: Cloud Shower, dealing damage up to 305% of ATK plus 16 to targets hit.

Sword Art: Mortal Soul

Use normal attack during the short period after dodging to trigger Sword Art: Mortal Soul. Release a white Tiger illusion to deal damage equal to 167.8% of ATK plus 9 to targets ahead.


Sword Art: Shadowy Ice

Deal damar equal to 370.2% of ATK plus 19 to nearby targets an draw them in. Then, form a Sword Array to summon a heavy rain of swords and strongly freeze targets (unavailable in Apex League and against bosses) for 4 seconds. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

After successfully using Sword Art: Shadowy Ice, the Wanderer emits Cold Air, dealing damage equal to 88.4% of ATK to nearby targets every second and reducing the target's speed by 30% (unavailable in Apex League and against bosses). At the same time, increase the Wanderer's frost damage by 8% for 35 seconds.

After completely executing Sword Art: Shadowy Ice, the wanderer creates a large amount of Frost Blades, firing 1 blade every 7.5 seconds at the currently locked-on target, dealing damage equal to 468% of ATK and inflicting Temperature Reduction on the target.

There can be up to 3 Frost Blades created initially, and all blades will be removed while in the non-combat state. Temperature Reduction: Deal damage equal to 312% of ATK every 3 seconds to nearby targets for 12 seconds.


Sword Art: Icy Beckon

When the weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, upon switching to this weapon, remove all debuffs from the Wanderer and summon a Sword Array around the Wanderer, engulfing the area in cold and dealing damage up to 844.5% of ATK plus 44 to nearby targets.

Soon after, summon a White Tiger to deal damage equal to 1971% of ATK plus 104, during which damage immunity lasts for 1.5 seconds (unavailable in Apex Leauge). Passive: After Sword Art: Icy Beckon lands a hit, increase final damage by 8% for 30 seconds.

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Ling Han awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects:

  • 1200 Points: Increase final damage by 13%. When Alabaster Tiger is equipped, for every 1 frost weapon equipped, increases frost damage by 1%.
  • 4000 Points: Increase final damage by 18%. When Alabaster Tiger is equipped, gain damage immunity for 4 seconds when using Sword Art: Icy Beckon (unavailable in Apex League). For every 1 frost weapon equipped, increase frost damage by 2.5%. When 3 frost weapons are equipped, gain an additional 350 weapon charges after the Wanderer uses any frost weapon skill. After using any frost weapon's skill or discharge other than Alabaster Tiger's, deal additional damage equal to 1456% of ATK to nearby targets.

Ling Han Gifts

Discover Tower of Fantasy Ling Han gifts and it's awakening points.

Tower of Fantasy Ling Han Gift - zilliongamer

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