Tower of Fantasy Crow build and Matrices

Check out the best build and guide for Crow in Tower of Fantasy featuring their matrices, weapon favorite gift voice actor, and more.

Character & Weapon Banner Information
Tower of Fantasy Character: Crow - zilliongamerCrow

Debut: December, 17th, 2022

EN Voice Actor: Casey Mongillo

JP Voice Actor: Nobuhiko Okamoto

Tower of Fantasy ThunderbladesThunderblades

Resonance: DPS Tower of Fantasy Resonance: DPS - zilliongamer

Element: Volt Tower of Fantasy Element: Volt - zilliongamer

Shatter: 6.00

Charge: 8.00

Skill: Returning Blades 

How to Get Crow Simulacra

To get Crow in Tower of Fantasy, you need to spend Gold nucleus in Choice Weapons gacha.

How to get Crow Matrices

To get Crow Matrices in Tower of Fantasy, you must spend Proof of purchase in Choice Matrices gacha.


Discover Tower of Fantasy Crow build for PvE and PvP with in-depth explanation.

PvE Build & Explanation

Main DPSShield BreakerSupport
Tower of Fantasy CrowCrowTower of Fantasy KingKingTower of Fantasy NemesisNemesis

Using Crow as your main damage dealer is a good combo with Nemesis that can gain more Volt element damage. Then switch as the main shield breaker in the team comp. 

This build activate 2 resonance:

Weapon Resonance: With Crow & King combo you earn Attack resonance which increases final damage by 10%, which in team play is further increased to 40%.  

Elemental resonance: Crow and Nemesis use the same Volt element which increase volt ATK by 15% and volt resistance by 25%.

Alternate Main DPS & Shield Breaker if you don't have King or Crow: 

Tower of Fantasy HumaHuma

Great Tank for that can deal damage.

Highest shield % protection.

Good damage when switching.

Tower of Fantasy MerylMeryl

High shield break.

Great tank for the team.

Crow + Meryl + Nemesis gain other resonance effects.

Tower of Fantasy ShiroShiro

Great in deleting a group of enemies.

Can break the shield even faster when upgrade to 3 stars.

Deal extra damage to the target with grievous type.

Tower of Fantasy SamirSamir

Great AOE damage dealer.

Fast Charge for other weapon.

Volt resonance with Nemesis.

You can choose good options for Main DPS or Shield break build if don't like to play a combo with either Crow or King.

PvP Build & Explanation

Main DPSShield BreakerSupport
Tower of Fantasy CrowCrowTower of Fantasy MerylMerylTower of Fantasy NemesisNemesis

Crow & Nemesis is a good duo combo for volt element resonance. But we can use Meryl for defense and break the opponent's shield.

This build also activate 2 resonance:

Weapon Resonance: Crow + Meryl + Nemesis gain Balance resonance that increases final damage and damage reduction by 5%, shatter, and healing effect by 20%. In team play, increase final damage and damage reduction by 20%.

Elemental resonance: Crow and Nemesis use the same Volt element which increase volt ATK by 15% and volt resistance by 25%.

Alternate Support if you don't have Nemesis.

Tower of Fantasy HumaHuma

Great Tank for that can deal damage.

Highest shield % protection.

Huma + Merly Gain fortitude resonance.

Tower of Fantasy Coco RitterCocoritter

Very fast charge for other weapon.

Great heal addition for the team.

Can disabled enemies

Tower of Fantasy ZeroZero

Very fast charge for other weapon.

Great heal in team fight

Good Aoe & Disabled enemy.

These are the SSR support character that can be use if you don't have Nemesis or you don't want to use Nemesis.


Discover the best Matrices for Crow in Tower of Fantasy from R to SSR grade matrix.

Best R Matrix For Crow

Tower of Fantasy Tenet Guard Matrices: Standard Operation - zilliongamerTenet Guard

Increase damage dealt by volt weapons by 6%.

Recommend Piece: 3 

Thunderblades is a Volt element Tower of Fantasy Element: Volt - zilliongamer so often this Tenet Guard matrix is better and make sense to his weapon.

Best SR Matrix for Crow

Tower of Fantasy Robarg Matrices: Swallow All - zilliongamerRobarg

When a target is shattered, poison the target and deal damage equal to 45/56/67.5% of ATK every second for 10s.

Recommend Piece: 3

This matrix can give Thunderblades to deal more damage to the enemies that have shattered.

Best SSR Matrices for Crow 

Tower of Fantasy Crow Matrices: Fanatical Pursuit - zilliongamerCrow

Increase critical damage to targets with less than 60% HP by 24/30/36/42%.

Recommend Piece: 2 

Tower of Fantasy Shiro Matrices: Poem of Departure - zilliongamerShiro

Increase both damage and shatter to targets with more than 50% HP by 15/19/22.5/26%.

Recommend Piece: 2

Crow 2x pieces with Shiro x2 pieces are the great SSR matrices Crow combo, these matrices give Crow all types of damage, DPS, shield break, and Critical when the target's HP equals 60%.

Weapon Details

Weapon Stats


Based weapon stats, no upgrade or advancement.

Weapon Effects

Volt Tower of Fantasy Element: Volt - zilliongamer
When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will paralyze targets for 1 second and electrify them for 6 seconds, negating all buffs and dealing damage equal to 144.00% of ATK. Targets can't receive any buff for the next 6 seconds.

Weapon Skills

Discover Crow's weaponThunderblades mechanic such as Normal attack, Dodge, Skill, and Discharge detail


Normal Attack

While on the ground, swing the dual blades to attack 5 times in a row.

1. First Attack: Deal damage equal to 60.1% of ATK + 3 and knock the target back a short distance.

2. Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 73% of ATK + 4 and knock the target back a short distance.

3. Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 90.9% of ATK + 5 and knock the target back a short distance.

4. Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 96.8% of ATK + 5 and knock the target back a short distance.

5. Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 202.2% of ATK + 11 and knock the target back a short distance.

Sky Flurry: Jump > Attack

While airborne or after jumping, tap normal attack to attack 4 times in a row.

1. First Attack: Deal damage equal to 65.6% of ATK + 3.

2. Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 38.4% of ATK + 2.

3. Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 92.% of ATK + 5.

4. Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 138% of ATK +7.

Rapid Lunge: Attack > Hold: Attack
After the third normal attack, hold the normal attack button to trigger Rapid Lunge. Upon hit, strongly suspend the target, dealing total damage equal to 116.8% of ATK + 6.
Spiral Drive: Jump > Hold Attack

Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (or tap when a target is selected), or tap normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using the Jetpack to trigger Spiral Drive.

While failing, deal damage equal to 42% of ATK + 2 each hit.

Sneak Attack: Croch > Attack
Approach the enemy from behind while crouching, then tap normal attack to use Sneak attack, dealing damage equal to 570% of ATK + 30.


Flying Blades: Perfect Dodge > Attack

Tap normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (tap an arrow button before dodging) to trigger Flying Blades.

Slash a target 5 times, each dealing damage equal to 26.4% of ATK + 1. Grant immunity to control effects while phasing.

Dodge right before getting hit to activate a Phantasla, which reduces the speed of enemies within the area. Cooldown: 15 seconds. While dodging, you gain hitstun immunity for 0.5 seconds.


Returning Blades

Fire 6 returning blades, each dealing damage equal to 52.8% of ATK + 3. Gains hyperbody for up to 8 seconds, and the effect is removed when the blades return.

Cooldown: 45 seconds.


Orbiting Blades
When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder and blink to the target location upon switching to this weapon and attack, dealing damage equal to 86.9% of ATK + 5 and electrocuting the target (after 5 seconds, deals volt damage equal to 15% of damage dealt, up to 350% of the Wanderer's ATK. This is an abnormal status that can be dispelled). Also spawn 3 blades that orbit around the Wanderer, dealing damage equal to 65.2% of ATK + 3 to those that touch them.

Base weapon skill stats (level 0) no upgrade.

Weapon Advancements

1★Attacking targets from behind increases crit rate of all dual blades attacks by 40%. Backstabbing an electrified target increases crit rate by 100% and crit damage by 30%.
2★Increases the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%
3★Increases damage by 30% to target with less than 60% HP.
4★Increases the current weapon's base HP growth by 32%.

Trigger a Back attack grants a 100% crit chance for the next 4 seconds and increases crit damage by 50%.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

6★After using a skill, increase volt damage dealt to the target by 20% for 20 seconds.

Weapon Upgrade Materials

Tower of Fantasy MagcoreTower of Fantasy Nano Coating 1Tower of Fantasy Nanofiber Frame 1
Tower of Fantasy Heart of LightningTower of Fantasy Nano Coating 2Tower of Fantasy Nanofiber Frame 2
Tower of Fantasy LightningSourceTower of Fantasy Nano Coating 3Tower of Fantasy Nanofiber Frame 3

To upgrade Thunderblades Level you need Magcore, Nano Coating, and Nanofiber Frame.

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Crow awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects.

A.PointsAwaken Trait Effects
1200 PointsWhen Crow is not in a team, increase damage dealt by 6% and reduce damage received by 4%.
4000 PointsWhen Crow is not in a team, increase damage dealt by 10% and reduce damage received by 6%. When Crow enters combat, increase damage dealt by 12% for 12 seconds.

To gain Awakening points you must send gift to other character.

Character Gifts List

Discover Tower of Fantasy Crow gifts and it's awakening points.

Tower of Fantasy Gift: Aida Comic - zilliongamer+80Tower of Fantasy Gift: Limited Tata Figurine - zilliongamer+80Tower of Fantasy Gift: Angela Ornament - zilliongamer+60
Tower of Fantasy Gift: New Game Console - zilliongamer+60Tower of Fantasy Gift: Metal Alf Figurine - zilliongamer+60Tower of Fantasy Gift: Void Angel Figurine - zilliongamer+60
Tower of Fantasy Gift: Limited Peanut Figurine - zilliongamer+60Tower of Fantasy Gift: Crown Token - zilliongamer+60Tower of Fantasy Gift: Spirit Princess Figurine - zilliongamer+30
Tower of Fantasy Gift: Cray Dumont Figurine - zilliongamer+30Tower of Fantasy Gift: Perfume Bottle - zilliongamer+30Tower of Fantasy Gift: Vitamin Pack - zilliongamer+30
Tower of Fantasy Gift: Tailor-Made Suit - zilliongamer+30Tower of Fantasy Gift: Snack Box - zilliongamer+15Tower of Fantasy Gift: Flower Bouquet - zilliongamer+15
Tower of Fantasy Gift: Wool Scarf - zilliongamer+15--

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