Tower of Fantasy Ji Yu Guide | Best Build & Matrices

Ji Yu is a New SSR simulacra that introduce into Tower of Fantasy. Guide on which characters should Ji Yu team up with, matrices build, skills, & gift list.

Character & Weapon Banner Info

Ji Yu Guide | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

Ji Yu is a New SSR DPS simulacra. She was born on February 29 in a town called Zhen Gong. She made first debut on 30th, April 2024, and is ready to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy with her Freeflow as her main weapon.

  • EN Voice Actor: Suzie Yeung
  • JP Voice Actor: Yasuhara Reiko (安原麗子)
  • Chinese Voice Actor: TBD

How to Get Ji Yu Simulacra

This simulacra is a limited-time offer character. In order, to get her you need to spend Red Nucleus on the limited time called Go Tactics Special Order

How to Get Ji Yu Matrices

This matrix is also a limited offer. You can go to Go Tactics Special Order switch to matrix special order and spend a Special Voucher to get all of her chips.

Ji Yu - 2 Piece Set: Increase flame ATK by 20%/ 22% / 24% / 26%. While Step into the Game is active, each move deals an additional damage equal to 300% of ATK to all targets on the board. This set effect works in the off-hand slot, and only the set with the highest star rating will take effect.

Ji Yu - 4 Piece Set: Increase final damage by 22% / 24% / 26% / 28%. When Freeflow is equipped increase crit damage by 10%. Upon entering combat, gain an additional 9 stacks of Decisive Placement. This set effect works in the off-hand slot, and only the set with the highest star rating will take effect.

Weapon Stats & Effects

  • Weapon Name: Freeflow
  • Type Effect: Armor Dissolve (Flame & Physical)
  • Shatter: 16.00
  • Charge: 12.00
  • Attack: 19
  • Crit: 13
  • HP: 1165

Elemental Type Armor Dissolve (Flame & Physical): When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack inflicts armor dissolve effect on the target for 45 seconds, increasing their flame and physical damage taken by 10% (and an additional 15% in team play). This effect will replace the grievous status on the target, and targets with this effect cannot become grievous. Physical attacks will stun target under the dissolve effect for 2 seconds, and flame attacks will decrease the target's speed by 50% for 5 seconds. This effect can only trigger 1 time every 15 seconds on the same targets.  

Elemental Resonance Fusion of Mass and Flame: When the weapon deals damage, damage is calculated using the currently equipped weapon's highest physical/flame base ATK, the highest equipped physical/flame ATK percentage, and the highest equipped physical/flame damage boost, and the weapon is considered both a physical and flame weapon.

Elemental Physical Resonance: Increase Physical ATK by 15% and Physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more Physical weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with other Physical Resonance or Physical Reaction effects, with Physical Resonance taking precedence.  

Elemental Flame Resonance: Increase Flame ATK by 15% and Physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more flame weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with other Flame Resonance or Flame Reaction effects, with Flame Resonance taking precedence.  

Central Nexus: On-field: When hitting any target with Freeflow, deal damage equal to 256% of flame ATK plus 3.6% of Max HP plus 133% of the sum of all the Wanderer's resistance types plus 4.9% of crit to nearby targets. Can be triggered up to 1 time every 1.5 seconds. Central Nexus damage counts as normal attack damage. If any 1 frost or volt weapon is equipped, Central Nexus damage is multiplied by 1.3. In additional, Central Nexus damage is not affected by any damage boost effects except from titan equipment's rare stats, and won't trigger additional attack effects. 

Weapon Advancements

  • 1★: Increase the maximum stacks of Decisive Placement to 18. The additional damage from each stack of Decisive Placement is increased to 400% of ATK.
  • 2★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
  • 3★: When Freeflow is equipped, ignore 15% flame resistance of the targets in the zone. This effect works in the off-hand slot. Each element's total resistance ignored cannot exceed 50%.
  • 4★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
  • 5★: When Step into the game is active, damage taken is reduced by 30%. When receiving lethal damage, restore 100% of Max HP immediately. This effect can only be triggered 1 time per skill activation.
  • 6★: Increase flame damage to 5% for each stack of Scorching Sun.

Best Matrices for Ji Yu

Discover the Best Matrices for Ji Yu in Tower of Fantasy from R to SSR grade.

Tower of Fantasy Ji Yu Matrix - zilliongamer

Check Out Other Best Matrix For Ji Yu

  • R Matrix: 3 Explosive Core: Increase damage dealt by Flame weapons by 6%.
  • SR Matrix: 3 Pieces Sobek: Increase damage dealt by 6/7.5/9% for each enemy nearby. Up to 3 stacks.
  • SSR Matrix: You can use all 4 Ji Yu matrices if you are lucky enough to get all 4 together.
    • 2 Piece of Samir: Increase damage progressively by 1% upon hitting a target. Stack up to 10/13/16/20 times. Last for 1.5s.
    • 2 Piece of Lyra: Use this weapon to increase all types by 13% / 17% / 21%/ 25%. The lower the hp, the higher the healing received, which can be increased by up to 100%.

Check Other Ji Yu Matrices Set Here.

Best Ji Yu Team Build

Tower of Fantasy Ji Yu Team Build - zilliongamer

Check Out Other Best Ji Yu Team Comp 

Weapon Skill

Normal Attack

Shifting Stars

While on the ground, use a normal attack to launch 5 consecutive attacks.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 242% of ATK plus 13 to the target.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 242% of ATK plus 13 to the target.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 370% of ATK plus 20 to the target.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 301% of ATK plus 16 to the target.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 469 of ATK plus 25 to the target.

Starting Move

While airborne, use normal attack to launch 4 consecutive attacks in mid-air, consuming endurance.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 242% of ATK plus 13 to the target.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 242% of ATK plus 13 to the target.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 250% of ATK plus 13 to the target.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 434% of ATK plus 23 to the target.

Review Board

When on the ground, hold a normal attack to activate the Review Board. Gather up to 5 pieces that launch out and follow targets, with each piece dealing damage equal to 352% of ATK plus 18.

Generational Leap

While airborne, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Generation Leap. Unleash the twin fish upon landing and deal damage equal to 197% of ATK plus 10 to nearby targets and launch them.


Dodge right before getting hit to trigger Phantasia, reducing the speed of targets within the area. Become immune to hitstun while dodging.

Seize Advantage

Use normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (tap and arrow button before dodging) to place 1 black piece in front. The piece briefly draws in and slow nearby targets, dealing damage equal to 381% of ATK plus 20 to targets ahead.


Use normal attack during the short period after dodging backward to place 3 while pieces in front. Each white piece deals area damage equal to 57% of ATK plus 3 to nearby targets upon landing. The pieces also set traps that explode when enemies come close, briefly slowing them and dealing an additional 57% damage.


Step into the Game

Leap into the air, transforming the battlefield into a Go board, and float in mid-air (unable to move during this time). Gain an elevated view for up to 10 seconds. During this time, your attack becomes Go pieces, and your skills are replaced with Half-Piece Advantage. Tap the Go board to place 18 pieces in order, each dealing damage equal to 250% of ATK to all targets on the board and briefly slowing them down. Cooldown: 40 seconds. This is not affected by other cooldown clearing, resetting, or changing effects. 

Decisive Placment: Using Review Board, Seize Advantage, Starfall, and This Ends Here or creating (not Just refreshing and existing one) summons grants Decisive Placment stacks, up to a maximum of 9 stacks. While Decisive Placment is active, each Go piece consumes 1 stack to deal additional damage equal to 200% of ATK to all targets on the board. No stacks can be gained while the skill is active.

Half-Piece Advantage

While Step into the Game is active, manually use or automatically trigger Half-Piece Advantage at the end of the duration. Fall from the sky, dealing damage equal to 1350% of ATK plus 71 to all targets on the board. Additionally, deal damage equal to the number of Decisive Placment stacks consumed during the skill duration times 200% of ATK. The twin fish then circle outward, pushing away nearby targets and healing damage equal to 270% of ATK.


Defense Field

When the weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, upon switching to this weapon, remove all debuffs from the Wanderer. Deploy a zone and place 1 piece in front that deals damage equal to 1361% of ATK plus 72 to nearby targets. During this time, the Wanderer is immune to damage for 1.5 seconds (not available in Apex League). Activate the zone to deal 160% damage per second to a wide area around the Wanderer. The zone exists for 30 seconds or disappears 5 seconds after leaving combat. Each summon extends the zone's duration by 3 seconds.

Tactical Deployment: Each summon adds 1 stack of Tactical Deployment, increasing the zone's damage by an additional 50% of ATK per second, up to 8 stacks. 

Scorching Sun: Gaining Tactical Deployment stacks also grants equivalent stacks of Scorching Sun, with each stack increasing flame damage by an additional 2.5% up to 8 stacks.

Blazing Core: When using any flame weapon's discharge skill, gain hyperbody for 8 seconds.

Weapon Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Freeflow level you need Firecore, Acidproof Glaze, Nanofiber Frame. You'll need a higher rarity of these materials when you upgrade your weapon to a higher level.

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Ji Yu awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects:

  • 1200 Points: Trait (Ji Yu: Cunning Play): Increase final damage by 14%.
  • 4000 Points: Trait (Ji Yu: Strategic Play): Increase final damage by 18%. When Freeflow is equipped, if there is only target in the zone, increase flame damage by 10%. If there are 2 or more targets, increase flame damage to 14%.

Ji Yu Gifts

Tower of Fantasy Ji Yu Gift - zilliongamer

Hope this guide can help you guys to understand more about Ji Yu and have a better build to make her become more stronger in the game.

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