Tower of Fantasy Umi Guide | Best Build & Matrices

Umi is a New SSR simulacra that introduce into Tower of Fantasy. Guide on which characters should Umi team up with, matrices build & gift list.

Character & Weapon Banner Info

Tower of Fantasy Umi - zilliongamer

Umi is a New SSR DPS simulacra. She was born on October, 20 (Libra) in a town called Mirrorla. She makes her first debut on 21, february 2023, and is ready to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy with her Mobius as her main weapon.

  • EN Voice Actor: Anne Yatco
  • JP Voice Actor: N/A

How to Get Umi Simulacra

This simulacra is a limited-time offer character. In order, to get her you need to spend Red Nucleus in Couple Flowers Special Order.

How to Get Umi Simulacra

Her matrices are also a limited-time offer too. You can go to Couple Flowers special order by spending Special Voucher to get all of her chips.

Weapon Stats & Effects

  • Weapon Name: Mobius
  • Type Effect: Grievous
  • Shatter: 12.00
  • Charge: 9.00
  • Attack: 18
  • Crit: 14
  • HP: 1165

Grievous Type: When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will inflict damage equal to 137.00% of ATKm and make the target grievous for 7 seconds, taking 20% extra damage.

Elemental Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with effects of the same type.

Weapon Advancements

  • 1★: When switching to Mobius, immediately gain 30 warmup points. Cooldown: 17 seconds. Upon entering Magic Trick, deal area damage equal to 840% of ATK to nearby targets and reduce their physical resistance by 10% for 20 seconds.
  • 2★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
  • 3★: When ending Magic Trick early, deal wide-area damage over 13 seconds. The cooldown of Mobius' next skill is reduced, and physical damage is increased by 25% for a period of time (this effect does not apply to Mobius). If Magic Trick has more than 13 seconds remaining, gain an additional 200 weapon charge. The more time remaining when Magic Trick ends, the higher the area damage, the greater the skill cooldown reduction, and the longer the physical damage boost lasts. The area damage dealt is caped at 200% of ATK (the maximum damage is dealt when the remaining time is more than 13 seconds.) The maximum cooldown reduction is 13 seconds, and the physical damage boost can last up to 20 seconds.
  • 4★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
  • 5★: Gain the psychic Puppet effect upon entering Magic Trick, increasing Mobius's physical damage boost to 15%. During Magic Trick, recover 2% of Max HP and 10 weapon charge every second.
  • 6★: When using Magic Trick, Mobius has an additional whip that is automatically swung whenever Mobius uses normal attacks or dodge attacks, dealing damage equal to 100% of Mobius's ATK (this damage is not counted as normal attack damage).

Best Matrices for Umi

Discover the best Matrices for Umi in Tower of Fantasy from R to SSR grade.

Tower of Fantasy Umi Matrices Build - zilliongamer

  • R Matrix: 3 Pieces of Provocateurs will increase damage dealt by physical weapons by 6%. 
  • SR Matrix: 3 Pieces of Bai Ling increase damage dealt to grievous targets by 12/15/18%
  • SSR Matrix: You can use all 4 Umi Pieces if you are lucky enough to get all 4 together OR you can spend money to get all 4.
    • 2 Pieces of Shiro: Increase both damages and shatter to targets with more than 50% HP by 15/19/22.5/26%.
    • And 2 Pieces of Crow Increase critical damage to targets with less than 60% HP by 24/30/36/42%.

Best Umi Team Build

Tower of Fantasy Umi Team Build - zilliongamer

If you don't have Lin you can also use Shiro and build a full Physical team. 

  • Earn Attack Resonance: Equip at least 2 DPS-type weapons to activate. Increase final damage by 10%, which is team play in further increased to 40%.
  • Elemental Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with effects of the same type.

Weapon Skill

Normal Attack

Basic Technique

While on the ground, use Mobius to launch 5 consecutive attacks.

  • First attack: Deal damage equal to 76.9% of ATK plus 4 and knock the target down.
  • Second attack: Deal damage equal to 84.4% of ATK plus 4 and knock the target down.
  • Third attack: Deal damage equal to 112.1% of ATK plus 6 and knock the target down.
  • Fourth attack: Deal damage equal to 105.5% of ATK plus 6 and drag and drop the target.
  • Fifth attack: Deal damage equal to 265.1% of ATK plus 14 and launch the target.

Air Combo

While airborne, use normal attack to attack 5 times in a row in mid-air, consuming endurance.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 46% of ATK plus 2.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 66.5% of ATK plus 4.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 88.4% of ATK plus 5.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 88.8% of ATK plus 5.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 260.5% of ATK plus 14.

Out of The Blue

While using the Basic technique on the ground, tap and hold a normal attack to trigger out of the blue directly based on the currently locked target. Similar locked-on targets are dealt damage equal to 105% of ATK plus 6 and draw in nearby targets. Larger locked on-targets are dealt damage equal to 85.5% of ATK plus 5 and draw in nearby targets. This skill's shatter is additional increased by 50%.

Stage Rotation

Tap and hold a normal attack while airborne, or use a normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using the jetpack to trigger Pummel. Plummet from the skies, dealing damage equal to 121.5% of ATK plus 6 and launching the target.

Close-Up Magic

Tap and hold normal attack on the ground to charge Anticipation, and release the button to trigger Close-up Magic based on the currently locked target. Smaller locked-on targets are dealt damage equal to 105% of ATK plus 6 and draw in nearby targets. Larger locked-on targets are deal damage equal to 85.5% of ATK plus 5 and draw in nearby targets. This skill shatter is additionally increased by 50%.


Grand Illusion

Tap normal attack during the short period after dodging to trigger Grand illusion, dealing damage equal to 187.2% of ATK plus 10 to nearby targets. This skill's shatter is additionally increased by 50%.


Dodge right before getting hit to trigger Phantasia, reducing the speed of enemies within the area. Become immune to hitstun for 0.5seconds while dodging.


It's Magic Time

Dealing damage with any weapon in the main slot will accrue warmup points. Cooldown: 0.06 seconds. Physical weapons accrue 1 point with each hit, and non-physical weapon accrue 0,5 points with each hit. The number of warm-up points you have are displayed in the Magic Gauge, up to 100 points. When entering battle, immediately gain 100 warmup points. Skills can be cast once there are 100 warmup points in the Magic Gauge. Pull together enemies in a certain area and deal damage equal to 950% of ATK plus 50 to the target. Become temporarly invincible (unavailable in Apex Leauge and the critical Abyss) and reduce the speed of targets.

Different Poker Card combination will activate different Card Magic effects:

Heart + Spade = Psychic Puppet

Heart + Heart = Contradiction Corrosion

Spade + Spade = Card Sweep

Magic Trick ends when switching to another weapon in any way or upon being defeated. Gain hyperbody for 20 seconds when Magic Trick ends. If it ends naturally, it deals additional damage equal to 1,000% of ATK to nearby targets.

Psychic Puppet

Pull out a colony of bats from your hat and enhance yourself. During Magic Trick, physical damage dealt by Mobius is increased by 7.5% and only 60% of the damage taken will be tallied. The remaining 40% will slowly be deducted from your HP over 10 seconds after Magic Trick ends. The delated tally effect only applies when Fortitude Resonance is not active.

Contradiction Corrosion

Immediately recover 10% of Max HP and plant a Corrosion Flower on up to 7 targets within a certain range, which deal damage equal to 260% of ATK every second for 3 seconds.

Card Sweep

Summon a large number of flying cards, forming a hurricane that swarms to targets location, attacking the target up to 12 time and dealing total damage equal to 850% of ATK.


When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder upon switching to this weapon, cas Sleight of hand and gain temporary invincibility (unavailable in Apex league and the Critical Abyss). Upon landing, deal damage equal to 316.2% of ATK plus 17 to the target. After swinging the whip, deal damage equal to 737.8% of ATK plus 39 to the target and strongly launch the target.

Weapon Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Umi Mobius level you need FirecoreNano CoatingBooster Frame. You'll need a higher rarity of these materials when you upgrade your weapon to a higher level.

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Umi awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects:

  • 1200 Points: Increase final damage by 12% for 30 seconds whenever Umi uses it's magic time. This effect does not stack.
  • 4000 Points: Increase final damage by 18% for 30 seconds whenever Umi use it's magic time. This effect does not stack.

To gain Awakening points you must send gift to her character.

Umi Gifts

Discover Tower of Fantasy Gifts and it's awakening points.

  • Gift that awaken +80 Point:
    • Ultimate Warrior
  • Gift that awaken +60 Points:
    • Banges Specialty
    • Smarty Doll
    • A Screenwriter's Blog
    • School Idol Albis
    • Signed Postcard
    • Umi's Poker Deck
  • Gift that awaken +30 points: 
    • Cat throw Pillow
    • Moonrabbit Kit
    • Plush Toy
    • Rabbit Throw Pillow
    • Mirroria Toy Bricks
  • Gift that awaken +20 points:
    • Moonflower Ornament
    • Paper Pinwheel

Gifts one of these to her character to gain awakening points for Umi.

Hope this guide can help you guys to understand more about Umi and have a better build to make her become more stronger in the game.

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