Tower of Fantasy Fenrir Guide | Best Build & Matrices

Fenrir is a New SSR simulacra that introduce into Tower of Fantasy. Guide on which characters should Fenrir team up with, matrices build & gift list.

Character & Weapon Banner Info

Tower of Fantasy Fenrir - zilliongamer

Fenrir is a New SSR DPS simulacra. She was born on February, 13 (Aquarius) in a town called Unknown. She makes her first debut on 9, march 2023, and is ready to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy with her Gleipnir as her main weapon.

Check Fenrir Healer Tier List Here.

Check Fenrir DPS Tier List Here.

  • EN Voice Actor: Corina Boettger
  • JP Voice Actor: SAKURA TANGE

How to Get Fenrir Simulacra

This simulacrum is a limited-time offer character. In order, to get her you need to spend Red Nucleus in the limited-time Chain of Dependency Special Offer.

How to Get Fenrir Matrices

This matrix is also a limited-time offer. You can go to Chain of Dependency special order and spend Special Voucher to get all of her chips.

Weapon Stats & Effects

  • Weapon Name: Gleipnir
  • Type Effect: Volt
  • Shatter: 13.50
  • Charge: 10.50
  • Attack: 19
  • Crit: 13
  • HP: 1165

Volt Type: When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will strongly paralyze targets for 1 second and electrify them for 6 seconds, removing all their buffs and dealing damage equal to 144.00% of ATK. Target can't receive any buff for the next 6 seconds.

Elemental Volt Resonance: Volt resonance increase volt ATK by 15% and volt resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more volt weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with the effect of the same type.

Weapon Advancements

  • 1★: When Su-Paw-Star summons a consciousness and is on cooldown, gain the Aural Fever skill. Ruins to the target and attacks multiple times, dealing damage up to 720% of ATK. Each hit landed slows the enemy for a brief period and restores HP equal to 100% of ATK. The last hit place 2 musical notes on the target. Aural Fever Cooldown: 15 seconds. When 3 or more notes are detonated and the cooldown of Aural Fever is greater than 5 seconds, clear the cooldown of Aural Fever. This effect can only trigger 1 time every 15 seconds.
  • 2★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
  • 3★: While Songworld is active: For every 45% of max HP lost or when using the skill Aural Fever, trigger a Songworld Quake which deals damage equal to 650% of ATK to targets in the songworld. For every 99% of max HP lost, gain 1 escape death (block a lethal effect and become immune to damage for a short time) for 45 seconds, stacking up to 1 time.
  • 4★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
  • 5★: Increase the damage multiplier or musical notes detonation to 40%, and the DOT caused by intoxication to 1.5% of max HP every second. While Songworld is active, Songworld Quake is triggered automatically if it doesn't trigger for 12 seconds while in combat.
  • 6★: Increase crit rate by 18% while wielding Glepnir. The crit rate increase lasts another 5 seconds after switching to other weapons.

Best Matrices for Fenrir

Discover the best Matrices for Fenrir in Tower of fantasy from R to SSR grade.

Tower of Fantasy Fenrir Matrices Build - zilliongamer

  • R Matrix: 3 Pieces of Tenet Guard Increase damage dealt by volt weapons by 6%.
  • SR Matrix3 Piece of Robarg When a target is shattered, poison the target and deal damage equal to 45/56/67.5% of ATK every second for 10s.
  • SSR Matrix: You can use all 4 Fenrir Pieces if you are lucky enough to get all 4 together.
  • OR use 2 Pieces of Crow: Increase critical damage to targets with less than 60% HP by 24/30/36/42%.
  • 2 Pieces of Tian Lang: Every time volt damage is dealt, there is 40% chance of triggering chain lightning, dealing damage equal to 50%/ 60%/90%/120% of Volt ATK to targets, up to 7 targets. Cooldown: 2 seconds. Every time chain lightning is triggered, increase volt damage by 6% for 6 seconds (chain lightning will not trigger attack effects). This effect can not be stacked. This Matrix's effect is also active in the off-hand slot, but only the set with the highest star rating will take effect.

Best Fenrir Team Build

Tower of Fantasy Fenrir Team Build - zilliongamer

Earn Attack Resonance: Equip at least 2 DPS-type weapons to activate. Increase final damage by 10%, which is team play in further increased to 40%.

Volt Team Build Earn Elemental Resonance: Volt resonance increase volt ATK by 15% and volt resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more volt weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with the effect of the same type.

Weapon Skill

Normal Attack


While on the ground, attack 7 times.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 48.6% of ATK plus 4.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 54.1% of ATK plus 5.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 54.1% of ATK plus 5.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 85.4% of ATK plus 7.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 54.1% of ATK plus 5.
  • Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 152.9% of ATK plus 13.
  • Seventh Attack: Deal damage equal to 169% of ATK plus 15.


While airborne or after jumping once, use normal attack to attack 7 times in a row in mid-air.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 52.9% of ATK plus 5.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 60.8% of ATK plus 5.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 60.8% of ATK plus 5.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 105.8% of ATK plus 9.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 79.3% of ATK plus 7.
  • Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 183.4% of ATK plus 16.
  • Seventh Attack: Deal damage equal to 202.8% of ATK plus 18.


While on the ground, tap and hold normal attack during the second to the fourth normal attack to trigger Wolfbite. Charge forward quickly, dealing damage equal to 69% of ATK plus 6 and knocking the target back. After triggering Wolfbite, tap and hold normal attack to trigger upswipe. Swipe upward, dealing damage equal to 93.1% of ATK plus 8 and suspending the target.

Menacing Hunt

While on the ground, tap and hold normal attack during the fifth o the sixth normal attack to trigger Menacing Hunt. Descend from above, gaining temporary invincibility and dealing damage equal to 254.3% of ATK plus 22 and suspending the target.

Thick and Fast

Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (tap when target is available), or tap normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using a Jetpack to trigger Thick and Fast. Descend from above, dealing damage equal to 200% of ATK plus 17 upon landing and suspending surrounding targets. After triggering Thick and fast, tap and hold normal attack again to trigger Roar. Let out a terrifying Roar in all direction and gain temporary invincibility, dealing damage equal to 200% of ATK plus 17 to nearby targets and knocking them back.

Trailing Note

While airborne, tap and hold normal attack when using the second to the seventh unshackle to trigger Trailing Note. Roam through the air multiple times and deal damage equal to 277.3% of ATK plus 24 to surrounding targets.


Each time a target is hit by a normal attack, there is a 50% chance to place 1 musical note on the target that lasts for 15 seconds stacking up to 5 notes. Wolfbite, Menacing Hunt, and Thick and Fast have a 100% chance to place 1 musical note on the target on hit. Musical notes can only be place at least 1 second apart.

Passive: Trailing Note and Melody will detonate all the musical notes on the target on hit, dealing damage equal to 20% of ATK time the number of musical notes detonated. Damage is doubled if 3 or more notes are detonated. Passive: After detonating 2 or more musical notes, cause the target to become intoxicated, dealing damage equal to 1% of Wanderer's max HP every second for 16 seconds. Damage from musical note detonation and intoxication is considered as dodge attack damage.



Attack with claws, dealing damage equal to 210.8% of ATK plus 11 to surrounding targets and knocking them down.


Dodge right before getting hit to triggered Phantasia, which reduces the speed of enemies within the area, and gain hitstun immunity while dodging. Passive: Place a musical note on the target.



Summon a consciousness that is separate from the target, dealing damage equal to 124.1% of ATK plus 7 on hit. Create s Songworld at the wanderer's current location that lasts 30 seconds, in which damage taken by the Wanderer is reduced by 8% while ignoring 20% of the target's defense.

The consciousness has HP equal to 30 times the wanderer's max HP. It can only receive non-passive damage from Gleipnir, and 100% of the damage is transferred to the target's main body (1% for enemy wanderers), while restoring HP equal to 50% of ATK to the wanderer. While the consciousness is active, the wanderer take 12% less damage from the target's main body. The Consciousness will exist for up to 15 seconds. After the consciousness returns to the target's main body, deal area damage equal to 705.4% of ATK plus 38. Recalling the consciousness: The consciousness returns to its main body when it's defeated, when it duration runs out, when a new consciousness is summoned, or when it strays too far from the body. Su-Paw-Star cooldown: 30 seconds.



When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, remove all debuffs from the wielder upon switching to this weapon, them rush to the target and attack, dealing damage up to 661.8% of ATK plus 35 to targets in the area and placing 3 musical notes on them. Briefly become invincible while the skill is active (unavailable in the Critical abyss and Apex Leauge).

Weapon Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Fenrir Gleipnir level you need MagcoreAcidproof GlazeNanoFiber Fame. You'll need a higher rarity of these materials when you upgrade your weapon to a higher level.

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Fenrir awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects:

  • 1200 Points: Increase final damage by 13% when equipping 2 weapons of different types. Increase final damage by 18% when equipping 3 weapons of different types.
  • 4000 Points: Increase final damage by 18% when equipping 2 weapons of different types. Increase final damage by 23% when equipping 3 weapons of different types.

To gain Awakening points you must send gift to her character.

Fenrir Gifts

Discover Tower of Fantasy gifts and it's awakening points.

  • Gift that awaken +80 Point:
    • Smarty Doll
    • Ultimate Warrior Otter
    • School Idol Albis
    • Signed Postcard
  • Gift that awaken +60 Points: 
    • Banges Specialty
    • Crown Token
    • Silver Cookware
    • Warren Fossil
    • A screenwriter's Blog
    • Umi's Poker Deck
  • Gift that awaken +30 points: 
    • Cat throw pillow
    • Moonrabbit Kit
    • Plush Toy
    • Rabbit Throw pillow
    • Gem Necklace
    • Mirroria Toy Bricks
  • Gift that awaken +20 points:
    • Paper Pinwheel
    • Moonflower Ornament

Hope this guide can help you guys to understand more about Fenrir and have a better build to make him become more stronger in the game. 

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