Gnonno Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy

Welcome to the Gnono Team in Tower of Fantasy. Down below are some of the best team comp for Gnono that you can use in the battle with different options. 

Gnonno + Umi + Lyra

In this team, you can use Gnonno (A0) as a main DPS to deal on&off filed DMG, then upgrade Umi (A1) which can decrease the physical resistance of the enemy & deal AoE DMG. 

Lyra (A0) is good support for Gnono to play in a full physical team. Moreover, she can give the team shield and also physical DMG

Gnono Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • Earn Attack Weapon Resonance Effect: Equip at least 2 DPS-type weapons to activate. Increase final damage by 10%, which in team play in further increased to 40%.
  • Earn Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons.

Gnonno + Shiro + Lyra

This is the other choice for Gnono if you can not afford Umi (A1). You can use Shiro (A3) instead, while she is easy to get and also provide a lot of shatter with her Full Bloom skill. 

Gnono Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • Earn Attack Weapon Resonance Effect: Equip at least 2 DPS-type weapons to activate. Increase final damage by 10%, which in team play in further increased to 40%.
  • Earn Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons.

Gnonno + Claudia + Lyra

This is the other Physical team that also goes well with Gnono. Claudia (A1) can deal with good AoE DMG and give faster discharge. Moreover, you can use her skill to dodge enemies and become Immune and also reduce 50% of DMG taken when using Roam Skill.

Gnono Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • Earn Attack Weapon Resonance Effect: Equip at least 2 DPS-type weapons to activate. Increase final damage by 10%, which in team play in further increased to 40%.
  • Earn Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons.

Gnonno + Lyra + Fiona

This team is for a player who loves to play as a support resonance but also still can deal DMG in the game. With Fiona (A0) she can give Faster energy discharge & maelstrom and increase HP when activating Benediction Resonance. 

Gnono Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • Earn Benediction Weapon Resonance Effect: Equip at least 2 support-type weapons to activate. Increase healing by 100%, which in team play is further increased by 100%.
  • Earn Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons.

Gnonno + Umi + Claudia

Gnonno Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • Earn Attack Weapon Resonance Effect: Equip at least 2 DPS-type weapons to activate. Increase final damage by 10%, which in team play in further increased to 40%.
  • Earn Physical Resonance: Increase physical ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons.

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