Tower of Fantasy Fei Se Guide | Best Build & Matrices

Fei Se is a New SSR simulacra that introduce into Tower of Fantasy. Guide on which characters should Fei Se team up with, matrices build & gift list.

Check out all Fei Se information and Build guide down below:

Character & Weapon Banner Info

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Fei Se is a New SSR DPS simulacra. She was born on August, 23 in a town called Phantom Palace. She made her first debut on 26th, September 2023, and is ready to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy with her Endless Bloom as her main weapon. 

  • EN Voice Actor: Alexis Tipton
  • JP Voice Actor: N?A
  • Chinese Voice Actor: CHEN YANYI

How to Get Fei Se Simulacra

This simulacra is a limited-time offer character. In order, to get her you need to spend Red Nucleus on the Limited-time Elegance & Poise Offer.

How to Get Fei Se Matrices

This matrix is also a limited-time offer. You can go to Elegance & Poise Offer Matrix Special Order and spend a Special Voucher to get all of her chips.

Weapon Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Endless Bloom level you need Magcore, Nano Coating, Booster Frame. You'll need a higher rarity of these material when you upgrade your weapon to a higher level.

Weapon Stats & Effects

  • Weapon Name: Endless Bloom
  • Type Effect: Flame
  • Shatter: 14.00
  • Charge: 12.00
  • Attack: 18
  • Crit: 1165
  • HP: 14

Flame Damage Type: When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will Ignite the target for 8 seconds, dealing damage equal to 58.00% of ATK every second. While Ignited, target's healing effect is reduced by 50%.

Elemental Flame Resonance:  Increase flame ATK by 15% and flame resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more flame weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with effects of the same type.

Fiery Explosion: Swift Cut: When Endless Bloom is equipped, upon landing a hit with any weapon's discharge skill, deal initial damage equal to 37.5% of Flame ATK plus 0.5% of the Wanderer's Max HP plus 18.75% of the sum of all the wanderer's resistance types plus 68.75% of crit to nearby targets. While in combat, after every 0.5 seconds, the next swift cut damage will be increased by an additional 1 time, up to a maximum of 30 times. When multiple Swift Cut damages exist, the highest initial value is used for calculation.

Fiery Explosion: Swift cut damage is counted as discharge skill damage. If there is frost / volt/ physical weapon of any kind equipped, Fiery Explosion damage is increased to 1.3 times. In addition, Fiery Explosion damage is not effects except from titan equipment's rare stats, and won't trigger additional attack effects.

Weapon Advancements

  • 1★: Blazing Heart's damage's base multiplier is increased to 60% of ATK. While in the combat state, if the wanderer inflicts multiple burn effects, Blazing Heart's damage's base multiplier is additionally increased to that of the highest multiplier effect. 
  • 2★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%.
  • 3★: The maximum number of Fei Se Phantasia is increased to 2. After Whirling lands a hit, additionally create 1 Fei Se's Phantasia.
  • 4★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
  • 5★: For every 1 Fei Se's Phantasia or Lotus Petal in the Mirage, Blazing Heart's damage is additionally increased by 12%. Lotus Aspara's endurance consumption is reduced by 75%.
  • 6★: Soulwear damage's base multiplier is increased to 270% of ATK, shatter is doubled, and after landing a hit there is a 15% chance to inflict a 65% delay for 2 seconds (Ineffective against) bosses in team play and unavailable in Apex League.

Best Matrices for Fei Se

Discover the Best matrices for Fe Sei in Tower of Fantasy from R to SSR grade.

Fei Se Matrix Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • R Matrix: Use 3 Pieces of Explosive Core to Increase damage dealt by Flame weapons by 6%.
  • SR Matrix: Use 3 Pieces of Sobel to Increase damage dealt by 6/7.5/9% for each enemy nearby. Up to 3 stacks.
  • SSR Matrix: You can use all 4 Fei Se matrix if you are lucky enough to get all 4 together.
    • 2 Pieces of Huma:  Hitting targets with Dodge skills inflicts bleed, dealing damage equal to 15/19/22.5/26% of the ATK every second for 5s.
    • 2 Pieces of Shiro: Increase both damage and shatter to targets with more than 50% HP by 15/19/22.5/26%.

Best Fei Se Team Build

Fei Se Team Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

Check out Other Fei Se Best Team Comp

Weapon Skill

Normal Attack


While on the ground, use normal attacks to launch 6 attacks in a row.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 82% of ATK + 4 and knock the target back .
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equals 122% of ATK + 6 and knock the target back .
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 132% of ATK + 7 and knock the target down.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 144% of ATK + 8 and suspend the target.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 146% of ATK + 8 and knock the target down.
  • Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 115% of ATK + 6 and draw in the target.

Shifting Clouds

While airborne, use normal attack to launch 6 consecutive attacks in mid-ar, consuming endurance.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 72% of ATK + 4 .
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equals 98% of ATK + 5.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 142% of ATK + 7.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 142% of ATK + 7.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 173% of ATK + 9.
  • Sixth Attack: Deal damage equal to 144% of ATK + 8.

Golden Autumn

While on the ground, tap and hold normal attacks when using the first to third normal attacks to trigger Golden Autumn. Draw in nearby targets, dealing equal to 259% of ATK + 14 and suspending them.

Resounding Pendants

While using on the ground, tap and hold normal attack when using the fourth to sixth normal attacks to trigger Resounding Pendants. Deal damage equal to 158% of ATK + 8 and knock the targets back.

Lotus Aspara

When on the ground or while airborne, tap and hold a normal attack to trigger Lotus Aspara. Soar ahead continuously in the air while consuming endurance. Use the direction controls to adjust the direction during Lotus Aspara.

Falling Flowers

During Shifting Clouds, tap and hold a normal attack to trigger Falling Flowers. Descend from above. After landing, deal damage equal to 74% of ATK + 4 to nearby targets and launch them.


Dodge right before getting hit to trigger Phantasia, reducing the speed of targets within the area. Become immune to hitstun while dodging.


Use normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (use a direction button before dodging) to trigger FLower Scatter, dealing damage equal to 209% of ATK + 11 to nearby targets.

During Mirage Fantasy created by Whirling, after the first dodge attack using any weapon lands a hit, trigger Flower Graft, creating a Fei Se's Phantasia and Lotus Petals.

  • Fei Se's Phantasia: Upon creation, Fei Se's Phantasia copies 25% of the target's Max ATK and coverts it to the wanderer's base Flame ATK (not lower than 3,300 and not exceeding 3,450, this flame ATK will not be reflected on the Wanderer's stats and is unavailable in Apex Leauge) until Fei Se's Phantasia disappears. This is calculated independently for each Fei Se's Phantasia. There can be only 1 Fei Se's Phantasia at a time.
  •  Lotus Petal: Upon creation, the Lotus Petal count is equal to the number of summons created by the Wanderer's weapon other than Endless Bloom. After creation, the Lotus Petal count does not change with the number of summons. Lotus Petals are considered as summons.


Use normal attack during the short period after dodging to trigger Flutter, dealing damage equal to 120% of ATK plus 6 to nearby targets.



When whirling is in cooldown, gain the new skill, Lissom. Lissom can be used after the mirage has been active for 20 seconds. Clear all Fei Se's Phantasias and Lotus Petal in the Mirage created by the Wanderer. For every 1 Fei Se's Phantasia or Lotus Petal cleared, deal damage equal to 180% of ATK plus 9 nearby targets. Then shatter the Mirage Fantasy, dealing damage equal to 450% of ATK + 24 to nearby targets.


Unparalleled Jade Pool

When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, upon switching to this weapon, remove all debuffs from the Wanderer, dealing damage equal to 1090 of ATK plus 57. During this period, gain damage immunity for 1.5 seconds(unavailable in Apex League).

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Fei Se awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects:

  • 1200 Points: After using Whirling, for every 1 flame weapon equipped, Increase final damage by 4.5% for 30 seconds.
  • 4000 Points: After using Whirling, for every 1 flame weapon equipped, Increase final damage by 9% for 30 seconds.

Fei Se Gifts

Discover Tower of Fantasy Fei Se gifts and it's awakening points.

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