Tower of Fantasy Ming Jing Guide | Best Build & Matrices

Ming Jing is a New SSR simulacra that introduce into Tower of Fantasy. Guide on which characters should Ming Jing team up with, matrices build & gift list.

Character & Weapon Banner Info

Tower of Fantasy Ming Jing

Ming Jing is a New SSR DPS simulacra. He was born on November, 12 in a town called Domain 9. He make his first debut on the 8th, August 2023, and is ready to explore the world of Tower of Fantasy with his Onyx Tortoise as his main weapon.

  • EN Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch
  • JP Voice Actor: N/A
  • Chinese Voice Actor: Ma Yang

How to Get Ming Jing Simulacra

This simulacra is a limited-time offer character. In order, to get him you need to spend Red Nucleus on the limited-time Shadow of the Pasts Special offer.

How to Get Ming Jing Matrices

This matrix is also a limited-time offer. You can go to Shadow of the Past Matrix and spend Special Voucher to get all of his chips.

Weapon Stats & Effects 

  • Weapon Name: Onyx Tortoise
  • Type Effect: Grievous Damage
  • Shatter: 14.00
  • Charge: 12.00
  • Attack: 19
  • Crit: 13
  • HP:  1165

Grievous Damage Type: When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will cause enemies to become grievous for 7 seconds, increasing their damage received by 20% and dealing damage equal to 137.00% of ATK. When in team play, grievous targets receive an additional 20% physical damage.

Elemental Resonance:  Increase physical  ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons. This set effect also works with weapons in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with other Physical Resonance or Physical Resonance taking precedence. 

Flame Resonance: Increase flame ATk by 15% and flame resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more flame weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with other Flame resonance effects, with flame resonance taking precedence.

  • Shield Break: Detachment: After using Absolute Ravine, every second, deal damage equal to 70% of physical ATK plus 1% of the Wanderer's Max HP plus 36% of the sum of all the wanderer's resistance types plus 135% of crit for 30 seconds to targets hit. Multiple Detachment damage will not stack and shield break damage will be counted as skill damage. If there is 1 volt/flame/frost weapon equipped, shield break damage is multiplied by 1.3. In addition, shield break damage is not affected by any damage boost effects except from titan equipment's rare stats, and won't trigger additional attack effects.

Weapon Advancements

  • 1★: Every time grievous is applied, deal devouring damage equal to 50% of ATK to the target. This effect can only be triggered 1 time every 0.5 seconds. Every time the weapon's ignite trait is applied to a non-grievous target, the target becomes grievous for 7 seconds.
  • 2★:  Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 16%. 
  • 3★: After triggering Mighty Wind, turn targets hit into members of the Serpent Chain.
  • 4★: Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%.
  • 5★: After using Absolute Ravine, reduce the Wanderer's damage taken by 10% (20% in solo play) for 30 seconds.
  • 6★: When there is 1 Serpent Chain member, Increase conduction damage's conduction rate to 50%.

Best Matrices for Ming Jing

Discover the best Matrices for Ming Jing in Tower of Fantasy from R to SSR grade.

Tower of Fantasy Ming Jing Matrix Build

  • R Matrix: 3 Pieces of Provocateurs: Increase damage dealt by physical weapons by 6%.
  • SR Matrix: 3 Pieces of Robarg: When a target is shattered, poison the target and deal damage equal to 45/56/67.5% of ATK every second for 10s.
  • SSR Matrix: 4 Pieces of Ming Jing: Is the best SSR matrix if you guys lucky enough to get all 4 chips.
    • OR Use 4 Pieces of Lyra: When dealing physical damage, increase physical damage by 2.7% with a cooldown of 0.1% seconds. Stack up to 5 times, and increase physical damage by an additional 3.5% / 7% / 10.5%/ 14% for 5 seconds. Only the highest star rating's effect is applied when obtained repeatedly. Obtain 1 block for each dodge, blocking damage up to 60% of current HP, but not less than 20% of Max HP. Stack up to 3 blocks for 10 seconds.
    • OR Use 2 Pieces of Shiro to Increase both damage and shatter to targets with more than 50% HP by 15/19/22.5/26% & 2 Pieces of Samir Increase damage progressively by 1% upon hitting a target. Stack up to 10/13/16/20 times. Last for 1.5s

Best Ming Jing Team Build

Tower of Fantasy Ming Jing Team Build

Check out Best Ming Jing Team Comp 2023 Here.

Recommend: You can switch and Use Liu Huo, Lan, and Umi to team up with Ming Jing.

  • Elemental Resonance:  Increase physical  ATK by 15% and physical resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more physical weapons. This set effect also works with weapons in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with other Physical Resonance or Physical Resonance taking precedence. 

Weapon Skill

Normal Attack


While on the ground, use a normal attack to launch 5 consecutive attacks. While the Xuanwu Totem is active, after Resistor's fifth attack lands its final hit, add 1 snake bite to the locked-on target.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 131.6% of ATK plus 7 and knock the target back.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 186.8% of ATK plus 10 and knock the target back.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 201.6% of ATK plus 11 and knock the target back.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 238% of ATK plus 13 and suspend the target.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 378% of ATK plus 20 and launch the target.

Flying Stone

While airborne, use a normal attack to launch 5 consecutive attacks in mid-air, consuming endurance.

  • First Attack: Deal damage equal to 112.8% of ATK plus 6.
  • Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 168% of ATK plus 9.
  • Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 164.2% of ATK plus 9.
  • Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 140.2% of ATK plus 7.
  • Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 228% of ATK plus 12.

Othershore Soul

While using normal attack on the ground, tap and hold normal attack when using the first to fourth normal attacks to trigger othershore soul. Toss you weapon ahead, dealing damage equal to 212.4% of ATK plus 11 to nearby targets.

Collapsing Mountain

While on the ground, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Collapsing Mountain. Continuously move forward while attacking and consuming endurance, dealing damage equal to 240% of ATK plus 13 to nearby targets.

In Continuity

Tap and hold normal attack while airborne (tap when a target is available), or use normal attack while climbing, jumping backward, or using the jetpack to trigger in Continuity. Dive down from above, dealing damage equal to 204% o ATK plus 11 to nearby targets upon reaching the ground.


Dodge right before getting hit to trigger Phantasia, reducing the speed of targets within the area. Become immune to hitstun while dodging.

Open Clouds

Use normal attack during the short perfect dodge window (tap an arrow button before dodging) to trigger Open Clouds, dealing damage equal to 60% of ATK plus 3 to nearby targets. While the Xuanwu Totem is active, after open cloud lands a hit, add 1 snake bite to the locked-on target.

Cutting Sand

Use normal attack during the short period after dodging to trigger Cutting sand, unleashing a sword aura, dealing damage equal to 125% of ATK plus 7 to targets ahead. While the Xuanwu Totem is active, after Cutting Sand lands a hit, add 1 snake bite to the locked-on target.


Tap and Hold normal attack right after dodging to trigger Lookout (unavailable in Apex League). After the Xuanwu Totem summoned by Absolute Ravine is completed, use lookout to enter Selfless Realm for 25 seconds and gain 3 Dark Slashes.

After the first successful normal or dodge attack from Onyx Tortoise lands a hit, trigger Dark Slash. If the target is an ordinary elite enemy and their current HP doesn't exceed the Wanderer's Max ATK by more than 20000 times, the target will be immediately executed. Otherwise, deal damage equal to 1,500% of ATK. Selfless Realm ends when its duration is over, the Dark Selfless Realm can only be triggered 1 time every 200 seconds. 


Absolute Ravine

Split a crack in the ground ahead, gain temporary invincibility (unavailable in Apex League), and draw in nearby targets, dealing damage equal to 806% of ATK plus 42. Cooldown: 20 seconds. Increase the Wanderer's physical and flame damage by 26% for 30 seconds, and then summon the Xuanwu Totem. The Xuanwu Totem is removed while in the non-combat state. The Xuanwu Totem summons dark souls from the four formation cores every 0.6 seconds, each time dealing damage equal to 30% of ATK to targets along the way. When Absolute Ravine is in cooldown, gain the new skill Mirror Reflections: Strike back the nearby dark souls and activate their corresponding formation core. After any formation core is activated, the Xuanwu Totem will be complete, and the Selfless Realm can be entered.

While the Xuanwu Totem is active, use Onyx Tortoise to gain hyper body, and snake bites can be applies in the following ways: 

  • After Absolute Ravine lands a hit, apply 1 snake bite to the target with the highest HP.
  • After Resistor's fifth attack lands, its final hit, apply 1 snake bite to the locked-on target.
  • After Open Clouds lands a hit, apply 1 snake bite to the locked-on target.
  • After Cutting Sand lands a hit, add 1 snake bite to the locked-on target.
  • Snake bite deals devouring damage equal to 150% of ATK to the target, restore 12% of the Wanderer's Max HP, and makes the target a Serpent Chain member.

Serpent Chain can transfer 30% of the actual damage dealt by the Wandere's main slot weapon to the locked-on Serpent Chain member and cause grievous to be conducted to all Serpent Chain members (including the locked-on target themselves). There can be up to 4 Serpent Chain members. Conduction damage element type following the original damage cannot be conducted again. The total conduction damage within 30 seconds should not exceed 2400 times of the Wanderer's maximum ATK (unlimited in team play). Dark Slash damage cannot be conducted. After using Absolute Ravine, the Wanderer can also trigger Mighty Wind: Serpent Chain members deal damage equal to the number of times devouring damage has been dealt multiplied by 25% of ATK to nearby targets (including the locked-on target themselves), then reset the devouring damage count.


Way Home

When weapon charge is full or Phantasia is triggered, upon switching to this weapon, remove all debuffs from the Wanderer and summon Xunawu, dealing area damage equal to 681.2% of ATK plus 36 to all nearby targets. During this period, gain damage immunity for 1.5 seconds.(Unavailable in Apex Leauge)

Weapon Upgrade Materials

To upgrade Ming Jing Onyx Tortoise level you need RockcoreNano Coating, Booster Frame. You'll need a higher rarity of these materials when you upgrade your weapon to a higher level.

Character Awakening Traits

Discover Ming Jing awakening in Tower of Fantasy points required and trait effects:

  • 1200 Points: Increase final damage by 12%. The Wandere's base physical ATK is increased to the highest value out of their physical/flame/frost/volt base ATK. When the main slot weapon is Onyx Tortoise, normal attack damage is increased by 30%.
  • 4000 Points: Increase final damage by 18%. The Wandere's base physical ATK is increased to the highest value out of their physical/flame/frost/volt base ATK. When the main slot weapon is Onyx Tortoise, normal attack damage is increased by 50%.

Ming Jing Gifts

Discover Tower of Fantasy gifts and it's awakening points.

  • Gift that awaken +80 Point:
    • Aida Comic
    • Angela Ornament
    • A Screenwriter's Blog
    • Agarwood Fan
  • Gift that awaken +60 Points: 
    • 3D Hykros Puzzle
    • Banges Specialty
    • Crown Token
    • Limited Peanut Figurine
    • Limited Tata Figurine
    • Metal Alf Figurine
    • Music Box
    • New Gam Console
    • Silver Cookware
    • Smarty Doll
    • Snow Globe
    • Void Angel Figurine
    • Warren Fossil
    • School Idol Linnie
  • Gift that awaken +30 points: 
    • Inkwell
    • Perfume Bottle
    • Tailor-Made Suit
    • Vitamin Pack
    • Cat Throw Pillow
    • Chess Set
    • Coloring Book
    • Crazy Dumont Figurine
    • Gem Necklace
    • Meteorite in a Bottle
    • Moonrabbit Kit
    • New Kalka Ornament
    • Plush Toy
  • Gift that awaken +20 points:
    • Wool Scarf
    • Custom Poker Deck
    • Dumbbells
    • Flower Bouquet
    • Mini Potted Plant
    • Nice Picture Frame
    • Paper Pinwheel
    • Postcard of Aida
    • Retro Harmonica
    • Snack Box
    • Moonflower Ornament

Hope this guide can help you guys to understand more about Ming Jing and have a better build to make her become more stronger in the game.

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