Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy

Welcome to the Fiona Team in Tower of Fantasy. Down below are some of the best team comp for Fiona that you can use in the battle with different options.

Lin + Fiona + Lan

Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  • Use Lin (Moonlight Realm) skill then switch to Lan Skill follow up with Fiona (Hydro Focus & Wellspring) then Use fiona to attack until all the team skill reset.
  • You can also use Lan Discharge follow up with Lin (Moonlight Realm) skill and then use Lan Skill plus Fiona Discharge.

Lin + Fiona + Icarus

Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

  •  Use Fiona (Hydro Focus)Skill then use Lin Skill plus Attack Chain and will gain Discharge point.
  • After that use Icarus Discharge & cancel it immediately to gain 2 Yoyo Sub skill to combo with Icarus Skill. 
  • Then Use Fiona (Torrential Force) skill switch to Icarus it will gain other 2 YoYo sub-skills.

Fenrir + Fiona + Tian Lang

Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

This is the Fiona Volt team that gives you a lot of playstyle combo in the fight.

  • You can go with Fiona(Hydro Focus) + Tian Lang (Dubhe). 
  • Use Fenrir (Su-Paw-Star) then follow up with Fiona (WellSpring) & use Fenrir Claw. 
  • Use Fenrir Dodge Attack + Plunge Attack 3 times then Tian Lang Discharge. 
  • Use Fenrir (Claw) plus dodge attack x2 then use Fiona Discharge.

Umi + Fiona + Claudia

Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

This is Fiona Physical Team that give you more playstyle combos in the fight.

  • Use Fiona (Hydro Focus) follow up with Claudia (Roam) skill.
  • Use Double Spade Card for single target then use Umi to attack to use Claudia Discharge then follow up with Claudia (Roam) Skill.

Annabella + Fiona + Lan

Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

This is the Fiona Flame Team that give more buff and executes to DPS Flame team.

  • Use Fiona Skill (Hydro Focus & Wellspring) then use Annabella skill to dodge attack with up Bullets.
  • Combo Lan Discharge & Lan Skill then follow up with Fiona Discharge. 

Fiona + Icarus + Alyss

Fiona Best Team Comp | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

 This is Fiona Frost team that give a lot of playstyle combos in the fight.

  • Use Fiona (Hydro Focus) Follow up with Alyss attack to gain discharge point & use Alyss skill + Icarus Discharge.
  • Click Icarus Discharge then cancel his Discharge. It will gain 2 YoYo Sub Skill when using Icarus (Desolate).
  • Use Fiona (Torrential Force) then gain 2 Yoyo sub-skill and then use Fiona discharge.

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