V4.7 New Update in Tower of Fantasy

Here are some information about the upcoming patch update inside the game. The New Patch Update Called Starfall Radiance will be updated on 25, February 2025.

New Simulacra Debut

As always the game will release the New Simulacra debut every patch update in Tower of Fantasy. In this upcoming V4.7 Patch Starfall Radiance, The New Antoria Simulacra will make her debut inside the game. 

V4.7 New Simulacra Debut | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

Antoria Weapon Stats

  • Grade: SSR
  • Element: TBD (Possibly Volt & Frost)
  • Shatter: 16.00
  • Charge: 14.00
  • ATK:19
  • HP: 1165
  • CRIT: 13

Antoria Flying Mode

V4.7 New Flying Mode | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

This Antoria Flying Mode is way too good it is different from Rubilia & Lyra Flying because this Antoria Flying Mode can fly any direction she wants Upward, Downward with a special rainbow effect coming out of her wings. 

Antoria A0 & A3 Skins

Down below are some of the display Skin for Antoria with A0 & A3 inside the game.

V4.7 A0 & A3 Antoria Skins | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

New Raid Boss

V4.7 New Raid Boss | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

This V4.7 Update brings the New Raid Boss called Asurada Raid Boss inside the game. This is the first time we see the Simulacra Raid Boss Event which allows players to team up with their friends and defeat the Raid Boss Challenge to win the rewards back.

New Personal Card Item

V4.7 New Personal Card Item | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

As you know Personal Card System allows players to show their Achievements or other information inside the game. In this V4.7 the game has added a lot of New Personal Card Items that allows players to customize their Personal Cards with a new look and make it more attractive.    

New Dance Emote & New UI Chat

V4.7 New UI Chat | Tower of Fantasy - zilliongamer

Also, the game has added a new Dance Emote for players called Dance 4. Besides that, they seem to have improved the New UI Chat that allows improving the font side & more space to make it easy to read the World Chat. 


This is all the information that we got from the upcoming V4.7 Patch Update in Tower of Fantasy. If there is more update in the future we will update our Article as soon as possible. 

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