V4.5 New Update in Tower of Fantasy

fHere is some new information about the upcoming patch Update inside the game. As you know, The New Version update, V4.5, will be coming on 24th December. Below are the new updates that will be available inside the game. 

New Simulacra Update

As you already know, the game always introduces the new simulacra every patch update in Tower of Fantasy. In the upcoming V4.5 Patch update The New Claudia Storm Eye will make her debut inside Tower of Fantasy.   

Tower of Fantasy New Simulacra | Claudia Storm Eye - zilliongamer

Claudia Storm Eye is a New SSR DPS simulacra. She is an Armor Dissolve (Physical & Flame) Element Type character that using Red Wind as her main Weapon.

Red Wind Stats

  • Grade: SSR
  • Element: Armor Dissolve (Physical & Flame)
  • Shatter: 16.00
  • Charge: 14.00
  • ATK: 19
  • HP: 1165
  • CRIT: 13

New Gear Level Cap

Tower of Fantasy New Gear Level Cap | Claudia Storm Eye - zilliongamer

And for the Gear Level Cap section, In the next V4.5 Update, the Level Cap of the Gear section will be up to Level 70 for every gear. Don't forget to save up your Mats materials level up your gear and get more CS power for fight.  

New Dorm Interaction For Gray Fox

Tower of Fantasy New Gray Fox Dorm | Claudia Storm Eye - zilliongamer

This might be the good news for Gray Fox players. In the V4.5 Patch update, the game will add the New Dorm Interaction For Gray Fox Simulacra. You can purchase any Dorm Furniture, Interaction & Clothing for Gray Fox inside the Dorm Store don't forget to save up for a Dorm Voucher for the next V4.5 Update. 

New Area in Network Map

Tower of Fantasy New Gaintic Hole Area | Claudia Storm Eye - zilliongamer

The Game also brought out the new Gaintic Hole Area inside the Network Map. This Area may related to the new Quest Story Line in this V4.5 update. Unfortunately, for those who waiting for the New Map update, we haven't seen any information related to it yet. Hopefully, in the next V4.6 Patch the 3rd Anniversary of Tower of Fantasy the game will release the new map for us.

New Accessory & Emote

Inside the Accessories Selection part. The game will bring the new 2 Head Accessories featuring "The Legend Sandy Screaming Chicken" & "The Goose Goose Duck" that's kind of fun having these 2 accessories on the top of your head and rotating around the map.

Tower of Fantasy New Accessory | Claudia Storm Eye - zilliongamer

Besides that, the game also updated a New Emote UI that you can purchase for the Emote Store in the Domain 9 Tianhe Bazaar Map with the cost of 10,000 Dominium Currency for the whole pack of 16 emotes that's a crazy deal right there. 

Tower of Fantasy New Emote | Claudia Storm Eye - zilliongamer

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