Best Old Murk-Eye Builds for Warcraft Rumble

Tired of struggling to climb the Warcraft Rumble ranks? Old Murk-Eye could be the key to your competitive success. His potent abilities and synergy with other murloc units give him the potential to dominate the battlefield. Learn the secrets behind the most successful Old Murk-Eye builds, and watch your win rate soar.

Murloc Mania - Old Murk-Eye's Build Guide

This build demonstrates a potent mix of frontline power and rapid aggression. You've got a solid tanky foundation that can absorb damage and engage the enemy directly. This tankiness allows a swarm of smaller, faster units to close in, delivering a barrage of attacks.

Old-Murk Eye | Warcraft RumbleOld Murk-EyeVeteran murloc leader spawns more Tidehunters with each gold spent.
Prowler | Warcraft RumbleProwler
Speedy melee tank, rushes in to protect allies or take distant objectives.
Murloc Tidehunters | Warcraft RumbleMurloc Tidehunters
Cheap and quick, they support other tanks and snag loot while vulnerable alone.
Warsong Grunts | Warcraft RumbleWarsong Grunts
Slow at first, then squad gains attack speed, becoming a whirlwind of damage.
Gnoll Brute | Warcraft RumbleGnoll Brute
Hardy tank who cleaves through squad units or deals splash damage.
Whelp Eggs | Warcraft RumbleWhelp Eggs
Surprise your foes, these hatch into a fiery flock of flying whelps.
Raptors | Warcraft RumbleRaptors
Swift attackers, each use spawns another, but the cost increases.

What this build does well:

  • Fast and adaptable: Units like Prowlers, Tidehunters, and Raptors offer quick movement for securing objectives or responding to threats. The potential to spawn additional units gives you flexibility.
  • Swarming potential: If you manage your gold well, you can flood the field with Murlocs, Whelps, and Raptors, overwhelming opponents who lack area-of-effect damage.
  • Distraction tactics: Eggs and Raptors force your opponent to make difficult choices about where to focus their attention.

Things to watch out for:

  • Lack of ranged power: This build is primarily melee, making it potentially vulnerable to strong ranged attackers or defensive structures.
  • Area-of-effect damage: Spells or units that deal damage to an area can quickly devastate your swarms.
  • Gold management: Key units rely on spending gold for their full potential. Poor gold management will hinder your effectiveness.

How to play this build:

  • Aggression: Take the initiative early, push your opponent back, and control objectives.
  • Calculated risks: Decide when it's worth spending extra gold for additional units or buffs.
  • Adapt: Keep an eye on your opponent's composition and adjust your strategy, do they have the tools to dismantle your swarms?

Overall of this build:

This Old Murk-Eye build prioritizes speed, aggression, and the ability to overwhelm opponents with numbers. It's a fun and potentially chaotic playstyle, but be cautious of its weaknesses and be ready to adapt on the fly.

Mayhem & Mischef - Old Murk Eye's Build Guide

This build combines direct aggression with surprise tactics. You have a sturdy frontline that can sustain itself, along with units capable of striking from unexpected angles (burrowing or flying). It also focuses on disrupting your opponent's gold flow, potentially slowing them down while you build up your own forces.

Old-Murk Eye | Warcraft RumbleOld Murk-EyeVeteran murloc leader spawns more Tidehunters with each gold spent.
Quilboar | Warcraft RumbleQuilboar
Sneaky burrower, takes time to emerge but then deals surprise damage.
Murloc Tidehunters | Warcraft RumbleMurloc Tidehunters
Cheap and quick, they support other tanks and snag loot while vulnerable alone.
Ghoul | Warcraft RumbleGhoul
Self-sustaining tank, gains health by feasting on fallen enemies.
Execute | Warcraft RumbleExecute
Devastating spell, instantly removes half a target's health.
Gryphon Rider | Warcraft RumbleGryphon Rider
Versatile flying attacker, damages both air and ground units.
Dark Iron Miner | Warcraft RumbleDark Iron Miner
Resource booster, deploy behind enemy lines for extra gold mining.

What this build does well:

  • Sustainability: The Ghoul's self-healing and your focus on disrupting enemy gold gives this build staying power.
  • Surprise attacks: The Quilboar can catch opponents off-guard, especially when combined with distracting frontline pushes.
  • Versatility: You have a mix of ground and air units, along with a powerful direct-damage spell, making you adaptable to many situations

Things to watch out for:

  • Early vulnerability: The Quilboar takes time to set up, and your other units might require careful positioning in the early game.
  • Overextending: Don't get too focused on mining behind enemy lines – neglecting your main force can be dangerous.
  • Big threats: If the opponent has a single, very powerful unit, Execute might not be enough to stop them.

How to play this build:

  • Patience in the early game: Focus on defense and resource gathering until key units are ready.
  • Maximize disruption Use the Quilboar to force your enemy to react, and use your miner to sap their gold flow.
  • Prioritize targets wisely: Your Execute spell is powerful, but has limited uses. Target high threats with it.

Overall of this build:

This build rewards players who take a calculated and disruptive approach. It's less about overwhelming force and more about wearing your opponent down through attrition and surprise attacks, while still having tools for direct confrontation if needed.

Pinpoint Assault - Old Murk-Eye Build Guide

This build combines a sturdy frontline with devastating targeted attacks. You have tanks to engage the enemy, while ranged and flying units deliver high-damage strikes. Your powerful spell can significantly weaken a single target, giving you an advantage in direct fights.

Old-Murk Eye | Warcraft RumbleOld Murk-EyeVeteran murloc leader spawns more Tidehunters with each gold spent.
Quilboar | Warcraft RumbleQuilboar
Sneaky burrower, takes time to emerge but then deals surprise damage.
Harpies | Warcraft RumbleHarpies
Fragile flying attackers, devastating if they reach their target.
Stonehoof Tauren | Warcraft RumbleStonehoof Tauren
Durable tank, charges into battle, disrupting foes.
Execute | Warcraft RumbleExecute
Devastating spell, instantly removes half a target's health.
Darkspear Troll | Warcraft RumbleDarkspear Troll
High-damage ranged unit, strong against flying enemies.
Bat Rider | Warcraft RumbleBat Rider
Flying attacker, blankets the ground in fire, avoiding melee fighters.

What this build does well:

  • Focused firepower: The build has multiple units/spells that excel at eliminating high-priority targets quickly.
  • Disruption: The charging Tauren and burrowing Quilboar can force your opponent to reposition, giving you an opening.
  • Anti-air capability: Your ranged units specialize in countering flying threats.

Things to watch out for:

  • Fragility: Your Harpies and Darkspear Troll are powerful but vulnerable if focused.
  • Area-of-effect threats: Spells or units that deal damage to an area can quickly devastate your units.
  • Positioning Errors Leaving your damage dealers exposed can lead to quick losses.

How to paly this build:

  • Protect your backline: Position your Tauren to shield your ranged units.
  • Isolate threats: Use Execute and your ranged attackers to quickly eliminate key enemy units.
  • Force Reactions: The Tauren charge and Quilboar can disrupt enemy formations – use the chaos to your advantage.

Overall of this build:

This build is about overwhelming force and precision strikes. Your frontline disrupts the enemy, allowing you to pinpoint and eliminate their most dangerous threats. Play carefully to protect your key damage dealers, and you'll find this build very rewarding.

Other Leaders Builds Guide

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End of Old Murk-Eye's Builds Guide.