League of Legends Wild Rift - Champions Guide
- League of Legends Wild Rift
- 2025-03-26 10:02 PM
- By : Ratanak
All Posts In - Champions Guide
Sett Guide, Abilities, Build, & Matchups
Last updated on: 2025-03-27 10:02 PMSett Guide - League of Legends Wild Rift Set The boss is a fighter champion that deal physical damage and play in solo lane. View Sett guide, abilities, build, and matchups here.Jayce Guide, Abilities, Build, & Matchups
Last updated on: 2025-03-28 10:02 PMJayce is a Fighter role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Jayce is a Melee champion and can also transform to a Range champion when he actives his ultimate. Find Jayce's guide, abilities, build, and matchups here.Seraphine Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-20 10:02 PMSeraphine is a Support and Mage Role in League of Legends Wild Rift. his champion provide defense to the team and output magic damage. Find out more about Seraphine Abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Evelynn Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-27 10:00 PMEvelynn is in Assassin role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Evelynn has abilities to deals extra magic damage to her enemy, charming, and execute ultimate. Find Evelynn guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Kai'Sa Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-22 10:02 PMKai'Sa is in marksman role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Kai'Sa is a range champion that deal physical damage, good mobility, and long range dash ultimate. Find Kai'Sa guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Draven Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-28 10:00 PMDraven is in marksman role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Draven is a range champion that deal physical damage with his axe, slow ability, but hard to master. Find Draven guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Akali Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-10 10:02 PMAkali is in assassin role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Zed is a melee champion that deals physical damage with spell cast abilities, invisible and dash as she uses her ultimate. Find Akali guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Darius Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-23 10:02 PMDarius is in fighter role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Darius has his abilities to deal more physical damage, hook and slow the enemy. Find Darius guide abilities, counters, and skins here.Singed Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-26 10:01 PMSinged is a tank / mage role in League of Legends Wild Rift. Singed has great mobility, and very good split pushing technique. Find out more about Singed abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Lee Sin Guide, Abilities, Counters & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-27 10:00 PMLee Sin is in fighter and assassin roles of League of Legends Wild Rift. Lee Sin has the abilities to slow, knock up, gain shield and chase down enemy. Find Lee Sin guide abilities, counters, and skins here.Dr. Mundo Guide, Abilities, Counters & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-23 10:02 PMDr. Mundo is a tank and support role in League of Legends Wild Rift. This champion has an incredible defense rate and damage skill. Find out more about Dr. Mundo abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Sona Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-24 10:00 PMSona is a Support Role in League of Legends Wild Rift. This champion provide increase damage, SPD movement, and crowd control capabilities for the teammate. Find out more about Sona Abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Jarvan IV Guide, Abilities, Counters & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-24 10:02 PMJarvan IV is in tank and fighter roles of League of Legends Wild Rift. Jarvan has his abilities to reduce enemy armor, slow enemy, and gains attack speed. Find Jarvan guide abilities, counters, and skins here.Amumu Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-26 10:01 PMAmumu is a tank role in League of Legends Wild Rift, This champion provides damage stunning and crowd control capabilities for the teammate. Find out more about Amumu abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Varus Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-23 10:00 PMVarus is in marksman and mage role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Varus is a range champion that has high physical damage skill, and can be use for long range, and root ultimate. Find Varus guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Soraka Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-28 10:02 PMSoraka is in support and mage role of League of Legends. Soraka is a champion that has abilities to heal allies and stunt enemies. Find out more about Soraka abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Nami Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2024-12-31 10:00 PMNami is in support and mage of League of Legends Wild Rift. Nami is a champion that has abilities to increase allies, stunning and knock up skill. Find out more about Nami abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Zed Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-20 10:02 PMZed is in assassin role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Zed is a melee champion that deals physical damage with spell cast abilities, shadow blink, slow and invisible as he uses his ultimate. Find Zed guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Janna Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-02-25 10:02 PMJanna is in support role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Janna is a champion that has a lot of stunning and knock up skill. Find out more about Janna abilities guide, counters, and skins here.Malphite Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-01 10:00 PMMalphite is in tank roles of League of Legends Wild Rift. Malphite is a champion that has a lot of stunning, armor and crowd control skills. Find out more about Malphite abilities guide. counters, and skins hereZiggs Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-19 10:02 PMZiggs is in mage and support role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Ziggs is a range spell cast champion that deals high spell magic damage, slow, knock up, turret execute, and release a big boom as ultimate. Find Ziggs, abilities, counters, and skins here.Braum Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-25 10:02 PMBraum is in tank and support roles of League of Legends Wild Rift. Braum is a champion that has a lot of stunning and crowd control skills. Find out more about Braum abilities guide, counters and skins here.Twisted Fate Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-23 10:02 PMTwisted Fate is in mage and marksman role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Twisted Fate is a range spell cast champion that deals high spell magic damage, stun, slow, mana regen, and teleport ultimate. Find Twisted Fate guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Orianna Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-05 10:02 PMOrianna is in mage and support role of League of Legends Wild Rift. Orianna is a range spell cast champion that deals high spell magic damage, slow, shield, movement speed increases, and crowd control ultimate. Find Orianna Guide, abilities, counters, and skins here.Blitzcrank Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
Last updated on: 2025-03-26 10:01 PMBlitzcrank is in tank and support roles of League of Legends Wild Rift. Blitzcrank is a champion that has a lot of stunning and crowd control skills. Find out more about Blitzcrank abilities guide, counters, and skins here.