2x Scope

2x Scope | PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer

Scope Guide & Tips

2x Scope is a scope attachment that mostly uses for medium range combat.

You can find this attachment in Ground Loots.

2x Scope is mostly used for medium range combat because it provides a really accurate reticle inside the scope, with one circle and one dot so you can track moving target easily but there is also a cut out of invisibility around the scope as well that make you miss outside enemies when scoping in.

Take Note: You can also use 2x scope in close range as well but in some positions such as pushing enemies inside houses that might have a disadvantage because your scope-in time is longer.

Here is what it looks like when scoping.

2x Scope in | PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer

Sight Compatible

2x Scope | PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer

Here is a list that show all of the weapons that can attach with 2x Scope.

M762AWMMk14PP-19 Bizon 
Mk47 Mini14  

You can attach 2x Scope with 24 different weapons.

More Scope Guide Article
Red Dot SightHolographic Sight2x Scope
3x Scope4x Scope6x Scope
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