
Welcome to Sanhok | PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer your game guide

Introducing Sanhok:

"SANHOK" is a new 4x4 Map that released on patch 0.8.0

"SANHOK pronounce as Sah-nok" come from the word "FUN" in Thailand and the word "Chicken" in Filipino. 

Sanhok is a 3 islands devided by lake and connected by bridge surrounded by water. With just 4x4 size and water taking almost another 5% size the map become smaller and lots of terrian,forest,water and small houses to scavenge. 

Loots are stack with weapons everywhere which make the game super fun and cause intense game action from beginning to late game.  Tons of action will happen on the map and also a lot of new tactics and strategy will be used. Lots of hills,rocks,tree to play behind. Up and Down terrain help player making a smart flank to enemies without getting spotted. 

Some Location such as: Camp Alpha, Camp Bravo, Camp Charlie, Bootcamp help player to get better at close range fight and also help player to improve there spraying or shooting skills.

Sanhok map overview:

Overview of the new map name SANHOK that just release on PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer your game guide

There are 21 known and more than 100 small places to loot in Sanhok.

Sanhok map locations guide:

Ha TinhCamp Alpha 
Ruins Pai Nan 
Na Kham Sahmee 
Ban Tai Camp Charlie  
Tat MokParadise Resort 
BootcampCamp Bravo
Cave  Kampong 