TFT Set 5 Classes List

View TFT Set 5: Reckoning Classes and find all the detail here.


TFT Set 5 Classes: Assassin - zilliongamer

Innate: At the start of combat Assassins leap to the enemy backline.

Assassins' abilities can critically strike and they gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and bonus Critical Strike Damage.

(2) 10% Crit Chance; 25% Crit Damage

(4) 30% Crit Chance; 55% Crit Damage

(6) 50% Crit Chance; 90% Crit Damage

TFT Set 5 Champion: Katarina - zilliongamerKatarinaTFT Set 5 Champion: Kha'Zix - zilliongamerKha'ZixTFT Set 5 Champion: Leblanc - zilliongamerLeblanc
TFT Set 5 Champion: Nocturne - zilliongamerNocturneTFT Set 5 Champion: Diana - zilliongamerDianaTFT Set 5 Champion: Viego - zilliongamerViego


TFT Set 5 Classes: Brawler - zilliongamer

Brawler gain additional maximum Health.

(2) 400 Bonus Health

(4) 1000 Bonus Health

TFT Set 5 Champion: Gragas - zilliongamerGragasTFT Set 5 Champion: Warwick - zilliongamerWarwickTFT Set 5 Champion: Sett - zilliongamerSett
TFT Set 5 Champion: Nunu - zilliongamerNunuTFT Set 5 Champion: Volibear - zilliongamerVolibear 


(1) Caretakers deploy with a Baby Dragon that can be placed anywhere on the battlefield. Baby Dragons gain 100% of their handler's Attack Speed and restore 50 mana to their Caretaker upon death.

TFT Set 5 Champion: Heimerdinger - zilliongamerHeimerdinger


TFT Set 5 Classes: Cavalier - zilliongamer

Innate: Cavaliers charge quickly towards their target whenever they move.

Cavaliers take reduced damage. At the start of combat and after charge, this effect is doubled for 4 seconds.

(2) 15% Damage Reduction

(3) 25% Damage Reduction

(4) 35% Damage Reduction

TFT Set 5 Champion: Kled - zilliongamerKledTFT Set 5 Champion: Hecarim - zilliongamerHecarimTFT Set 5 Champion: Sejuani - zilliongamerSejuani
TFT Set 5 Champion: Rell - zilliongamerRell  


TFT Set 5 Classes: Cruel - zilliongamer

(1) A Cruel champion hungers to be alone against exactly 1 enemy left standing. Cruel champions are purchased with Little Legend Health instead of gold. They can be sole for gold, but not Health. You're welcome.

TFT Set 5 Champion: Teemo - zilliongamerTeemo


TFT Set 5 Classes: God-king - zilliongamer

(1) God-King deal 20% bonus damage to enemies who have at least one of their Rival Traits. This effect is only active when you have exactly 1 unique God-King.

Garen's Rival Traits: Forgotten, Nightbringer, Coven, Hellion, Dragonslayer, Abomination, Revenant.
Darius's Rival Traits: Redeemed, Dawnbringer, Verdant, Draconic, Ironclad.

TFT Set 5 Champion: Darius - zilliongamerDariusTFT Set 5 Champion: Garen - zilliongamerGaren 


TFT Set 5 Classes: Invoker - zilliongamer

All allies gain extra Mana from their basic attacks.

(2) +3 Mana

(4) +6 Mana

TFT Set 5 Champion: Syndra - zilliongamerSyndraTFT Set 5 Champion: Ivern - zilliongamerIvernTFT Set 5 Champion: Karma - zilliongamerKarma
TFT Set 5 Champion: Teemo - zilliongamerTeemo  


TFT Set 5 Classes: Knight - zilliongamer

All allies block a flat amount of damage from all sources.

(2) 15 Damage Blocked

(4) 40 Damage Blocked

(6) 75 Damage Blocked

TFT Set 5 Champion: Leona - zilliongamerLeonaTFT Set 5 Champion: Poppy - zilliongamerPoppyTFT Set 5 Champion: Thresh - zilliongamerThresh
TFT Set 5 Champion: Nautilus - zilliongamerNautilusTFT Set 5 Champion: Taric - zilliongamerTaricTFT Set 5 Champion: Garen - zilliongamerGaren
TFT Set 5 Champion: Darius - zilliongamerDarius  


TFT Set 5 Classes: Legionnaire - zilliongamer

Legionnaires gain bonus attack speed, and their first attack after casting a spell heals them for 50% of the damage dealt.

(2) 25% Attack Speed

(4) 60% Attack Speed

(6) 120% Attack Speed

(8) 200% Attack Speed

TFT Set 5 Champion: Aatrox - zilliongamerAatroxTFT Set 5 Champion: Kalista - zilliongamerKalistaTFT Set 5 Champion: Riven - zilliongamerRiven
TFT Set 5 Champion: Yasuo - zilliongamerYasuoTFT Set 5 Champion: Draven - zilliongamerDravenTFT Set 5 Champion: Mordekaiser - zilliongamerMordekaiser
TFT Set 5 Champion: Kayle - zilliongamerKayle  


TFT Set 5 Classes: Mystic - zilliongamer

All allies gain Magic Resist.

(2) 40 Magic Resist

(3) 100 Magic Resist

(4) 180 Magic Resist

TFT Set 5 Champion: Lulu - zilliongamerLuluTFT Set 5 Champion: Morgana - zilliongamerMorganaTFT Set 5 Champion: Lux - zilliongamerLux
TFT Set 5 Champion: Ryze - zilliongamerRyzeTFT Set 5 Champion: Kindred - zilliongamerKindred 


TFT Set 5 Classes: Ranger - zilliongamer

After 4 seconds, Rangers gain Attack Speed for 4 seconds. They regain this bonus every 4 seconds thereafter.

(2) 60% Attack Speed

(4) 140% Attack Speed

TFT Set 5 Champion: Vayne - zilliongamerVayneTFT Set 5 Champion: Varus - zilliongamerVarusTFT Set 5 Champion: Ashe - zilliongamerAshe
TFT Set 5 Champion: Aphelios - zilliongamerApheliosTFT Set 5 Champion: Kindred - zilliongamerKindred 


TFT Set 5 Classes: Renewer - zilliongamer

Renewers heal for a percent of their maximum Health each second. If they're full health, they restore mana instead.

(2) 3% Health or 3% Mana

(4) 6% Health or 6% Mana

TFT Set 5 Champion: Vladimir - zilliongamerVladimirTFT Set 5 Champion: Lissandra - zilliongamerLissandraTFT Set 5 Champion: Soraka - zilliongamerSoraka
TFT Set 5 Champion: Ivern - zilliongamerIvernTFT Set 5 Champion: Heimerdinger - zilliongamerHeimerdinger 


TFT Set 5 Classes: Skirmisher - zilliongamer

Skirmishers gaina shield at the start of combat, and gain Attack Damage each second.

(3) 300 Shield and +3 Attack Damage

(6) 600 Shield and +10 Attack Damage

TFT Set 5 Champion: Udyr - zilliongamerUdyrTFT Set 5 Champion: Kennen - zilliongamerKennenTFT Set 5 Champion: Trundle - zilliongamerTrundle
TFT Set 5 Champion: Nidalee - zilliongamerNidaleeTFT Set 5 Champion: Pantheon - zilliongamerPantheonTFT Set 5 Champion: Lee Sin - zilliongamerLee Sin
TFT Set 5 Champion: Jax - zilliongamerJaxTFT Set 5 Champion: Viego - zilliongamerViego 


TFT Set 5 Classes: Spellweaver - zilliongamer

Spellweavers have increased Ability Power and get bonus Ability Power any time a champion uses an ability, stacking up to 10 times.

(2) 20% Ability Power, 2% bonus Ability Power

(4) 50% Ability Power, 5% bonus Ability Power

TFT Set 5 Champion: Ziggs - zilliongamerZiggsTFT Set 5 Champion: Brand - zilliongamerBrandTFT Set 5 Champion: Viktor - zilliongamerViktor
TFT Set 5 Champion: Zyra - zilliongamerZyraTFT Set 5 Champion: Velkoz - zilliongamerVelkoz