TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3

Find TFT Set 6 the best team comp in patch 12.3 featuring the detailed information of each comp here.

Down below are the tire S team comps that are working better in patch 12.3 that you can use to rank up fast.


TFT Set 6 | Ziggs - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Swain - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Malzahar - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Vex - zilliongamer
TFT Set 6 | Lux - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Viktor - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Janna - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Yuumi - zilliongamer


The flexible strategy focused on a healthy economy while still keeping up in levels. General rules are Level 6 by 3-2, Level 7 by 4-1, and Level 8 by 5-1.

Tank & Carry Units

This comp focus on Vex being a tank and Lux being magic damage carry. You need to level up both of them at least 2-star.

Unlocked Traits

  • 6 Arcanists
  • 1 Cuddly
  • 2 Academies
  • 2 Scholars
  • 2 Scraps

Team Positioning

TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3: Arcanist - zilliongamer

Chemtech Bruisers

TFT Set 6 | Vi - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Lissandra - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Zac - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | DR Mundo - zilliongamer
TFT Set 6 | Urgot - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Viktor - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Jayce - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Jinx - zilliongamer


Try to reach level 8 early in Stage 4 to find 4 and 5 cost units before your opponents. You generally need long win or lose streaks to have enough gold for it.

Tank & Carry Units

Dr. Mundo will be a main tank unit in this comp with a full tank build and the main physical damage carry is Urgot. You may need to level up both of them at least 2-star.

Unlocked Traits

  • 2 Sisters
  • 1 Transformer
  • 5 Chemtechs
  • 3 Bruisers
  • 2 Enforcers
  • 2 Twinshots

Team Positioning

TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3: Chemtech Bruiser - zilliongamer

Imperial Assassins

TFT Set 6 | Blitzcrank - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Talon - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Ekko - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Samira - zilliongamer
TFT Set 6 | Sion - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Galio - zilliongamer  


Try to get 3-star units at level 7 by rolling your excess gold every round.

Tank & Carry Units

Sion will be the main tank unit in this comp and Talon & Ekko are physical and magic damage dealers of the team. You will need to star up Talon to 3-star.

Unlocked Traits

  • 2 Colossuses 
  • 3 Imperials
  • 2 Scraps
  • 2 Assassins
  • 2 Protectors
  • 2 Bodyguards
  • 1 Socialite

Team Positioning

TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3: Imperial Assassins - zilliongamer


TFT Set 6 | Ezreal - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Zilean - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Heimerdinger - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Taric - zilliongamer
TFT Set 6 | Orianna - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Janna - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Seraphine - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Jayce - zilliongamer


The flexible strategy focused on a healthy economy while still keeping up in levels. General rules are Level 6 by 3-2, Level 7 by 4-1, and Level 8 by 5-1.

Tank & Carry Units

This comp, Jayce is going to be the main tank unit in the front line. Seraphine is the healer and also the damage dealer of the team.

Unlocked Traits

  • 1 Transformer
  • 5 Innovators
  • 3 Enchanters
  • 2 Socialites
  • 2 Clockworks
  • 2 Scholars

Team Positioning

TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3: Innovators - zilliongamer

Mutant Protectors

TFT Set 6 | Caitlyn - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Garen - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Graves - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Kassadin - zilliongamer
TFT Set 6 | Blitzcrank - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Kogmaw - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Vi - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | DR Mundo - zilliongamer


Try to get 3-star units at level 7 by rolling your excess gold every round.

Tank & Carry Units

This comp Kassadin will be the tank and Kog'Max will be the carry. You may need to level up your units to 3-star as much as you can. 

Unlocked Traits

  • 3 Protectors
  • 3 Mutants
  • 2 Academies
  • 2 Snipers
  • 2 Twinshots
  • 2 Bruisers
  • 2 Enforcers

Team Positioning

TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3: Mutant Protectors - zilliongamer

Syndicate Assassins

TFT Set 6 | Darius - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Talon - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Zyra - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Ekko - zilliongamer
TFT Set 6 | Shaco - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Braum - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Akali - zilliongamerTFT Set 6 | Yuumi - zilliongamer


The flexible strategy focused on a healthy economy while still keeping up in levels. General rules are Level 6 by 3-2, Level 7 by 4-1, and Level 8 by 5-1.

Tank & Carry Units

Darius & Braum will be tank units plus Yuumi. The main damage carry units are Shaco and Akali. You may need to level up Darius, Braum & Akali at least 2-star and Shaco to 3-star.

Unlocked Traits

  • 1 Cuddly
  • 5 Syndicates
  • 4 Assassins
  • 2 Scholars
  • 2 Bodyguards

Team Positioning

TFT Set 6 Best Team Comp Patch 12.3: Syndicate Assassins - zilliongamer


All these comps are flexible according to your play style and your luck in the game. However, this information will help you to build the potential comp to win the game and rank up fast.