Garen TFT Set 6 Build, Abilities, & Synergies

TFT Set 6 Garen Item Build, Abilities, & Synergies.

TFT Set 6 | Garen - zilliongamerGaren

Item Build

TFT Items: Deathblade - zilliongamerTFT Items: Sunfire Cape - zilliongamerTFT Items: Warmog's Armor - zilliongamer


Health650 / 1170 / 2106
Starting Mana40
DPS39 / 69 / 125
Damage70 / 126 / 227
Attack Speed0.55
Crit Rate25%


TFT Set 6 Garen Abilities: Decisive Strike - zilliongamerDecisive Strike

Garen shrugs off all Crowd Control effects, empowering his next strike to deal 225% of his Attack Damage, plus an additional percent of his missing Health in bonus physical damage. This ability can be cast while stunned.

Percent of Missing HP: 20% / 25% / 30%




Academics have bonus Attack Damage and Ability Power, and can learn from their allies, increasing this bonus whenever an ally casts an ability.

(2) 15 AD & AP; 4 bonus AD & AP.

(4) 30 AD & AP; 7 bonus AD & AP.

(6) 50 AD & AP; 10 bonus AD & AP.

(8) 70 AD & AP; 15 bonus AD & AP.

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Protectors shield themselves for 4 seconds whenever they cast a spell. This shield doesn't stack.

(2) 18% Maximum Health Shield.

(3) 30% Maximum Health Shield.

(4) 45% Maximum Health Shield.

(5) 60% Maximum Health Shield.

TFT Set 6 Champion: Blitzcrank - zilliongamerBlitzcrankTFT Set 6 Champion: Kassadin - zilliongamerKassadin TFT Set 6 Champion: Sion - zilliongamerSion

End of TFT Garen Set 6