Dr Mundo TFT Set 6 Build, Abilities & Synergies

TFT Set 6 Dr Mundo Item Build, Abilities, & Synergies.

TFT Set 6 | Dr Mundo - zilliongamer
Dr Mundo

Item Build

TFT Items: Gargoyle Stoneplate - zilliongamerTFT Items: Sunfire Cape - zilliongamerTFT Items: Warmog's Armor - zilliongamer


Health1000 / 1800 / 3240
Starting Mana75
DPS48 / 86 / 156
Damage80 / 144 / 259
Attack Speed0.6
Crit Rate25%


TFT Set 6 Dr Mindo Abilities: Zap Dose - zilliongamerZap Dose

Dr Mundo injects himself with "Medicine", restoring 20% of this maximum Health and becoming energized for 6 seconds. While energized, he restores an additional percent of his maximum health over the duration and deals magic damage to a random nearby enemy second. At the end of the spell, Dr.Mundo expels a burst of electricity that deals a percent of his current health as magic damage to all enemies within two hexes.

Skill: Active

Mana: 75 / 150

Damage: 30 / 50 / 100

HP Healing Percent: 65% / 75% / 200%

HP Damage Percent: 20% / 25% / 30%




After dropping below 60% health, Chemtech champions gain 25% Damage reduction, 50% attack speed, and regenerate 5% of their maximum health each second.

(3) Lasts 4 seconds

(5) Lasts 8 seconds

(7) Lasts 15 seconds

(9) Lasts until combat ends

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Mutants gain unique bonuses. These are different each game.

(3) ??

(5) ??

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All allies have increased health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.

(2) 150 Health

(4) 300 Health

(6) 500 Health

(8) 900 Health

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End of Dr Mundo TFT Set 6.