TFT Mobile Karma Class, Elements, & Traits

Welcome to TFT Mobile Karma champion guide. Find Karma class, elements, traits and more detail of this champion here.

Karma Element, Class, & Cost

TFT Mobile Champion: Karma - zilliongamer

Cost: 3 gold - 3/5/7

Elements: Inferno TFT Mobile Elements: Lunar - zilliongamer

Class: Mystic TFT Mobile Class: Mystic - zilliongamer

Karma Item Build

Here are the best items for Karma to build:

TFT Mobile Item: Dragon Claw - zilliongamer

Dragon's Claw

 TFT Mobile Item: Negatron Cloak - zilliongamer+TFT Mobile Item: Negatron Cloak - zilliongamer

TFT Mobile Item: Guardian Angel - zilliongamer

Guardian Angel

TFT Mobile Item: B.F Sword - zilliongamer+TFT Mobile Item: Chain Vest - zilliongamer

TFT Mobile Item: Spear of Shojin - zilliongamer

Spear of Shojin

TFT Mobile Item: B.F Sword - zilliongamer+TFT Mobile Item: Tears of the Goddess - zilliongamer

Karma Skill & Stats

View stats and skill of Karma champion here:

Karma Skill

TFT Mobile Karma Skill: Dawnbringer - zilliongamer

Skill Descrpition:

At the start of combat, Karma tethers to her closest ally. Karma shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives bonus Attack Speed.

Skill type: Active

Shield amount: 250/400/800

Mana: 75/100

Karma Stats

Karma Stats
Magic Resist20
Attack Speed0.7
Attack Range660
Attack Damage50/90/162

Karma Traits

Class Mystic:

All allies gain increased Magic Resist.

Element Lunar:

Moonlight transforms unit durability into a win condition for team comps that are built with drawn out battles in mind.

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End of TFT Mobile Karma Guide