Here you can find the best tank champions in Wild Rift Patch 1.0 (Open Beta) and view all tank champions tier that you can use for climbing ranked match.
Best Tank Ranking Patch 1.0
Tier S Tank
Blitzcrank | Amumu | Braum |
Malphite |
Tier A Tank
Dr.Mundo | Nasus | Garen |
Jarvan IV | Alistar |
Tier B Tank
Gragas | Shyvana | Singed |
Xin Zhao |
Tier Explanation
Tier S: Champions that currently in the metal pool and has high pick rate by players use for climbing ranked elo.
Tier A: Champions that has great performance but require good mechanical skills to master.
Tier B: Champions that has high difficulty to play in the designation lane but perform better in other lance or as a secondary role.
Tier C: Champions that has good performance but hard to play. Eg: Not powerful in teamfight... etc
Tier D: Champions that has average performance and are not highly pick to play.
More Champions Ranking
Fighter Tier List | Marksman Tier List |
Mage Tier List | Assassin Tier List |
Tank Tier List | Support Tier List |
Jungle Tier List |
Important: Our Tier List will change depend on pick meta, buff & nerf of each patch release for Leagur of Legends Wild Rift.