Genshin Impact Best Albedo Team Comp

Here is a Genshin Impact team guide article on how to build Albedo team comp including details of the team members and free-to-play team.

Albedo Breakdown

Albedo is a character that can buff teammate Plunge ATK DMG in his C4 and EM DMG in his C6 by having this passive use can use him as Support or Sub DPS.

Here is some team build that is suitable for him:

Albedo F2P - Vaporize Team Comp

This free-to-play team is a great option for a player who doesn't want to spend Primogem or a newbie who doesn't have any 5-star characters. Even though, this is a F2P team you still can maximize his potential as well. This team focuses on maximizing Vaporize DMG.

Albedo F2P Best Team Comp | Genshin Impact - zilliongamer

  • Xiangling
    • She is the main DPS that can apply pyro DMG surrounding DMG which can trigger Xingqiu.
  • Xingqiu
    • Her Element Burst will apply surrounding enemies with Xingqiu to react with Xiangling EM to create a Vaporize reaction.
  • Bennett
    • Bennett Ult can buff enemies with health and ATK DMG boost to maximize Xiangling DMG.

Albedo Pure Geo Team Comp

This team comp focuses on maximizing Geo DMG reaction by using all geo characters to boost Geo DMG bonus and DEF bonus.

Albedo Pure Geo Best Team Comp | Genshin Impact - zilliongamer

  • Arataki Itto
    • Itto mostly deals DMG on his burst which can Convert Itto's Normal ATK, Charge ATK, and Plunging ATK. He also increased DMG speed based on his DEF which can be buffed by Gorou.
  • Zhongli
    • He can provide an incredible shield to absorb DMG as well as reduce EM and Physical RES of enemies. Using the Tenacity set will buff teammate ATK.
  • Gorou
    • Provide Geo DMG Bonus and DEF bonus which can enhance Itto's DEF.

Albedo Vaporize Team Comp

This team comp focuses on maximizing Vaporize DMG between Baal and Xiangling to create an Overload reaction and Bennett helps apply Pyro as well as buff ATK and provide healing to the team.

Albedo Vaporize Best Team Comp | Genshin Impact - zilliongamer

  • Hu Tao
    • She is the main DPS in the team who deals with huge DMG on her burst to trigger Vaporize with Xingqiu's elemental DMG.

Albedo Super Conduct Team Comp

This team comp focuses on creating Melting reactions to enhance more DMG.

Albedo Super Conduct Best Team Comp | Genshin Impact - zilliongamer

  • Beidou
    • Deal massive electro DMG that triggers with Eula cryo to create superconduct and create a shield that absorbs DMG scales off Beidou's Max HP.
  • Eula
    • She is the main DPS that uses Elemental Burst DMG to apply cryo on enemies to trigger superconducts with Beidou.

End of Best Albedo Team Comp.

Other Character Team Build

Kujou SaraNahidaAlbedo
NeuvilletteHu TaoXingqiu