Laser Sight

Laser Sight | PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer

Laser Sight Overview

Laser Sight is a foregrip attachment that reduces hip fire spread.

Laser Sight is mostly use for pistols in other to gain more accuracy when firing.

Laser Sight can attach to wide range of weapon types such as:

  • Assault Rifle (AR)
  • Designated Marksman rifle (DMR)
  • Sub machinegun (SMG)
  • Pistols

Laser Sight can be found in Ground Loot of any maps.

How many Weapons can Laser Sight use with ?

Laser Sight | PUBG MOBILE - zilliongamer

Laser Sight can attach to 13 weapons.

13 Weapons that compatible with Laser Sight

AUGAssault Rifle (AR)
Mk47 Mutant 
SKSDesignated Marksman Rifle
UMP9Sub Machine Gun (SMG)
Weapon NameWeapon Class

Recommended Weapons for Angled Foregrip

When you equip Laser Sight with this weapons you will notice a huge improvement when shooting.

Related Article to Forgrip Attahment

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Laser Sight

Laser Sight Attachment in PUBG Mobile.

This is it for Laser Sight Guide Article in PUBG Mobile.