Striker Weapon Stats, Attachment, & Skin

Find Out Striker Shotgun Stats, Pick the best attachment, and Weapon Skin advantage here!

-Reach Player Level 12 to Unlock Striker Shotgun-

Visit the guide of Striker Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Mobile.

Striker is a Semi-automatic shotgun with higher accuracy at the middle and close range.

Weapon Stats - Damage, Fire Rate, Accuracy, Range, Mobility

This is a fresh stats. Not any attachment is being equipped to the weapon.

Damage: 70Fire Rate 15
Accuracy: 85Mobility: 75
Range: 30 

Best gun in Call of Duty Mobile

Attachment Guide - The Best Attachment for Striker

For Striker, there are 3 attachment slots for you to equip.

Here are the 3 best attachments to use with Striker.

Laser SightLong barrel
Extended Mag 

Here are the stats after attaching with Laser Sight, Long barrel, and Extended Mag.

Damage: 70Fire Rate 15
Accuracy: 95Mobility: 75
Range: 40 
  • Accuracy: +10 by Laser Sight.
  • Range: +10 by Long barrel
  • More Bullet by Extended Mag.

You can see a massive improvement to the weapon after attaching the attachments.

Striker Skin - Advantages, Price, & How To Get

Currently, there are 2 Striker Skins that you can get in Call of Duty Mobile.

Striker - Night in Gold

COD Mobile Striker Night in Gold - zilliongamer

Name: Night in Gold
Rarity: Epic

How to get Striker: Night in Gold: Unlock this skin in Jingle Jingle Draw.

Striker - Sugar Skull

COD Mobile Striker Sugar Skull - zilliongamer

Name: Sugar Skull
Rarity: Uncommon

How to get Striker Sugar Skull: Unlock this skin in Ghost Town Crate.

Striker - Doomspeller

COD Mobile Striker Doomspeller - zilliongamer

Name: Doomspeller
Rarity: Uncommon
Unlock: Rocket Salvo Crate.

Striker - Pastel Poison

COD Mobile Striker Pastel Poison - zilliongamer

Name: Pastel Poison
Rarity: Epic
Unlock: The Hunt Crate.

Striker - Aeronaut

COD Mobile Striker Aeronaut - zilliongamer

Name: Aueronaut
Rarity: Blueprint (Epic)
How to get Striker Aeronaut: Unlock Strike Aeronaut by reaching tier 20 in Season 9 Premium Battle Pass.

Striker - Barricade

COD Mobile Striker Barricade - zilliongamer

Name: Barricade
Price: N/A

  • Better explosive resistance when sliding.
  • Kills broadcasted with effects.

How to get Striker Barricade: Unlock Striker Barricade by reaching tier 20 in Season 7 Battle Pass (Premium).

Striker - Yellow Camo

COD Mobile Striker Yellow Camo - zilliongamer

Name: Yellow Camo
Price: N/A
Effect: N/A

How  to get Striker Yellow Camo: Unlock Striker Yellow Camo in Buried Treasure Crate.

Striker - Swamped

COD Mobile Striker Swamped - zilliongamer

Name: Swamped
Price: 290 CP (Silent Stalker Bundle)
Effect: N/A
How to get Striker Swamped: Unlock Striker Swamped by purchase Silent Stalker Bundle.

Striker - Irradiated Amethyst

COD Mobile Striker Irradiated Amethyst - zilliongamer

Name: Irradiated Amethyst
Price: N/A
Skin advantage: Weapo kills increase movement speed for a little while.
How to get Striker Irradiated Amethyst: Unlock Striker Irradiated Amethyst in Battle Pass Season 3 tier 25 free.

Striker - Red

Price: 800 COD Points

Striker - Red Skin in Call of Duty Mobile.

  • Weapon Skin Advantage
    • Weapon kills increase movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds.
  • How to get Striker - Red
    • Purchase In The Store.

Striker - Lightwave

Price: 1600 COD Points

Striker - Lightwave Skin in Call of Duty Mobile.

  • Weapon Skin Advantage
    • Weapon kills increase movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds.
    • Increase 5% Player XP.
  • How to get Striker - Lightwave
    • Purchase In The Store.

All Striker Skin List

Striker History - Weapon Changes Note

  • (November 24, 2019) Season 2 Update
    • -15 Damage.

All Weapon List

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