HS0405 Weapon Stats, Attachment, & Skin

Find Out HS0405 Shotgun Stats, Pick the best attachment, and Weapon Skin advantage here!

-Reach Player Level 47 to Unlock HS0405 Shotgun-

Visit the guide of HS0405 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Mobile.

HS0405 is a Pump-action shotgun with high close-range damage with a low rate of fire.

Weapon Stats - Damage, Fire Rate, Accuracy, Range, Mobility

This is a fresh stats. Not any attachment is being equipped to the weapon.

HS0405Stats & Tier
Fire Rate:27

Best gun in Call of Duty Mobile

Attachment Guide - The Best Attachment for HS0405

This is our recommendation on picking the best attachments for HS0405 in Call of Duty Mobile:

Barrel:RTC Extended Light Barrel
Stock:No Stock
Laser:MIP Laser 5mW
Ammunition:Tube Extension (+2 Ammo)

This HS0405 attachment class setup increase Accuracy, Mobility, and Range, but decrease a little control.

Here is the stats change after using the attachments above:

Fire Rate:27

Gunsmith Attachments Detail

HS0405 Skin - Advantages, Price, & How To Get

Currently, there is only 1 HS0405 Skin that you can get in Call of Duty Mobile.

HS0405 - Ancient Runes

Price: 800 COD Points

HS0405 - Ancient Runes Skin in Call of Duty Mobile.

  • Weapon Skin Advantage
    • Weapon kills increase movement speed by 10% by 2 seconds.
  • How to get HS0405 - Ancient Runes
    • Purchase In The Store.

All HS0405 Skin List

All Weapon List

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