Here you can find and view all Vayne skins in Wild Rift covering from alpha version to the newest release skin in the game.
You can also view => Vayne Build Guide here.
Vayne Skins List
All Vayne skin including 3D and 2D, rarity, price, and how to get.
Firecracker Vayne
Name: Firecracker Vayne
Rarity: Epic.
Price: Can't Buy.
How to Get Firecracker Nami: Get this skin by completing her quest in the Lunar Year event.
Project Vayne
Name: Project Vayne
Rarity: Legendary.
Price: 1325 Wild Cores.
how to get Project Vayne: Buy in Store.
Sentinel Vayne
Name: Sentinel Vayne
Rarity: Legendary.
Price: 1325 Wild Cores.
how to get Sentinel Vayne: Buy in Store.
HeartSeeker Vayne
Name: HeartSeeker Vayne
Rarity: Rare.
Price: 725 Wild Cores.
how to get HeartSeeker Vayne: Buy in Store.
Dragonslayer Vayne
Name: Dragonslayer Vayne
Rarity: Rare.
Price: 725 Wild Cores.
how to get Dragonslayer Vayne: Buy in Store.
Arclight Vayne Skin
Skin name: Arclight Vayne
Rarity: Rare.
Price: 725 Wild Cores.
How to get Arclight Vayne: Buy in Store.
Default Vayne Skin
Default version skin of Vayne in League of Legends Wild Rift.
Other Champions Skins List
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Malphite![]() | Master Yi![]() |
Miss Fortune![]() | Nami![]() |
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Tryndamere![]() | Twisted Fate![]() |
Vayne![]() | Vi![]() |
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Zed![]() | Ziggs![]() |
End of Vayne Wild Rift Skins