The Best VLK Rouge Loadout for COD Mobile

In COD Mobile, VLK Rouge is a shotgun released in Season 2 2025. Find this weapon key features, best loadouts, and perks down below.

How to get VLK Rouge in COD Mobile

  • Base version: Reach Tier 21 in Season 2 Battle Pass (free).
  • Epic skin: Reach Tier 50 in Season 2 2025 Battle Pass (paid).

VLK Rouge Key Overview

In-game description: A 12-gauge, mag-fed shotgun with strong close-range firepower and excellent handling. It offers a variety of ammunition types, making it adaptable to different combat scenarios.

VLK Rouge | COD Mobile - zilliongamer

VLK-Rouge shine in up close and personal battles, it can eliminate the target with just one or two shot thanks to the low bullet spread when firing.

It also has good hip fire accuracy to help you shoot your target without the need of aiming down sight, this give you advantage over the enemy.

The VLK-Rouge is a solid shotgun itself, but we have 2 loadouts that is going to make the gun more accuracy, and more powerful.

Best VLK Rouge Loadout in COD Mobile

VLK RougeAttachments Details
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: FORGE TAC Marauder - zilliongamerFORGE TAC MarauderWe equip this muzzle attachment to silenced the VLK, increase damage range, and make the ADS & Hipfire bullet spread tighter.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: 1616" WarloadWe equip this barrel attachment to increase damage range, and make ADS & Hipfire bullet spread tighter.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: FTAC Hunter - zilliongamerFTAC HunterWe equip this stock attachment to improve hit flinch, lower horizontal recoil control, and make ADS bullet spread tighter.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: VLK Prime Pump Grip - zilliongamerVLK Prime Pump GripWe equip this trigger action attachment to lower vertical recoil and make hipfire bullet spread tighter.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: Stippled Grip Tape - zilliongamerStippled Grip TapeWe equip this rear grip attachment to reduce ADS time, and improve sprint to fire delay.

How to play this VLK Rouge Loadout

This VLK Rouge loadout is great for roaming around, looking for close quarter gunfight, with higher advantage than the enemy.

You will notice that your accuracy when hipfire is very accurate, so you need to have your aim on point to deliver those accuracy to the target.

We also lower the VLK Rouge recoil so that you don't have to drag the screen down too much when firing.

Alternative VLK Rouge Attachments

VLK RougeAttachments Details
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: FORGE TAC Marauder - zilliongamerFORGE TAC MarauderWe equip this muzzle attachment to silenced the VLK, increase damage range, and make the ADS & Hipfire bullet spread tighter.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: Wounding - zilliongamerWoundingWe equip this perk attachment to increase wound infliction effect.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: VLK Prime Pump Grip - zilliongamerVLK Prime Pump GripWe equip this trigger action attachment to lower vertical recoil and make hipfire bullet spread tighter.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: 8 Round Dragon's Breath Rounds - zilliongamer8 Round Dragon's Breath RoundsWe equip this ammunition attachment to increase inflicts continuous burn damage when hitting target.
Best CODM VLK Rouge attachment: Granulated Grip Tape - zilliongamerGranulated Grip TapeWe equip this rear grip attachment to make ADS bullet spread tighter.

How to utilize this VLK Rouge Loadout

We call this the VLK Rouge dragon breath build, this build is great for battle royale, allowing you to rush the enemy and take them out with maximum continuous damage.

It is very hard to play against this build because unlike the conventional ammunition, we use the 8 Round Dragon's Breath rounds, when you hit the enemy with this ammo, their health bar will bleed tick by tick until they bleed out.

Plus the high performance of the VLK Rouge itself, you will only need one good shot to eliminate the enemy. If they are not eliminate from the initial shot you can hit them one more to secure your kill.

Best Perk Class for VLK Rouge

These perks will enhance your experience when playing with our given VLK Rouge loadout:

Perk NameExplained
Lightweight Perk | COD Mobile - zilliongamerLightweightThe lightweight perk boost your sprint speed allows you to play even more aggressive then before plus it fit the whole VLK Rouge loadout playstyle that we gave you.
Quick Fix Perk | COD Mobile - zilliongamerQuick FixQuick Fix is a mandatory perk at this point if you want to go for multiple or triple elimination with the VLK Rouge.
High Alert Perk | COD Mobile - zilliongamerHigh AlertHigh Alert is one of those perk that you can use to be more aware of your surrounding when rushing around the map, having visual queue of where you are getting shot at can help you.

If you don't like High Alert blue perk you can change it with Dead Silence, it is also a good perk that silence your footstep so you can catch the enemy off guard or you can use it to flank the whole enemy team.

VLK Rouge Skins List: Rarity & How to Get

Here you will be able to find all VLK Rouge skins that are in Epic, Legendary, and Mythic rarities. Have fun browsing:

VLK Rouge - Evolutionary

VLK Rouge - Evolutionary - zilliongamer

Rarity: Legendary

How to get VLK Rouge Evolutionary: Unlock this skin in Artificial Intelligence Draw.

VLK Rouge - Ransomware

VLK Rouge - Randomware - zilliongamer

Rarity: Epic

How to get VLK Rouge Ransomware: Unlock this skin in Season 2 2025 Battle Pass Premium Tier 50.

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End of VLK Rouge Loadout in CODM.