Find detail of Chimeraland Epic Rune grade here featuring rune details, rune inspirit weapon, and rune skills.
List of Epic Runes
There are 19 types of Epic Runes click on the image to get more detail of each rune.
Epic Saber Rune
Details: A record of the various skills in the Saber weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapon: Sword
![]() Remnant | ![]() Careless Swipe | ![]() Wall Smash |
![]() Mind Reader | ![]() Zephyr Charge | ![]() Subdue |
Epic Saber Rune Skill
Remnant: Fast as lightning, an energy wave is flung towards the target. When the energy wave disappears, it explodes into a sword wave, dealing damage multiple times.
- Stern: Able to change battle stance, and SPD is increased. At 5 stacks, gain Radiance.
- Radiance: Immune to all damage.
Careless Swipe: Lunge at the target and leave multiple illusions behind that strikes the target 5 times.
Wall Smash: Slash forward and reduce the hit target's DEF by 30% for 5 seconds.
Mind Reader: Retreat quickly while slashing and gain Mind Reader to increase Crit Rate. At 3 stacks, gain Divine Blessings and become immune to 1 damage.
Zephyr Charge: Move forward quickly, passes through the target and deals damage to all targets in its path.
Subdue: The best defense is offense! Gain Subdue increase ATK by 30% and disappear after striking.
Epic Club Rune
Details: A record of the various skills in the Club weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapon: Staff , Pipa , Tranquil Fan , Jade Flute , Royal Sword , Shield , Multi-X-Bow , Show X-Bow , Rigid X-Bow , Bow, Dreamsoul Lamp, Joint Firearm
![]() Lightning Boom | ![]() Chain Lightning | ![]() Firework |
![]() Skyfall |
Epic Club Rune Skill
Lightning Boom: Summon a large number of lightning bolts at the target location.
Chain Lightning: Channel multiple Lightning elements at the target location, creating multiple lightning storms.
Firework: Channel Fire elements to produce an explosion and gain the Fortunate Fire status.
Skyfall: Summon a meteorite at the target location.
Epic Maul Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Maul weapon category. Go through the Cental Council Pillar or the Roving Assassin to Inspirit specified weapons.
Inspirit Weapons: Maul, Sword, Citysmasher, Battle Axe, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Twin Blades
![]() Mesa Cleaver | ![]() Axe Dance |
Epic Maul Rune Skill
Mesa Cleaver: Charge up, slam the ground and knock away targets within range. SPD is continuously reduced during the Charge Up (0/-20%/ -40%). Even if attacked during the charge-up, END remains.
- Impervious: Immune to stun and DEF is increased by 50%.
- END: ATK increased by 10%/ 20%/ 30%/ 40%/ 50%
Axe Dance: Swing the weapon and lunge forward to strike. If the first strike hits, gain Assault, doubling the range and damage of subsequent attacks.
Epic Heavy Sword Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Heavy Sword weapon category. Go through the Cental Council Pillar or the Roving Assassin to Inspirit specified weapons.
Inspirit Weapons:Kilo X-Bow, Mighty X-Bow, Rumble Gun, Parallel Gun, Cannon, Flash Firearm, Skyfire X-Bow, Storm Sling, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Pipa, Royal Sword, Divine Cudgel, Rigid X-Bow, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Plum Shuriken, Joint Firearm,
![]() Radiance | ![]() Cracked Gold | ![]() Stonecrush |
![]() Mountain Mover | ![]() Lightning Cascade |
Epic Heavy Sword Rune Skill
Radiance: Hurl 3 golden discs around that remain briefly to deal continuous damage to targets within range.
Cracked Gold: Deal a heavy blow to a large area after slashing horizontally.
StoneCrush: Leap up high and smash the weapon towards the ground before sweeping targets within range.
Mountain Mover: Swing the wepaon at the target and absorb 1 damage during this period. After successfully absorbing the damage, immediately launch a counterattack gain Iron Wall, becoming immune to all damage.
Lightning Cascade: Strike the ground twice to summon a lightning bolt at the location. At the final strike, a lightning bolt will appear in front and move forward self gradually while dealing multiple damage to enemies in its path.
Epic Spear Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Spear weapon category. Go through the Cental Council Pillar or the Roving Assassin to Inspirit specified weapons.
Inspirit Weapons: Sword, Kilo X-Bow, Mighty X-Bow, Rumble Gun, Parallel Gun, Cannon, Flash Firearm, Skyfire X-Bow, Storm Sling, Battle Axe, Divine Cudgel, Dreamsoul Lamp, Twin Blades, Crescent, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Skyfire X-Bow
Epic Spear Rune Skill
Resonance: Strike the ground with the spear to pull targets within range and summon a lightning bolt. Hold the skill button to jump up at the end of the skill.
- Lightning Rider: Increases SPD. At 2 stacks, Flash is gained.
- Flash: Immune to Range DMG, and enhances certain skills.
Epic Twin Blades Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Twin Blades weapon category. Go through the Cental Council Pillar or the Roving Assassin to Inspirit specified weapons.
Inspirit Weapons: Sword, Crescent, Twin Blades, Joint Firearm, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Rigid X-Bow, Plum Shuriken, Staff, Pipa, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Royal Sword, Shield, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear
Phasianid Dash
Epic Twin Blades Rune Skill
Phasianid Dash: Hand Strike: Move quickly toward the wheel, leave 3 whirlblade, and switch to Leg Strike at the end.
- Leg Strike: Kick continuously, launch 3 sword waves in front, and switch to Hand Strike at the end.
- Whirlblade: Fly towards the target after a short delay.
- Reluctant: At 2 stacks, Shun is gained.
- Shun: Increases ATK and enhances twin blades skill.
Epic Crescent Rune
Details: A record of the various skills in the Crescent weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Dreamsoul Lamp, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Crescent, Twin Blades, Citysmasher, Kilo X-Bow, Mighty X-Bow, Rumble Gun, Parallel Gun, Cannon, Flash Firearm, Skyfire X-Bow, Storm Sling, Joint Firearm, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Rigid X-Bow, Plum Shuriken
Lightning Dash
Epic Crescent Rune Skill
Lightning Dash: Infuse Moon Spirit into the weapon and fire 3 Moonbolts in front.
- New Moon: At 3 stacks, Full Moon is gained.
- Full Moon: Increases ATK and enhances crescent skills.
Epic Shield Rune
Details: A record of the various skills in the Shield weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Shield
Shield Volley
Epic Shield Rune Skill
Shield Volley: Enter Shield Up and gain Steadfast and Shield Wall.
- Steadfast: Immune to Ranged DMG.
- Shield Wall: Reduces movement speed and Strengthens self and allies 'DEF.
- Flying Shield: Flies forward, then returns.
- Pile: Flying Shield is used immediately when in Relentless Strike.
Epic Shellcoon Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Shellcoon weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Shellcoon
Epic Shellcoon Rune Skill
Storm: The Shellcoon becomes enraged. With boosted morale, allies hp is regenerated 3 times. With Energy, the range will be increased to 10 yards. HP regeneration: Restores HP equal to 20% DEF>
Epic Golden Staff Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Golden Staff weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Divine Cudgel
Celestial Thrust
Epic Golden Staff Rune Skill
Celestial Thrust: Reduce the Golden Cudgel, then enlarge it again quickly to strike the front.
- Primal Spirit Projection: Immune to Ranged DMG, increases movement speed and enhances other skills.
- Illusion: Deal damage to enemies in the path and return to its original point after a short delay.
- Impenetrable Body: Gained from Nasty.
Epic Pipa Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Pipa weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Staff, Pipa, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Bow, Bow,
Epic Pipa Rune Skill
Tune: Create a healing circle at the target location. During the period, allies entering the healing circle will restore HP. However, enemies entering the healing circle will take damage.
Epic Fan Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Fan weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Staff, Pipa, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Bow, Bow,
Epic Fan Rune Skill
Poetry: Consume all Energy and summons a storm at the target location.
- Energy: Normal attacks on enemies will restore Energy to self.
- Sylph: Inflicts Toggle effects.
- Gracious: Launches normal attacks.
Epic Flute Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Flute weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Council Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Staff, Pipa, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Bow, Bow,
Listen to Flute
Epic Flute Rune Skill
Listen to Flute: Fire a string of Notes at the target.
- Interrupted: Skill name.
- Penetrate: Does not disappear after hitting enemies, and deals damage to enemies along the way
Epic Battle Axe Rune
Details: A record of the various skills in the Battle Axe weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Sword, Crescent, Twin Blades, Joint Firearm, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Rigid X-Bow, Plum Shuriken, Staff, Pipa, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Royal Sword, Shield, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Citysmasher, Shield
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Epic Battle Axe Rune Skill
Worldsplitter: Spin the large axe and jump up to hack.
- Energy: Weapon exclusive, and enhances certain skills.
- Slow: Reduces SPD by 50%.
Inferno Strike: Spin the weapon quickly to attack nearby targets. Targets hit by the fire ring are inflicted with Armor Pierce: Increases damage taken by 20%.
Angry Roar: Roar and knock back enemies within range. After successfully knocking back enemies, ATK is increased by 10%.
Firey Qi: Spin the weapon and gain Blessing Immune to all damage and strike the target.
Immense Power: Fire 3 energy waves to the front.
Moongaze: Kick twice and move backward. After landing, charge forward and strike all targets within range. If kicks hit the target, gain Blessing Immune to all damage for 1 second.
Epic Bloodblade Rune
Details: A record of the various skills in the Bloodblade weapon category. Inspirit specified weapons via the Central Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapons: Sword, Crescent, Twin Blades, Joint Firearm, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Rigid X-Bow, Plum Shuriken, Staff, Pipa, Tranquil Fan, Jade Flute, Royal Sword, Shield, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Citysmasher, Shield, Twin Blades
Moon Strike
Epic Bloodblade Rune Skill
Moon Strike: Go forth and slash the target thoroughly. Hold the skill button to jump up at the end of the skill.
- Impervious: Immune to stun and DEF is increased by 50%.
Epic Royal Sword Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Royal Sword weapon category. Go through the Central Council Pillar or the Roving Assassin to Inspirit specified weapons.
Inspirit Weapons: Royal Sword, Dreamsoul Lamp, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Crescent, Twin Blades, Citysmasher, Kilo X-Bow, Mighty X-Bow, Rumble Gun, Parallel Gun, Cannon, Flash Firearm, Skyfire X-Bow, Storm Sling, Joint Firearm, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Rigid X-Bow, Plum Shuriken
Sword Will
Epic Royal Sword Rune Skill
Sword Will: Guide the flying sword to attack a large area and deal multiple attacks.
- Sword will: Gain Sword Play and Sword Heart when used.
Epic Dreamsoul Lamp Rune
Detail: It records Dreamsoul Lamp weapon skills. and is able to inspirit certain weapons via the central Pillar or Travelling Merchant.
Inspirit Weapons: Dreamsoul Lamp
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Epic Dreamsoul Rune Skill
Gripine: Summon Gripine with the Dreamsoul Lamp and gain Illuminer. Deal damage to enemies in front, and Gripine is gained at the end of the skill. If used while low on energy, it will restore 1 Energy.
- Illuminer: Status name, with Impervious.
- Gripine: Staus name, and increases SPD.
Gripperbird: Ignite nearby souls with Dreamsoul Lamp and gain Illuminer. Summon the Gripperbird to deal damage to nearby enemies with meteorites, and Gripine is gained at the end of the skill. If used while low on Energy, it will restores 1 Energy.
- Illuminer: Status name, with Impervious.
- Gripine: Staus name, and increases SPD.
Epic Bow Rune
Detail: A record of the various skill in the Bow weapon category. Go through the Central Council Pillar or The Roving Assassin to Inspirit Specified weapons.
Inspirit Weapons: Bow
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Epic Bow Rune Skill
Muddled Frost: Gain Muddled Frost, reload fully, increases fire rate, and create 1 Companion Arrow.
- Muddled Frost: An energy that creates arrows.
- Sealed Heart: Other skill effects.
Open Window: Hold the button to Charge Up, create 7 Companion arrow, and release button to fire. Using the skill grant Sealed Heart.
- Muddled Frost and Sealed Heart: Other skill effects.
Epic Ignia Rune
Detials: A record of the various skills in the Ignia weapon category. Inspirit specified weapon via the Central Pillar or Roving Assassin.
Inspirit Weapon: Royal Sword, Dreamsoul Lamp, Battle Axe, Maul, Heavy Sword, Longspear, Divine Cudgel, Crescent, Twin Blades, Citysmasher, Kilo X-Bow, Mighty X-Bow, Rumble Gun, Parallel Gun, Cannon, Flash Firearm, Skyfire X-Bow, Storm Sling, Joint Firearm, Multi-X-Bow, Short X-Bow, Rigid X-Bow, Plum Shuriken
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Epic Ignia Rune Skill
Blinding Light: Throw a flash bomb towards the target location, dealing damage to enemies within range and blinding them with light.
Explosion: Throw a fire bomb towards the target location, dealing massive damage to enemies within range.
Inkstain: Throw an explosion bomb towards the target location, dealing damage to enemies within range and obscuring their vision with inl.
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