Aurelion Sol Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups

In League of Legends Wild Rift Aurelion Sol is a Mage that highly play in Mid lane. View Aurelion Sol Best builds, Runes, Matchups, and more here!

Aurelion Sol Build Guide

Wild Rift Items: Rod of Ages | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRod of AgesWild Rift Items: Rylias Crystal Scepter | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRylai's Crystal ScepterWild Rift Items: Ionian Boots of Lucidity | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerIonian Boots of Lucidity
Wild Rift Items: Liandrys Torment | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerLiandry's TormentWild Rift Items: Morellonomicon | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerMorellonomiconWild Rift Items: Void Staff | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerVoid Staff

Enchantment: Stasis is an item that Aurelion Sol should use.

This Aurelion Sol full build works well against opponents Mage, Marksman, Fighter, Assassin, and Tank.

The items provide Ability Power, Mana, Ability Haste, Magic Penetration, and Survivability.

Other Items Options

Here are more items that you should build on Aurelion Sol base on your game situation.

Wild Rift Items: Ludens Echo | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerLuden's EchoWild Rift Items: Awakened Soulstealer | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerAwakened SoulstealerWild Rift Items: Rabadons Deathcap | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRabadon's Deathcap
Wild Rift Items: Infinity Orb | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerInfinity OrbWild Rift Items: Shadows Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerShadows Enchant 

Aurelion Sol Runes

The Best Wild Rift Aurelion Sol Runes are Electrocute, keystone with Gathering Storm, Backbone, and Hunter - Genius.

Wild Rift Rune: Electrocute - zilliongamerElectrocuteHitting a champion with successive attacks or abilities deals bonus adaptive damage.
Wild Rift Rune: Gathering Storm - zilliongamerGathering StormEvery 2 minutes, gain AD or AP. (Adaptive)
Wild Rift Rune: Backbone - zilliongamerBackboneGain bonus AR or MR, based on whatever stat you have less of.
Wild Rift Rune: Hunter Genius - zilliongamerHunter - GeniusUnique champion takedowns grant Ability Haste.

Summoner Spells

Wild Rift Summoner Spell: Flash - zilliongamerFlashTeleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction.
Wild Rift Summoner Spell: Ignite - zilliongamerIgniteIgnites target enemy champion, dealing 60 true damage (60-410) over 5 seconds and inflicting them with Grievous Wounds.
Grievous wounds reduces healing effects by 50%.

Aurelion Sol Skill Guide

Skill Details

Aurelion Sol abilities: Center of the Universe | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerCenter of the UniverseStar orbit Aurelion Sol, dealing 18 magic damage (18 + 25% AP).
Aurelion Sol abilities: Starsurge | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerStarsurge

Fires a newborn star that detonates upon reaching the Outer Limit. The star expands as it travels, dealing 65 magic damage (65 + 65% AP) and stunning for 0.4 to 1.6 seconds based on time traveled.

Starsurge can be re-cast to detonate the star early.

Cooldown: 10.7/ 9.8/ 8.8/ 7.8

Mana Cost: 60/ 70/ 80/ 90

Aurelion Sol abilities: Celestial Expansion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerCelestial Expansion

Passive: Stars deals 5 increased damage.

Active: Pushes his stars out to the Outer Limit for 3 seconds, causing them to orbit faster and deal 30 magic damage (20 + 35% AP +10).

When the stars retract, Aurelion Sol gains 40% Movement Speed that decays over 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 7.8/ 5.9/ 3.9/ 2

Mana Cost: 70/ 80/ 90/ 100

Aurelion Sol abilities: Comet of Legend | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerComet of Legend

Passive: Gradually gains Movement Speed while moving in the same direction, up to 40%.

Active: Takes flight, gaining the ability to see and travel over walls for 9 seconds. Taking damage from Champion will end the flight.

Cooldown: 68.3/ 58.5/ 48.8/ 39

Mana Cost: 60

Aurelion Sol abilities: Void of Light | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerVoice of Light

Exhales starfire, dealing 150 magic damage (150 + 70% AP) and slowing by 40%. Enemies hit are knocked back to the Outer Limit.

Cooldown: 63.4/ 53.7/ 43.9

Mana Cost: 100

Skill Order

Aurelion Sol abilities: Starsurge | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerStarsurgeAurelion Sol abilities: Celestial Expansion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerCelestial ExpansionAurelion Sol abilities: Comet of Legend | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerComet of LegendAurelion Sol abilities: Void of Light | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerVoice of Light

Skill Combo

1. Aurelion Sol abilities: Starsurge | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Starsurge > Aurelion Sol abilities: Celestial Expansion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Celestial Expansion > Auto Attack

2. Aurelion Sol abilities: Starsurge | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Starsurge > Aurelion Sol abilities: Celestial Expansion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Celestial Expansion > Aurelion Sol abilities: Void of Light | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Voice of Light

3. Aurelion Sol abilities: Starsurge | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Starsurge > Aurelion Sol abilities: Comet of Legend | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Comet of Legend > Aurelion Sol abilities: Celestial Expansion | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Celestial Expansion > Aurelion Sol abilities: Void of Light | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Voice of Light

Aurelion Sol Matchups

Good Against
Twisted Fate Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerTwisted FateTwisted Fate is a good long-range skill but the low mobility is an advantage for Aurelion Sol to land his Stun Starsurge more effectively.
Yasuo Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerYasuoAurelion Sol can counter Yasuo well in mid lane. Most of Aurelion Sol's skills can go through Yashuo's Wind Wall. Aurelion Sol is also a good roaming champion compare to Yasuo to help other lanes.
Wild Rift Orianna | zilliongamerOriannaOrianna is a high range of skill champion but low mobility. This a good point for Aurelion Sol to land his stun Starsurge more effectively. The roaming ability of Aurelion Sol can gank other lanes easily.
Hard Counters
Wild Rift Fizz | zilliongamerFizzFizz is the best pick against Aurelion Sol because Fizz has Playful/Tricksters which can dodge Aurelion Sol's stun Starsurge and get close to him. Fizz's ultimate skill is also good for distance attack.
Wild Rift Zed | zilliongamerZedZed may hard to farm in the early game when he plays against Aurelion Sol. However, in the mid and late game Zed can delete Aurelion Sol with one skill combo. The Living Shadow allows Zed to dodge Aurelion Sol's stun Starsurge easily.

Aurelion Sol Pros and Cons

1. Good roaming champion
2. Very annoying for the enemy team
3. Strong mid and late game
1. Consume a lot of mana.
2. Hard to escape when got gank by enemy jungle
3. Hard to play against a champion that has a dashing ability.

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