Augur's Word is an advanced Magical item that provide both Offense and Defense to your hero. Find Augur's Word recipe, stats, and passive here.
In order to build Augur's Word you need a combination of Grand Staff and Evolution Crystals. This item cost 2,150 Gold in the latest season.
Augur's Word | |
Grand Staff | Evolution Crystals |
Spell Tome | Sparkling Sapphire |
- | Resilient Agate |
When you build Augur's Word, you should focus on what your character need most, if your character lacks magical attack you can get Grand Staff first.
However, if want to increase Mana and Health first you can get Evolution Crystals as your core item.
Stats & Passive
Augur's Word can provide benefit to your hero such as:
- +140 Magical Attack.
- +500 Max Mana.
- +1,100 Max Health.
This item two has passive call:
Passive - Valor's Gift
Leveling up restores 20% Health and Mana within 3 seconds.
Passive - Augury
Increases Physical and Magical Defense by 40% Magical Attack, up to 230.
Other Magical Items
End of Augur's Word Item Guide.