Best Guns in COD Mobile Season 2 2023

Call of Duty Mobile Season 2: Heavy Metal is live in-game now. Here is the weapon meta you need to help you dominate Season 2. All details is down below!

Note: Season 2 has ended. Check our Season 3 for up to date meta.

Best Guns in COD Mobile Season 2

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Similar to Season 1, the versatile meta is still the most popular weapon category being used by a majority of high ranked players and professionals.

Here are 10 best guns in COD Mobile Season 2

  1. KN-44
  2. Kilo 141
  3. Krig 6
  4. Switchblade X9
  5. CBR4
  6. DL Q33
  7. SKS
  8. Dingo
  9. S36
  10. KRM-262

As you can see in the list, these are the 10 best guns that dominating the meta for quite sometime, despite getting nerfed they are still a strong weapons to use.

Here are the best gun in each weapon class of COD Mobile Season 2 2023

For this part, we're going through each of the best gun from each weapon class detail of why these weapons are leading the Season 2 meta.


The KN-44 is the best gun in COD Mobile Season 2 after the Krig 6 got nerfed, a true 3 shots AR with zero recoil.

Best Gun in COD Mobile Season 2: KN-44

KN-44 got buffed back in Season 1, and now it's finally crowned as the King of Assault rifle for Season 2.

This gun is highly versatile, you can use the KN-44 for any range and it will shred the enemy regardless.

The KN-44 deal 34.8 upper chest damage up to 26 meters, combine with a very low recoil control, it's deadly accurate.

Switchblade X9

The King of close range niche is still belong to the Switchblade X9, a deadly close to mid range smg.

Best SMG in COD Mobile Season 2: Switchblade X9

The Switchblade X9 is a very powerful submachine gun that is widely known and loved by the COD Mobile community.

You can move very fast with the Switchblade X9 high mobility which is great for rotating around the map.

Damage and fire rate wise, it's perfect for an SMG, you can eliminate the enemy insanely fast with this gun.

It's also has fast ADS speed which is crucial for unexpected encounter or rushing camp enemies around the corner.

DL Q33

The DL Q33 is the best Sniper in COD Mobile Season 2, the only sniper that can 1 shot at any range.

Best Sniper in COD Mobile Season 2: DL Q33

The DL Q33 has been on top of the Sniper meta for several season now and it won't go anywhere soon.

This sniper deal 360 headshot damage up to 300 meters, and 150.3 at other body parts beside legs.

There are no other sniper that can compare to the DL Q33 in this season, it's the only sniper you should use.


The SKS is the best two tap marksman rifle in Season 2, it deal high damage and very accurate.

Best Marksman in COD Mobile Season 2: SKS

SKS is a semi-automatic gun that is great for close to mid range gunfight, it required some skills to master.

When using the SKS it's best for you to shoot at the enemy's upper chest and headshot to output maximize damage.

You can two shot the enemy up to 40 meters, after that you will need to precisely hit 3 shots at the upper chest.


The Dingo just got range and Damage buffed in this season making it the best LMG in Season 2.

Best LMG in COD Mobile Season 2: Dingo

Dingo was released back in Season 1, it now it's the most popular light machine gun for Battle Royale.

This gun deal 30.8 damage to the upper chest area up to 16 meters which is great for close to mid range gunfight.

Now with the buffed you will be able to hit long range every easier. Our build help reduces the recoil.


The KRM-262 is the strongest shotgun when it come to point blank combat, it can even used in mid range as well.

Best Shotgun in COD Mobile Season 2: KRM-262

KRM-262 is the best shotgun in Season 2 that can 1 shot enemies in point blank target and even up to 8 meters.

This gun also has very fast pump speed and the tightest pellets per shot make it very accurate.

Damage wise the KRM-262 can shoot up to 12 pellets which can output a huge amount of damage.


Overall, COD Mobile Season 2 meta is dominating by powerful guns like the KN-44, Switchblade X9, DL Q33, because they deal very high damage and very easy to use.