Tower of Fantasy Mounts List

Find all information about the Tower of Fantasy Mounts featuring mount parts and where to find them.

Mounts Overview

Riding on a mount in Tower of Fantasy allow players to travel around the world quicker without relying on teleporters. You can receive dark crystals as reward by keeping mounts and multiple mounts can unlock achievements. All mounts have the same speed but it has different colors available at certain levels.

Mounts List

Dust Wheeler

Tower of Fantasy Mount: Dust Wheeler - zilliongamerDust Wheeler

PartsWhere to Find
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Dust Wheeler Part 1 - zilliongamerRewarded at the end of the season for achieving the Grand Marshal rank.


Tower of Fantasy Mount: Monocross - zilliongamerMonocross

PartsWhere to Find
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Monocross Part 1 - zilliongamerCrown hidden quest line.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Monocross Part 2 - zilliongamerInside the base off the coast of northern Warren (664, -1236). Passcode is 7092.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Monocross Part 3 - zilliongamerSupply pod in central Warren (938, -403).
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Monocross Part 4 - zilliongamerRare drop from Devotees.


Tower of Fantasy Mount: Voyager - zilliongamerVoyager

PartsWhere to Find
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Voyager Part 1 - zilliongamerObtain during the Navia Ecological Park hidden quest line.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Voyager Part 2 - zilliongamerRare drop from the Four Powers.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Voyager Part 3 - zilliongamerInside the locked bunker at Seaforth Dock in southern Crown (511, 767). Passcode is 3594.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Voyager Part 4 - zilliongamerObtained during the Navia Ecological Park hidden quest line.

Omnium Beast VII

Tower of Fantasy Mount: Omnium Beast VII - zilliongamerOmnium Beast VII

PartsWhere to Find
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Omnium Beast VII Part 1 - zilliongamerObtain during the Navia Ecological Park hidden quest line.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Omnium Beast VII Part 2 - zilliongamerInside the locked at HT201 Shelter in southeast Banges (88, 966). Passcode is 1647.
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Omnium Beast VII Part 3 - zilliongamerRare drop from Behemoths.


Tower of Fantasy Mount: Chaser - zilliongamerChaser

PartsWhere to Find
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Chaser Part 1 - zilliongamerSupply pod at Rusty Belt in northern Astra (-829, 473).
Tower of Fantasy Mount Part: Chaser Part 2 - zilliongamerRare drop from The Vermin Brothers.

Related Wiki

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Tower of Fantasy Wiki: Weapons List - zilliongamerWeapons List 

End of Tower of Fantasy Mounts List