Glacial Buckler is an advanced Defense item that Reflect damage and slow the enemy when they hit you. Find Glacial Buckler recipe, stats, and passive here.
In order to buy Glacial Buckler you need a combination of Frosthold Targe and Protector's Cuirass. This item cost 2,100 Gold in the latest season.
Glacial Buckler | |
Frosthold Targe | Protector's Cuirass |
Cloth Jerkin | x2 Cloth Jerkin |
Sparkling Sapphire | - |
When you build Glacial Buckler, you can look at what you hero need the most, if you want Physical Defense, Mana, and Cooldown Reduction you can get Frosthold Target first.
However, if you want pure Physical Defense for your hero you can get Protector's Cuirass first.
Stats & Passive
Glacial Buckler can provide benefit to your hero such as:
- +20% Cooldown Reduction.
- +500 Max Mana.
- +360 Physical Defense.
This item has one passive call:
Passive - Frost Shock
Fires an ice blast at the enemy when losing 10% or more of current Health from a single attack, dealing 100 - 240 magical damage to enemies within range and reducing their Attack Speed by 15% and Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds.
Other Defense Items
End of Glacial Buckler Item Guide.