Welcome to TFT Mobile Champion Cheatsheet. Here you can view all champion class and element in Galaxies Set.
Ahri (2$)
| |
Annie (2$)
| |
Ashe (3$)
| |
Aurelion Sel (5$)
| |
Blitzcrank (2$)
| |
Caitlyn (1$)
| |
Cho'Gath (4$)
| |
Darius (2$)
| |
Ekko (5$)
| |
Ezreal (3$)
| |
Fiora (1$)
| |
Fizz (4$)
| |
Gangplank (5$)
| |
Graves (1$)
| |
Irelia (4$)
| |
Jarvan IV (1$)
| |
Jayce (3$)
| |
Jhin (4$)
| |
Jinx (4$)
| |
Kai'Sa (2$)
| |
Karma (3$)
| |
Kassadin (3$)
| |
Kayle (4$)
| |
Kha'Zix (1$)
| |
Leona (1$)
| |
Lucian (2$)
| |
LuLu (5$)
| |
Lux (3$)
| |
Malphite (1$)
| |
Master Yi (3$)
| |
Miss Fortune (5$)
| |
Mordekaiser (2$)
| |
Neeko (3$)
| |
Poppy (1$)
| |
Rakan (2$)
| |
Rumble (3$)
| |
Shaco (3$)
| |
Shen (2$)
| |
Sona (2$)
| |
Soraka (4$)
| |
Syndra (3$)
| |
Thresh (5$)
| |
Twisted Fate (1$)
| |
Vel'Koz (4$)
| |
Vi (3$)
| |
Wukong (4$)
| |
Xayah (1$)
| |
Xin Zhao (2$)
| |
Yasuo (2$)
| |
Ziggs (1$)
| |
Zoe (1$)
For champion detail such as stats, skill, spell, item build, synergies, class and more , tap or click on the image.
End of TFT Mobile Champion Cheatsheet set Galaxies