Kalista Wild Rift Build Guide (Patch 5.1) Items, Runes, and Combos

Choosing the correct build is really important in the game. This article will show you the best Kalista Build Guide Wild Rift. Which items & runes are the best for Kalista here.

Learn more about the Wild Rift Kalista build guide, including items, runes, best combos, skill order, ability details, and the optimal build.

Kalista Wild Rift

Wild Rift Kalista Guides - zilliongamer

Kalista is a new marksman champion. She's known for her unique mechanics and strengths, which make her particularly effective in certain situations.

She has high mobility thanks to her passive, and she excels at kiting enemies due to her passive and her ability to constantly reposition during fights.

The Spear of Vengeance

A specter of wrath and retribution, Kalista is the undying spirit of vengeance, an armored nightmare summoned from the Shadow Isles to hunt deceivers and traitors.

The betrayed may cry out in blood to be avenged, but Kalista only answers those willing to pay with their very souls.

Those who become the focus of Kalista's wrath should make their final peace, for any pact sealed with this grim hunter can only end with the cold, piercing fire of her soul-spears.

Kalista Best Build Guide Wild Rift

The Best Build for Kalista in Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Kalista Build Item Breakdown

Kalista - Core Item

  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Runaan's Hurricane
  • Terminus

Kalista - Main Build

  • Blade of the Ruined King
  • Runaan's Hurricane
  • Terminus
  • Bloodthirster
  • Guardian Angle
  • Berserker's Greaves
  • Quicksilver Sash Enchant
  • Blade of the Ruined King: Blade of the Ruined King is a very good first item for Kalista, enhancing her attack speed, attack damage, vampirism, and applying a slow to her enemy.
  • Runaan's Hurricane: Runaan's Hurricane is a strong item for Kalista, provides her with improved wave clear and Kalista's primary damage ability is Rend (third ability), which allows her to deal additional damage based on the number of spears she has lodged in an enemy.
  • Terminus: Terminus helps increases more physical damage, attack speed, magic pen, and armor pen, which is very good for Kalista.
  • Bloodthirster: The Bloodthirster provides a significant amount of lifesteal and grants a substantial amount of attack damage, increasing the damage output of Kalista's basic attacks and abilities.
  • Guardian Angle: It helps increase armor and attack damage, and Guardian Angel also provides Kalista with a second chance at life by reviving her upon death.
  • Quicksilver or Stasis Enchant.

Situational Changes

Kalista Item Situational Changes in Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Kalista Best Runes & Summoner Spells

Wild Rift Kalista Best Runes - zilliongamer

The Best runes build for Kalista in Wild Rift are: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Coup De Grave, Legend: Alacrity, and Sudden Impact.

  • Lethal Tempo: Attack faster with each consecutive attack.
  • Triumph: Champion takedowns restore lost resources.
  • Coup De Grave: Increases damage dealt to enemy champions with low Health.
  • Legend: Alacrity: Gains Attack Speed.
  • Sudden Impact: Gains Armor and Magic Pen after dashing or after exiting invisibility/stealth.

Wild Rift Kalista Skill Order

Kalista Skills Order in Wild Rift - zilliongamer

  • Martial Poise (Passive): Enter a movement command while winding up Kalista's basic attack or Pierce to lunge a short distance when she launches her attack.
  • Pierce: Throw a fast moving spear that passes through enemies it kills.
  • Sentinel: Gain bonus damage when Kalista and her Oathsworn strike the same target. Activate to send a soul to scout out the path, revealing the area in front of it.
  • Rend: Attacks impale their targets with spears. Activate to rip the spears out, slowing and dealing escalating damage.
  • Fates Call: Kalista teleports the Oathsworn ally to herself. They gain the ability to dash toward a position, knocking enemy champions back.

Wild Rift Kalista Best Combos

Easy Combos

1. Auto attack twice, then use her first ability, Pierce, followed by another auto attack, and finish with her third ability, Rend.

2. Pierce (first ability) > Auto Attack > then finish with her third ability, Rend.

Medium Combos

1. Auto Attack x5 > then use her first ability, Pierce, and finish with her third ability, Rend. (You can use this combo to attack enemies over certain walls in the game)

Hard Combos

1. Use auto attacks to stack up on a target such as minions or monsters, then use your first ability, Pierce. Make sure you line up with the next target you want, then you can finish with your third ability, Rend.


Kalista, the new marksman champion released on April 11, she excels at kiting enemies due to her passive and her ability to constantly reposition during fights.

Kalista's kit, particularly with items like Runaan's Hurricane, allows her to deal damage to multiple targets simultaneously, making her valuable in team fights.