Runeblade is an advanced Jungling item that Boost Magical Attack when you killed monster. Find Runeblade recipe, stats, and passive here.
Note: This item requires Smite to purchase and it's highly recommend for Jungler only.
To buy Runeblade you need a combination of Guerilla Machete, Sage's Codex, and Primal Scepter. This item cost 2,160 gold in the latest season.
Runeblade | ||
Guerilla Machete | Sage's Codex | Primal Scepter |
When building Runeblade you need Guerilla Machete first then look at what your hero need, if you need cooldown and magic attack you can buy Sage's Codex first.
However, if you want raw Magic attack you can get Primal Scepter first.
Stat & Passive
Runeblade can provide benefit to your character such as:
- +150 Magical Attack.
- +5% Cooldown Reduction.
- +7% Movement Speed.
This item has two passive call:
Passive - Hunter
When a Basic Attack or a skill hits a monster, it takes 90 + 30% magical damage every 0.5 seconds for 2 seconds (heroes only take 20% damage).
Passive - Reward
Increases your Magical Attack by 6 and Cooldown Reduction by 0.2% whenever you or your teammate within a range of 700 units kills a monster, for up to 20 stacks.
Other Jungling Items
Runeblade | Rapacious Bite | Giant's Grip |
End of Runeblade Item Guide.