Fischl Build, Weapons, & Artifacts

Find Fischl Build, Weapons, and Artifacts that suitable for Fischl here.

Fischl Stats

Genshin Imapct character: Bennett - zilliongamerFischl

  • Rarity: 4 Stars
  • Element: Electro
  • Weapon: Bow

Best Weapons For Fischl

Best 3 Stars Weapon

In the early game, it's difficult to find 4 or 5 stars weapon. Therefore, there is a 3 star Bow that is the best weapon for Fischl. Here is the Weapon List from best to good.


Slingshot Bow Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamer

  • If a Normal Attack or Aimed Shot hits a target within 0.3s of being fired, increases DMG by 36%. Otherwise, it decreases DMG by 10%.

Best 4 Star Weapons

In the mid-game, 4-star weapons can be getting from wish or find materials to forge at the blacksmith. Here is the weapon list from best to good.

The Stringless

The Stringless Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamer

  • Increases Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG by 24%.

Favonius Warbow

Favonius Warbow Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamer

  • CRIT hits have a 60% chance to generate 1 Elemental Orb, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12s.

Compound Bow

Compound Bow Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamer

  • Normal and Aimed Shot hits increase ATK 4% and Normal ATK SPD by 1.2% for 6s. Max 4 stacks. Can occur once every 0.3s.

Best 5 Star Weapons

The only way to get 5-star weapon is by wishing. It will randomly drop when you are doing wish if you are a lucky one. Here is the best weapon list from best to good.

Skyward Harp

Skyward Harp Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamer

  • Increases CRIT DMG by 20%. Hits have a 60% chance to inflict a small AoE attack, dealing 125% Physical ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 4s.

Best Artifacts For Fischl

Here are the best Artifacts list for Fischl from best to good.

Thunder Fury

Thundering Fury Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer

  • Electro DMG Bonus +15%
  • Increases damage caused by Overload, Electro-Charged and Superconduct DMG by 40%. Triggering such effects decreases Elemental Skill CD by 1s. Can only occur once every 0.8s

Bloodstained Chivalry

Bloodstained Chivalry Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer

  • Physical DMG +25%
  • After defeating an opponent, increases Charged Attack by 50%, and reduces its Stamina cost to 0 for 10s.

Gladiator's Final

Gladiator's Finale Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer

  • ATK +18%
  • If the wielder if this artifact set uses a Sword, Claymor, or Polearm, increases their Normal Attack DMG by 35%.

Martial Artist

Martial Artist Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer

  • Increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 15%.
  • After using Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 25% for 8s.


Berserker Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer

  • CRIT Rate +12%
  • When HP is below 70%, CRIT Rate increases by an additional 24%.


Instructor Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer

  • Increases Elemental Mastery by 80
  • After causing an elemental reaction, increases all party members' Elemental Mastery by 120 for 8s.

Best Build For Fischl

Best Support Build

This build is focused on Fischl Elemental Mastery to make Elemental reaction.


The Stringless Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamerThe Stringless

Favonius Warbow Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamerFavonius Warbow

Artifacts Set

Thundering Fury Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer(4) Thundering Fury

Instructor Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer(4) Instructor

Best Support Build Stats

Main Stats

  • HP
  • ATK
  • Energy Recharged
  • Electro DMG
  • ATK%

Sub Stats

  • ATK%
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Energy Recharged

Best Physical DPS Build

This build have a very high Physical DMG Bonus and ATK DMG in the artifact set.


Skyward Harp Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamerSkyward Harp

Compound Bow Genshin Impact Bows Weapons - zilliongamerCompound Bow

Artifacts Set

Bloodstained Chivalry Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer(2) Bloodstained Chivalry
Gladiator's Finale Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer(2) Gladiator's Finale

Martial Artist Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer(4) Martial Artist
Berserker Genshin Impact Artifacts - zilliongamer(4) Berserker

Best Physical DPS Build Stats

Main Stats

  • HP
  • ATK
  • ATK%
  • Physical DMG

Sub Stats

  • ATK%
  • CRIT Rate

End of Fischl Build Guide