The Best M870 Build & Loadout for Delta Force

Get an in-depth explanation to master M870 with our M870 Best Build in Delta Force in two different modes Best M870 Build in Warfare Mode & Best M870 in Operations Mode down below:

M870 Overview

You can unlock the M870 Shotgun for free Right At the Start of the Game. After you get this weapon you will need to unlock the attachments by using it in any mode of the game. The Max Level to get full M870 attachments is Level 43.

M870 is available to use with all the Operators that has inside the game. 

M870 | Delta Force - zilliongamer

M870 is in the Shotgun Class that has the highest Damage Output & Fire Range stats among all Shotgun inside the game. Non attachments M870 stats come with:

  • Mode: Single
  • Damage: 30*8
  • Range: 10m
  • Control: 26
  • Handling: 57
  • Stability: 41
  • Accuracy: 49
  • Fire Rate: 74 rpm
  • Capacity: 6round 
  • Muzzle Velocity: 400m/s

Without any attachment the Recoil Control and bullets spread when firing of this gun is quite hard to aim the targets. 

Best M870 Build for Delta Force Warfare

Best M870 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

This is the best M870 build to use in Warfare game mode. You can copy our M870 Build Code > M870 > Modify > Loadout > Import > Paste The Code.

M870 Build Code (Warfare)

  • Copy this => M870 Shotgun-Warfare-6F6D6H805E7GMC01NIUGE
M870 LoadoutAttachment Details
Delta Force Best Attachments: M870 Extended Barrel - zilliongamerM870 Extended BarrelThis Barrel increases a lot of stats for the M870 by improving Fire Range & Muzzle Velocity and Accuracy stats. Moreover, this Barrel extended more Magazine Capacity for M870 up to 8. You can Calibrate this Barrel to get the other 2 effect stats +3% ADS Speed & +4% Firing Stability.
Delta Force Best Attachments: Shotgun Vortex Choke - zilliongamerShotgun Vortex ChokeApplied this Muzzle with M870 to get great Recoil Control stats for M870 plus a good Aiming Spread that makes the Bullets Stick Together when using ADS.  
Delta Force Best Attachments: Practical Vertical Foregrip - zilliongamerPractical Vertical ForegripThis Foregrip is applied to improve Vertical Recoil Control & Recoil Control stats for M870. Calibrate this Foregrip to get +16% Firing Stability When Moving. 
Delta Force Best Attachments: M870 Rail Handguard - zilliongamerM870 Rail HandguardApply this Handguard in order to get Foregrip attachments with M870. 
Delta Force Best Attachments: UR Spec Ops Tactical Stock - zilliongamerUR Spec Ops Tactical StockThis Stock provide great Recoil Control Stability to M870 and also +4.80% ADS Speed & +18% Aiming Stability While Breathing when you Calibrate it. 
Delta Force Best Attachments: Combat Red Dot - zilliongamerCombat Red DotThis Sight will give perfect vision when ADS in the Close-Quarter range fights for M870. 

Our Build is focused on making this gun has low Recoil Control when shooting from 26 to 50, Accuracy from 49 to 61, Capacity from 6 to 8, and Muzzle Velocity to 419m/s by sacrificing some Handling & Stability stats. 

How to play this M870 Build in Warfare Mode

With the improvement of Fire Range & Muzzle Velocity M870 have the ability to one-shot target from 15m away and also increase great Recoil Control firing stability & Quick ADS speed for M870 to respond to a quick fight in close range. M870 has a low fire rate so don't expose yourself too long when peeking use the Quick Peek strategy go in & out peek in close-range combat or Jump Shot the enemies when pushing to avoid getting hit.

Tips: To get a Faster Attachment Level to upgrade your Shotgun we recommend you guys play King of the Hill Mode in Warfare.

Best M870 Loadout in Operations Mode

We won't recommend you guys play M870 in this mode. Because the damage of this gun is really low and can't one-shot the enemies with good Armor & Helmet Gears. Moreover, it really wastes your Tekniq Alloy to get a good Loadout from this gun. 

Best Class Gadget for M870

Class Gadget, equipped alongside your primary and secondary weapon, can come in handy in many different scenarios depending on which operators you play when using M870.

Seem this weapon can be used with all Operators we will choose the Best Class Gadget for each Operator to use with M870.

Class GadgetGuide
Med Combo | Delta Force - zilliongamerMed ComboNeutral Supply Crate which heals operators within range automatically.
Best M16A4 Class Gadget: Healing Syringe | Delta ForceHealing SyringeHealing Syringe is to boost the HP so player can go right back into the gunfight with full health.
AT4 Launcher | Delta Force - zilliongamerAT4 LauncherGreat to kill a group of targets with explosive grenades. Mainly, useful for Anti Armor battles, Anti Aircraft, and against objectives.
Respawn Beacon | Delta Force - zilliongamerRespawn BeaconAllows allies to respawn at the deployment spot, ideal for being hidden behind enemy lines.

Med Combo is the Best Class Gadget for Support Operators when using M870 It will be a healing utility to support your team as well it can heal every teammate who steps inside the range of it. Place this Med Combo near you and your teammate to recover health when you hold any angle. 

Healing Syringe is the Best Class Gadget for Assault Operators when using M870 to defend or push forward the targets use this healing syringe to quickly restore full HP in quick seconds. 

AT4 Laucnher is the Best Class Gadget for Engineer Operators when using M879. This Launcher has 4 explosive bullets that can kill a group of enemies. Especially, can deal good damage to Anti Armor Vehicles, anti-aircraft, and Objective with fast fire when shooting.

Respawn Beacon is the Best Class Gadget for Recon Operators when using M870 place this device to create other respawn deployment spots that allow your teammate to respawn and continue the battle without any notice or destroy this Gadget from your enemies

End of Delta Force M870 Shotgun build guide.


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