The Best AUG Build in Delta Force

Find the best AUG build for Delta Force here featuring from the best AUG build for warfare mode to the best AUG loadout for operations mode.

Get to know every details of AUG assault rifle down below:

AUG Overview

In order to unlocked the AUG assault rifle you need to reach Warfare Level 18.

To unlock all the AUG attachments you need to level up the AUG to level 50.

The AUG is only available for Shepherd and Uluru.

AUG | Delta Force - zilliongamer

The AUG is an assault rifle that deal 20 damage with 679 rpm fire rate, the low recoil control is the main selling point to use this weapon.

It has a prime range of 40m fit for mid to long range gunfight, with low recoil and good stability, we only need to increase it stability to become more precise.

Here are the best AUG build for warfare and best loadout for operations mode:

Best AUG Build for Delta Force Warfare

This is the best AUG loadout for player to use in Warfare mode:

Delta Force | Best AUG Build | Warfare - zilliongamer

Player can past our code directly into the game to easily build this fully equipped AUG attachments:

AUG Build Code (Warfare)

  • AUG Assault Rifle-Warfare-6EUI9CC04IRCV4UQ6PCEV
AUGAttachment Details
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Bastion Horizontal Compensator - zilliongamerBastion Horizontal CompensatorWe equip this muzzle attachment to reduces horizontal control, improves horizontal firing and camera stability.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: AUG Elite Bipod Long Barrel - zilliongamerAUG Elite Bipod Long BarrelWe equip this barrel attachment to increase the firing range and muzzle velocity, reduces recoil control, and improves firing stability.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: DD Python Handguard - zilliongamerDD Python HandguardWe equip this handguard attachment on AUG's left, right, and upper rail, to improve the handling of the weapon. 
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Universal Cheek Pad - zilliongamerUniversal Cheek PadWe equip this cheek pad attachment to reduces recoil control, and improve AUG's stability.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: AUG Stock Pad - zilliongamerAUG Stock PadWe equip this stock pad attachment to reduces more recoil control, and improve more handling.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Badger Small Mag Assist - zilliongamerBadger Small Mag AssistWe equip this mag mount attachment to improve the handling of the AUG.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: X25U Angled Combat Grip - zilliongamerX25U Angled Combat GripWe equip this foregrip attachment to increase the AUG's accuracy, reduces both vertical and horizontal recoil control.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Optic - zilliongamerOpticOptic is entirely personal preference, we equip either Cobra accuracy sight or Reflex sight.

This AUG is build to increase the firing range and muzzle velocity, reduces recoil control, improves stability, by only sacrifice a little bit of handling.

How to play this AUG Build

We build this AUG loadout for engineer operators mainly, and since they are the only characters that can use this weapon, we focus more on improving the effective range so that player can still focus on hitting vehicle target and maintain the same accuracy to enemy on foot.

Best AUG Loadout for Delta Force Operations

This is the best AUG build for player to play in Operations game mode only:

Delta Force | Best AUG Build | Operations - zilliongamer

Player can past our code directly into the game to easily build this fully equipped AUG loadout:

AUG Build Code (Operations)

  • AUG Assault Rifle-Operations-6EUI9FG04IRCV4UQ6PCEV
AUGAttachment Detail
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: AUG Dawn Zero Integrally Suppressed Barrel- zilliongamerAUG Dawn Zero Integrally Suppressed BarrelWe equip this barrel attachment on the AUG to increase the range capability and muzzle velocity, reduces recoil control, and suppressed the gunshot.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: KC Hound Handguard - zilliongamerKC Hound HandguardWe equip this handguard on AUG's left and right rail, to improve the stability of the weapon.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Universal Cheek Pad - zilliongamerUniversal Cheek PadWe equip this cheek pad attachment to reduces recoil control, and improve AUG's stability.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: AUG Stock Pad - zilliongamerAUG Stock PadWe equip this stock pad attachment to reduces more recoil control, and improve more handling.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Badger Small Mag Assist - zilliongamerBadger Small Mag AssistWe equip this mag mount attachment to improve the handling of the AUG.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Folding Grip - zilliongamerFolding GripWe equip this foregrip attachment on the AUG to increase weapon stability and improve handling of the weapon.
Delta Force AUG Best attachment: Optic - zilliongamerOpticOptic is entirely personal preference, we equip the Mini Red Dot Sight or Reflex Sight.

This AUG loadout is build to suppress the firing sound, improves stability, and reduces recoil control.

How to play this AUG Loadout

We build this AUG loadout for players to be agile and aggressive with their gunfight, and rely on this gun to deliver pin point accuracy when shooting close to mid rang target.

While being aggressive it the main focus we also make sure that stealth playstyle can still use this loadout to their highest ability without having to exposed their location during gunfight.

Best Class Gadget for AUG

Class gadget is equip with player's primary and secondary weapon to complete the full loadout.

Here are our recommend class gadget, ranking from the best to worst:

Class GadgetGuide
AT4 | Delta Force - zilliongamerAT4This is the best class gadget to use, it has no lock time, it deal great damage and can be use for both vehicle and infantry.
Javeline | Delta Force - zilliongamerJavelinThis class gadget deal higher damage than the AT4 but it required lock time to shoot, and it can't target infantry.
Stinger | Delta Force - zilliongamerStingerStinger is similar to Javelin but deal lower damage and can't not target infantry.
Active Denial System | Delta Force - zilliongamerActive Denial SystemActive Denial System is a good class gadget for stealth playstyle to avoid getting spotted by enemies class gadget.
Anti-Tank Mine | Delta Force - zilliongamerAnti-Tank MineAnti-Tank Mine is decent, it can disabled enemy vehicles when place correctly and triggers when the enemy drive pass it.
EMP Launcher | Delta Force - zilliongamerEMP LauncherEMP Launcher is another decent gadget to use, it's more defensive which shoot out an emp to disabled enemy gadget.

AT4 is the best launcher to use with the AUG, this launcher is very powerful to use for both vehicle and enemy troop with zero tracking time, player need to know how to measure the mid to long range shot.

Javelin and Stinger are the second best launcher that player can use, it can only target vehicle and require time to track, this required player to be further from the target so nobody spot them before launching to the target.

Active Denial System & Anti-Tank Mine & EMP Launcher are the third choice that player can equip, to utilize any of this class gadget player will become more of a supporter in the team instead.

More Assault Rifles Builds Guides

End of Delta Force AUG build guide.