Striker VS HS0405 Comparison

Here is the comparison between two shotguns Striker and HS0405 we break down all the strength of both guns and let your vote decide on which one is the best gun among these two.

The comparison is mainly focused on each gun stat, gun skin perk and weapon attachment did not include.

Striker VS HS0405 Overview

Striker VS HS0405 - Gun Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Striker and HS0405 both are the shotgun in COD Mobile but they fire in the different mode. For Striker is a Full-Auto Mode shotgun and HS0405 is a Single Mode shotgun.

Striker VS HS0405 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats: No attachment equipped in the comparison.

Fire Rate355


Striker vs HS0405 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Striker has a better fire rate but it has lower damage than HS0405. About the accuracy, mobility, and range both guns have the same stats.

High Fire Rate: Having a higher fire rate allows Striker to shoot faster than HS0405.


Striker vs HS0405 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

HS0405 has a higher damage but the fire rate is less than Striker. About the accuracy, mobility, and range both guns have the same stats.

High Damage: Having a higher damage is an advantage for HS0405 to take down the enemy in just a single shot.

Comparison Result

Close-Range situation

In the close-range duel between Striker and HS0405. Striker would be the winner due to the better fire rate that allows this gun to strike faster than HS0405. 


After the comparison, both guns have their own value. HS0405 is suitable for the good aiming players to eliminate the enemy with a single bullet, but if your aim is not good enough you guys better use Striker. 

Which one you think is the better gun in COD mobile among these two? Leave your idea down below.