TFT Skarner Set 7.5 Item Build, Stats, Abilities, and Synergies
Item Build
Cost | 1 |
Health | 650/1170/2106 |
Mana | 90 |
Starting Mana | 40 |
Armor | 45 |
MR | 45 |
DPS | 33/59/107 |
Damage | 55/99/178 |
Attack Speed | 0.6 |
Crit Rate | 25% |
Range | 1 |
Crystalline Exoskeleton
Skarner shields himself for 8 seconds, and gains Attack Speed while it holds.
Skill: Active
Mana: 40/90
Shield Amount: 300/360/420
Attack Speed Bonus: 160%/180%/200%
After each player combat, gain an Astral Orb. The combined star level of your Astral champions increases the quality of the orb.
Astral champions gains bonus Ability Power.
- (3) 10 Ability Power
- (5) 40 Ability Power
- (8) 75 Ability Power
Nidalee Cost (1) | Skarner Cost (1) | Vladimir Cost (1) |
Lux Cost (2) | Varus Cost (3) | Aurelion Sol Cost (8) |
Your team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.
- (2) 180 Health
- (4) 350 Health
- (6) 550 Health
- (8) 900 Health
Malphite Cost (1) | Skarner Cost (1) | Jax Cost (2) |
Olaf Cost (3) | Sylas Cost (3) | Sy'fen Cost (7) |
End of TFT Skarner Set 7.5 Guide