TFT Set 7.5 Olaf Item Build, Stats, Abilities, and Synergies
Item Build
Cost | 3 |
Health | 800/1440/2592 |
Mana | 100 |
Starting Mana | 50 |
Armor | 50 |
MR | 50 |
DPS | 35/63/113 |
Damage | 50/90/162 |
Attack Speed | 0.7 |
Crit Rate | 25% |
Range | 1 |
Passive: Olaf seeks glorious death, permanently gaining 5 Attack Damage (10 in Hyper Roll) whenever he dies.
Active: Olaf strikes his target, dealing a percent of his Attack Damage and gaining Attack Speed for 6 seconds. If he's below 50% Health, the Attack Speed is doubled.
Skill: Active/Passive
Mana: 50/100
Attack Speed Bonus: 40%/50%/60%
Scalescorns take 20% reduced damage from enemies with more than 1900 Health. If you don't have a Dragon on your team, they also deal a percent of their damage as additional magic damage.
- (2) 15% magic damage
- (4) 50% magic damage
- (6) 115% magic damage
Braum Cost (2) | Lillia Cost (2) | Diana Cost (3) |
Pantheon Cost (4) |
Your team gains bonus maximum Health. Bruisers gain double this bonus.
- (2) 180 Health
- (4) 350 Health
- (6) 550 Health
- (8) 900 Health
Malphite Cost (1) | Skarner Cost (1) | Jax Cost (2) |
Olaf Cost (3) | Sylas Cost (3) | Sy'fen Cost (7) |
Warrior attacks have a 50% chance to increase the damage of their next attack.
- (2) 80% damage
- (4) 180% damage
- (6) 350% damage
Wukong Cost (1) | Yone Cost (2) | Olaf Cost (3) |
Pantheon Cost (4) | Yasuo Cost (5) |
End of TFT Olaf Set 7.5 Guide