The Galaxies set are now arriving in TFT Mobile which bring you guys 10 new origins as the following below:
Table of Contents
In this Astro Origins, there are 4 champions such as Nautilus, Bard, Gnar, and Teemo.
Teemo 4 | Gnar 4 | Bard 3 |
Nautilus 2 |
3 Astro champs have 30 reduced mana cost.
In this Battlecast Origins, there are 6 champions such as Urgot, Viktor, Cassiopeia, KogMaw, Nocturne, Illaoi
Urgot 5 | Viktor 4 | Cassiopeia 3 |
KogMaw 2 | Nocturne 1 | Illaoi 1 |
Battlecast champions, upon dealing or taking 10 instanced of damage, heal if below half health, or deal magic damage to the nearest enemy if above half.
2 75 Healing or Damage.
4 150 Healing or Damage.
6 250 Healing or Damage.
In this Celestial Origins, there are 5 champions such as Lulu, Ashe, Xin, Rakan, and Xayah.
Lulu 5 | Ashe 3 | Xin 3 |
Rakan 2 | Xayah 1 |
All allies heal for some of the damage they deal with spells and attacks.
2 15% Healing
4 40% Healing
6 99% Healing
In this Chrono Origins, there are 8 champions such as Thresh, Wukon, Riven, Ezreal, Shen, Blitzcra, Twisted, and Caitlyn.
Thresh 5 | Wukong 4 | Riven 4 |
Ezreal 3 | Shen 2 | Blitzcrank 2 |
Caitlyn 1 | Twisted 1 |
All allies gain 15% attack speed every some second.
2 Attack Speed gains every 8 seconds.
4 Attack Speed gains every 3.5 seconds.
6 Attack Speed gains every 1.5 seconds.
8 Attack Speed gains every 0.75 seond.
In this Cybernetic Origins, there are 7 champions such as Ekko, Irellia, Vil, Vayne, Lucian, Leona, Fiora.
Ekko 5 | Irelia 4 | Vi 3 |
Vanye 3 | Lucian 2 | Leona 1 |
Fiora 1 |
Cybernetic champions with at least one item gain health and attack damage.
3 350 Health and 50 Attack damage.
6 600 Health and 90 Attack damage.
Dark Star 
In this Cybernetic Origins, there are 6 champions such as Jhin, Shaco, Lux, Karma, Mordekaiser, Jarvan.
Jhin 5 | Shaco 4 | Lux 3 |
Karma 2 | Mordekai 1 | Jarvan 1 |
When any ally champion dies, all other allied Dark Star Champions gain damage and spell power.
2 Attack Damage and Spell Power +12.
4 Attack Damage and Spell Power +12.
6 Attack Damage and Spell Power +35.
8 Attack Damage and Spell Power +60.
In this Rebel Origins, there are 7 champions such as: Aurelion Sol, Malphite, Ziggs, Yasuo, Master Yii, Zed, and Jinx.
Aurelio 5 | Jinx 4 | MasterYi 3 |
Yasuo 2 | Zed 2 | Malphite 1 |
Ziggs 1 |
At the start of combat, Rebels gain a Health and Shield for 8 seconds and Increased Damage for each adjacent Rebel.
3 150 Health Shield & 10% Increased Damage.
6 210 Health Shield & 12% Increased Damage.
9 330 Shield & 15% Damage.
Star Guardian 
In this Rebel Origins, there are 7 champions such as: Janna, Soraka, Ahri, Neeko, Zoe, Poppy, and Syndra.
Janna 5 | Soraka 4 | Syndra 3 |
Neeko 3 | Ahri 2 | Zoe 1 |
Poppy 1 |
Star Guardian's spell casts grant mana to other Star Guardians (spread among them)
3 30 Mana.
6 50 Mana.
9 80 Total Mana.
Space Pirate 
In this Rebel Origins, there are 4 champions such as: Gangplank, Darius, Graves, Jayce.
Gangplank 5 | Jayce 3 | Darius 2 |
Graves 1 |
Whenever a Space Pirate lands a killing blow on a Champion there is a chance to drop extra loot.
2 50% for 1 Gold
4 50% for 1 Gold and 25% for a component item.
Mech Pilot 
In this Rebel Origins, there are 3 champions such as: Annie, Fizz, Rumble.
Fizz 4 | Rumble 3 | Annie 2 |
The Super-Mech has the combined Pilots Health, Attack Damage, and Traits of its Pilots, as well as 3 random items from among them. When the Super-Mech dies the Pilots are ejected, continue to fight.
3 At the start of combat, three Mech Pilot champs are merged into a Super Mech.
End of TFT Origins Cheat Sheet Galaxies Set.
TFT Mobile Classes Cheat Sheet