The Galaxies set are now arriving in TFT Mobile which bring you guys 14 classes synergies as the following below:
Table of Contents
In this Blademaster Classes, there are 7 champions such as Riven, Irelia, Xayah, Fiora, Yasuo, Shen and Master Yi.
Riven 4 | Irelia 4 | MasterYi 3 |
Yasuo 2 | Shen 2 | Xayah 1 |
Fiora 1 |
Blademaster Basic Attacks have a change to trigger two additional attacks against their target. These additional attacks deal damage like basic attacks trigger on-hit effects.
3 30% Chance to trigger.
6 55% Chance to trigger.
9 100% chance to trigger.
In this Blaster Classes, there are 5 champions such as Jinx, Lucian, KogMaw, Ezreal, and Graves.
Jinx 5 | Ezreal 3 | Lucian 2 |
KogMaw 2 | Graves 1 |
Every fourth Blaster attack fires additional attacks at random enemies. These additional attacks deal damage like Basic Attacks, trigger on-hit effects, and can critically hit.
2 3 Additional Attacks.
4 6 Additional Attacks.
In this Brawler Classes, there are 5 champions such as Gnar, Vi, Blitzcrank, Malphite, and Illaoi.
Cho'Gath 4 | Vi 3 | Blitz 2 |
Malphite 1 | Illaoi 1 |
Brawler gain bonus maximum Health.
2 350 Health.
4 600 Health.
In this Demolitionist Classes, there are 3 champions such as Gangplank, Ziggs, and Rumble.
Gang 5 | Rumble 3 | Ziggs 1 |
2 Demolitionist spells stun target they hit for 1.5 second.
In this Infiltrator Classes, there are 5 champions such as Ekko, Fizz, Shaco, Zed, and Nocturne.
Ekko 5 | Fizz 4 | Shaco 3 |
Zed 2 | Nocturne 1 |
At the start of combat, Infitrators move to the enemy's backline. Infiltrators gain Attack speed for 6 seconds at the start of combat, refreshes on takedown.
2 40% Bonus Attack Speed.
4 70% Bonus Attack Speed.
6 120% Bonus Attack Speed.
Mana Reaver 
In this Mana Reaver Classes, there are 3 champions such as Thresh, Irelia, and Darius.
Thresh 5 | Irelia 4 | Darius 2 |
2 Mana Reaver's attack increases the mana cost of their target's next spell cast by 40%.
In this Mercenary Classes, there is 1 champion such as Gangplank.
Gang 5 |
1 Innate: Upgrades for Mercenaries's Spells have a chance to appear in the Shop.
In this Mystic Classes, there are 5 champions such as Lulu, Soraka, Karma, Bard, and Cassiopeia.
Lulu 5 | Soraka 4 | Karma 3 |
Bard 3 | Cassiopeia 3 |
Grants the team bonus magic resistance.
2 40 Magic Resist.
4 105 Magic Resist.
In this Paragon Classes, there is 1 champion: Janna.
Janna 5 |
1 Ally Star Guardian's basic attacks are converted to true damage. All other ally basic attacks are converted to magic damage.
In this Protector Classes, there are 5 champions such as Neeko, Xin, Rakan, and Jarvan.
Urgot 5 | Neekp 3 | Xin 2 |
Rakan 2 | Jarvan 1 |
Protectors gain a shield scaling off max health for 3 seconds whenever they cast..
2 30% Max Health Shield.
4 40% Max Health Shield.
6 60% Max Health Shield.
In this Sniper Classes, there are 5 champions such as Jhin, Teemo, Vayne, Ashe, and Caitlyn.
Jhin 4 | Teemo 4 | Ashe 3 |
Vayne 3 | Caitlyn 1 |
Sniper deal increased damage for each hex between themselves and their target.
2 12% increased damage for each hex.
4 20% increased damage for each hex.
In this Sorcerer Classes, there are 7 champions such as Xerath, Viktor, Syndra, Annie, Ahri, Twisted, and Zoe.
Xerath 4 | Viktor 4 | Syndra 3 |
Annie 2 | Ahri 2 | Twisted 1 |
Zoe 1 |
All allies gain increased Spell power.
2 20% Spell Power.
4 45% Spell Power.
6 80% Spell Power.
In this Starship Classes, there is only 1 champion Aurelio.
Aurelion 5 |
1 Innate: Starships gain 40 Mana per second, maneuver around the board, and are immune to movement impairing effects, but can't Baic attack..
In this Vanguard Classes, there are 5 champions such as Wukong, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Leona, and Jayce.
Wukong 4 | Jayce 3 | Morderkai 2 |
Nautilus 2 | Leona 1 |
Vanguard gain bonus Armor.
2 125 Armor.
4 300 Armor.
6 750 armor.
End of Classes Cheat Sheet Galaxies.
TFT Mobile Origins Cheat Sheet.