Riven Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups

In League of Legends Wild Rift Riven is an Assassin and Fighter champion that can play in Solo Lane. View Riven build, Runes, Matchups, and more here!

Riven Build Guide

Full Build

Wild Rift Items: Black Cleaver | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlack CleaverWild Rift Items: Quicksilver Sash Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerQuicksilver EnchantWild Rift Items: Death Dance | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDeaths Dance
Wild Rift Items: Steraks Gage | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerSteraks GageWild Rift Items: Mortal Reminder | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerMortal ReminderWild Rift Items: Guardian Angel | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGuardian Angel

In Wild, Rift Riven builds these items to give big output damage, health, and armor to easily kill the enemy.

Enchantment: Wild Rift Items: Quicksilver Sash Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Quicksilver is an item that Riven should build.

Core Items

Wild Rift Items: Black Cleaver | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlack CleaverWild Rift Items: Quicksilver Sash Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerQuicksilver EnchantWild Rift Items: Death Dance | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDeaths Dance

Riven core items increase 350 health, Attack damage, Ability Phase, and Physical Vamp.

Other Options

Wild Rift Items: Black Cleaver | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlack CleaverWild Rift Items: Ninja Tabi | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerNinja TabiWild Rift Items: Bloodthirster | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBloodthirster
Wild Rift Items: Death Dance | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDeaths DanceWild Rift Items: Yoummus Ghostblade | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerYoumuus GhostbladeWild Rift Items: Guardian Angel | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGuardian Angel

Down below are different techniques to build on Riven against different enemy matchups.

Build Vs Marksman

Wild Rift Items: Bloodthirster | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBloodthirsterWild Rift Items: Gluttonous Greaves | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGluttonous GreavesWild Rift Items: Death Dance | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDeaths Dance
Wild Rift Items: Randins Omen | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRanduins OmenWild Rift Items: Yoummus Ghostblade | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerYoumuus GhostbladeWild Rift Items: Guardian Angel | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGuardian Angel

Riven build these items to has enough damage and health against Marksman or AD champions.

Build Vs Mage

Wild Rift Items: Black Cleaver | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlack CleaverWild Rift Items: Stasis Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerStasis EnchantWild Rift Items: Death Dance | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDeaths Dance
Wild Rift Items: Maw of Malmortius | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerMaw of MalmortiusWild Rift Items: Steraks Gage | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerSteraks GageWild Rift Items: Guardian Angel | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGuardian Angel

BuildWild Rift Items: Maw of Malmortius | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer  Maw of Malmortius to get 35 Magic resistance and 45 Attack damage against mage champions.

Build Wild Rift Items: Stasis Enchant | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Stasis enchant to survive from a high AP champions combo. 

Build Vs Tank

Wild Rift Items: Black Cleaver | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlack CleaverWild Rift Items: Gluttonous Greaves | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGluttonous GreavesWild Rift Items: Death Dance | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDeaths Dance
Wild Rift Items: Bloodthirster | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBloodthirsterWild Rift Items: Mortal Reminder | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerMortal ReminderWild Rift Items: Guardian Angel | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGuardian Angel

Build Wild Rift Items: Mortal Reminder | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer Mortal Reminder to get extra 45 attack damage and 35% armor penetration to attach tank champion.

Riven Runes

The Best Wild Rift Riven runes are Conqueror Keystone, Hunter Vampirism, Hunter Titan, and Sweet Tooth.

Wild Rift Rune: Conqueror - zilliongamerConqueror

Gain stacks of Adaptive Force when hitting a champion with separate attacks or abilties.

Stack up to 5 times. When fully stacked, deal bonus adaptive damage to champions.

Per stack: 2 - 6 bonus AD or 4 - 12 AP for 8s.

Fully stacked bonus: 10% bonus adaptive damage to champions.

Wild Rift Rune: Hunter Vampirism - zilliongamerHunter VampirismGain 2% physical vamp or 2% magic vamp. Unique champion takedowns grant 2AD with 1% physical vamp or 4 AP with 1% magic vamp. (Adaptive).
Wild Rift Rune: Hunter Titan - zilliongamerHunter TitanGain 20 max health. Unique champion takedowns grant 20 max health and 4% tenacity.
Wild Rift Rune: Sweet Tooth - zilliongamerSweet ToothIncreases Honyfruit healing by 25%, Each fruit also provides 20 gold.

Summoner Spells

Wild Rift Summoner Spell: Ignite - zilliongamerIgnite

Ignite is a summoner spells ignites target enemy champion, dealing 60 true damage over 5 seconds and inflicting them with Grievous Wounds. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Grievous wounds: Reduces healing effects by 50%.

Wild Rift Summoner Spell: Flash - zilliongamerFlashTeleport a short distance forward or towards the aim direction.

Riven Abilities Guide

Skill Details

Riven Abilities: Runic Blade | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerRunic Blade

Abilities charge Riven's Blade up to 3 times. 

Attack expend charges to deal 15 physical damage (22% physical damage)

Deals 50% damage to structures.

Riven Abilities: Broken Wings | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBroken Wings

Slash in a direction up to 3 times. Each slash deals 52 physical damage (20 + 50%physcial damage) to a nearby enemy.

The third slash crosses terrain and knocks up nearby enemies for 0.5 seconds.

Tap casting prioritizes champions and large monsters within slash range.

Cooldown: 13s 

Riven Abilities: Ki Burst | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerKI Burst

Stun nearby enemies for 0.75 seconds, dealing 55 physical damage (55 + 100% bonus physical damage).

Cooldown: 10s

Riven Abilities: Valor | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerValor

Dash in a direction and gain a shield absorbing 95 damage (95 + 100% physical damage) for 1.5 seconds.

Valor cannot cross terrain.

Cooldown: 9s.

Riven Abilities: Blade of the Exile | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlade of the Exile

Expand Riven's blade for 15 seconds, granting 20% bonus Attack Damage, increasing the range of her attacks and damaging abilities, and granting a single cast of Wind Slash.

Wind Slash: Launches a shockwave, dealing 100 (100 + 60% bonus physical damage) to 300 physical damage (300 + 180% bonus physical damage) based upon enemies; missing health.

Cooldown: 90s

Skill Order

Riven Abilities: Broken Wings | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBroken WingsRiven Abilities: Ki Burst | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerKI BurstRiven Abilities: Valor | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerValorRiven Abilities: Blade of the Exile | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerBlade of the Exile

Skill Combos

1. Valor Riven Abilities: Valor | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer -> Broken Wings (Use all 3 charges) Riven Abilities: Broken Wings | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer -> Ki Burst Riven Abilities: Ki Burst | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer

2.Valor Riven Abilities: Valor | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer -> Blade of the Exile Riven Abilities: Blade of the Exile | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer -> Broken Wings (Use all 3 charges) Riven Abilities: Broken Wings | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer -> Ki Burst Riven Abilities: Ki Burst | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Riven Matchups

Good Against
Vi Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerViYasuo Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerYasuoNasus Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerNasus
Lee sin Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerLee SinFiora Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerFiora 
Bad Against
Olaf Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerOlafGaren Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerGarenPantheon Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerPantheon
Jax Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerJaxDarius Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamerDarius 

Riven Pros And Cons

1. Insane DMG
2. Ultimate deal a lot of AOE DMG
3. Good at Split Pushing
4. Decent duelist
1. Need very good positing in the fight
2. Need good game knowledge
3. Need very good animation cancel skills.
4. Squishy