The Best SR-25 Build & Loadout for Delta Force

Check out everything about the SR-25 best build in Delta Force in two different modes Best SR-25 Build in Warfare Mode & Best SR-25 loadout in Operations Mode.

Down below are all the information you need to know in order to master this SR-25 Marksman Rifle:

SR-25 Overview

You can unlock the SR-25 Marksman Rifle at Warfare Level 27. After you get this weapon you will need to unlock the attachments by using it in any mode of the game. The Maxed Level to get full SR-25 attachments is Level 77

SR-25 is available to use with 2 Operators such as Luna & Hackclaw.

SR-25 | Delta Force - zilliongamer

SR-25 is in the Marksman Rifle is the Second Highest Damage output among all Marksman Rifle Class. Non-Attachments SR-25 stats come with:

  • Mode: Single
  • Damage: 35
  • Range: 90m
  • Control: 56
  • Handling: 56
  • Stability: 29
  • Accuracy: 40
  • Fire Rate: 364 rpm
  • Capacity: 10 round 
  • Muzzle Velocity: 550m/s

Without any Attachments, the SR-25 is not that good at aiming the enemy in the long-range fight due to it low Fire Rate & Recoil Control it has. We will need to empower this gun to come at the top of the rank with our best build in Warfare & Operations modes down below:

Best SR-25 Build for Delta Force Warfare

Best SR-25 Build | Delta Force | Warfare - zilliongamer

This is the best SR-25 loadout to use in Warfare game mode. You can copy our SR-5 Build Code > SR-25 Modify > Loadout > Import > Paste The Code.

SR-25 Build Code (Warfare)

  • Copy this Code => SR-25 Marksman Rifle-Warfare-6F2EPUS05E7GMC01NIUGE
SR-25 LoadoutAttachments Details
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: SR-25 Zephyr Long Barrel - zilliongamerSR-25 Zephyr Long BarrelThis Barrel is the only part with you can increase Fire Range & Muzzle Velocity for SR-25 plus great Recoil stats too. 
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Steel Muzzle Brake - zilliongamerSteel Muzzle BrakeFor Muzzle in this Mode don't go for Suppressor use this Steel Muzzle Brake to improve great Recoil Control stat for SR-25.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: RK-0 Foregrip - zilliongamerRK-0 ForegripThis Foregrip is the only part where you can increase Great Recoil Control stats and also the Vertical Firing Stability & Vertical Firing Camer Stability stats to SR-25.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: SR-25 Elite Handguard - zilliongamerSR-25 Elite HandguardWe recommend using this Handguard with SR-25 in Warfare mode because it improves Handling & Stability stats and won't affects other stats. 
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: M7 Stable Rear Grip - zilliongamerM7 Stable Rear GripThis Rear Grip is also a part to increase good Recoil Control and easy to hold when aiming in the long-range fight. 
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Practical Tactical Stock - zilliongamerPractical Tactical StockThis is the only stock that improve a good Recoil Control stat for SR-25 and won't affect other weapon stats. 
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Practical Bipod - zilliongamerPractical BipodApply this Bipod with SR-25 to help stabilize a great Recoil Control when active this Bipod.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Ranger Handguard - zilliongamerRanger HandguardBoth Right Patch & Left Patch use Ranger Handguard to increase Recoil Control stats and won't affect other weapon stats.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: KC Hound Handguard - zilliongamerKC Hound HandguardFor Upper Patch use KC Hound Handguard to increase only stability for SR-25. 
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Modular Handguard Panel - zilliongamerModular Handguard PanelFor Both Upper Rail & Right Rail we recommend you guys use a Modular Handguard it helps improve both Recoil Control & Stability stats for SR-25.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: DD Python Handguard - zilliongamerDD Python HandguardApply this Left Rail to recover some of the Handling stat for SR-25.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Grizzly Full.P Mag Assist - zilliongamerGrizzly Full P. Mag AssistThis Hornet Mag Assist you can either use it or not it's up to you it also increase a small Handling stats for SR-25.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: SR-25 20-round Mag - zilliongamerSR-25 20-round MagSR-25 has great output damage but has low capacity. So use a 20-round mag with SR-25 will give enough Ammo to fight in the battle and decrease a bit of reloading time.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: XCOG Assault 3.5x Scope - zilliongamerXCOG Assault 3.5x ScopeApply this Scope to get a clear sight of the picture when aiming in both Mid & Long-range. If you want a bigger scope you can use ACOG 6x Scope.

Our build is focused on improving a great amount of Recoil Control stats for SR-25 from 56 to 84 & Stability stat up to 29 to 63 and sacrificing a bit of Handling stat from 56 to 43 but the ADS Speed of SR-25 won't got affected.

How to play this SR-25 Build in Warfare Mode

In Warfare Mode, a lot of things happen in the battle of 32 vs 32. When using SR-25 in this mode make sure you in the backline by positioning safely by Prone or Crouching behind a cover Object or high-building and try to shoot the enemies through the small gap without letting them know your position so you will have a higher chance to kill the enemies. 

For the Rail & Patch attachments don't use Flashlight with SR-25 because it automatically reveal your position.

Tips: Crouch or Prone play on the Object or any surface and Press J to activate Bipod in order to stabilize a great Recoil Control for SR-25 make it easy to control the recoil in Mid & Long-range fights.

Best SR-25 Loadout for Delta Force Operations

Best SR-25 Build | Delta Force | Operations - zilliongamer

This is the best SR-25 loadout to use in Operations game mode. You can copy our SR-25 Build Code > SR-25 Modify > Loadout > Import > Paste The Code.  

SR-25 Build Code (Operations)

  • Copy this Code => SR-25 Marksman Rifle-Operations-6F2ERUK05E7GMC01NIUGE

To build this Complete SR-25 Loadout it will cost around 230,000 Tekniq alloy.

SR-25 LoadoutAttachment Details
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: SR-25 Zephyr Long Barrel - zilliongamerSR-25 Zephyr Long BarrelThis Barrel is the only part with you can increase Fire Range & Muzzle Velocity for SR-25 plus great Recoil stats too. 
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: M7 Practical Suppressor - zilliongamerM7 Practical SuppressorIn this Mode, Suppressor is the perfect muzzle where MR needs the most. Apply M7 Practical Suppressor to improve great Recoil Control & silent the sound of firing too.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Resonant Ergonomic Grip - zilliongamerResonant Ergonomic GripThis Foregrip is the only part where you can increase Great Recoil Control stats and also the Vertical Firing Stability & Vertical Firing Camer Stability stats to SR-25.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: 416 Practical Rear Grip - zilliongamer416 Practical Rear GripRecommend use this Rear Grip and not going for the expensive Rear Grip that boosts more Recoil Stats for SR-25 because we have enough recoil control stat from other attachments above and we don't want to waste more Tekniq Alloy.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: Elite Light Stock - zilliongamerElite Light StockApply this Stock with SR-25 in order to improve good amount of Recoil Control plus a great Movement Speed while ADS.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: SR-25 20-round Mag - zilliongamerSR-25 20-round MagSR-25 has great output damage but has low capacity. So use a 20-round mag with SR-25 will give enough Ammo to fight in the battle. You also can go for 30-round mag but it's more expensive and slower your ADS Speed & Reload time.
Delta Force Best SR-25 Attachment: XCOG Assault 3.5x Scope - zilliongamerXCOG Assault Rifle 3.5x ScopeApply this Scope to get a clear sight of the picture when aiming in both Mid & Long-range. 

How to Play this SR-25 Loadout in Operations

Our loadout seems a bit expensive but we improved a great Recoil Control for SR-25 up to 81 and Stability up to 59 making it easy to control when aiming in Mid & Long-range.

So with our loadout build above and with the high damage output that SR-25 has you can easily kill the enemies with high rarity Helmet & Vest in just 4-5 bullets from mid & long-range fights. By playing safe and prone a lot and playing at the back of your team, by scouting the map and trying to eliminate the enemies at farther range. 

Moreover, to respond to a quick intense battle in this mode we recommend you guys should get other Assault Rifle or SMG guns as your other backup weapons.

Best Class Gadget for SR-25

Class Gadget, equipped alongside your primary and secondary weapon, can come in handy in many different scenarios depending on which operators you play when using SR-25.

Here is our recommended class gadget, ranking from First to Last Priority: 

Class GadgetGuide
Respawn Beacon | Delta Force - zilliongamerRespawn BeaconAllows allies to respawn at the deployment spot, ideal for being hidden behind enemy lines.
Claymore Mine | Delta Force - zilliongamerClaymore MineA directional anti-personnel mine that is triggered by the movement of targets in front of it.
Laser Indicator | Delta Force - zilliongamerLaser IndicatorA device that provides target & any type of vehicle marking.

Respawn Beacon is the Best & First Priority Class Gadget that you should use when using SR-25 while playing as the Marksman Rifle in your team place this Respawn Beacon in a safe area or at a high place to create other respawn deployment spots that allow your teammate to respawn and continue the battle without any notice or destroy this Gadget from your enemies. 

Claymore Mine is the Second Best Class Gadget that you should use with the SR-25 because when Marksman Rifle you only focus further targets so planting this Claymore Mine around your area to prevent enemies from pushing behind or forward you.

Laser Indicator is the Last Class Gadget because this device takes a long duration time to mark the enemy vehicle and playing as a Marksman Rifle this Gadget does not fit your role.

End of Delta Force SR-25 Marksman Rifle build guide.

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