AK117 VS ASM10 Comparison

Here is the comparison between AK117 and ASM10 we break down all the strength of both guns and let your vote decide on which one is the best gun among these two.

The comparison is mainly focused on each gun stat, gun skin perk and weapon attachment did not compare.

AK117 VS ASM10 Overview

AK117 VS ASM10 - Gun comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

Both guns have different stats, but the accuracy of these two guns are similar which allows you guys to hit more target as well as moving targets.

AK117 VS ASM10 Stats Comparison

Note: This is the original stats. No attachment equipped in the comparison.

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AK117 vs ASM10 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

AK117 has a higher fire rate, accuracy, and mobility than ASM10 but has lower damage and range. 

High Fire Rate: Having a higher fire rate is an advantage that allows AK117 to shoot a bit faster than ASM10.

High Accuracy: Having a higher accuracy allows AK117 to hit more targets as well as the moving targets.

High Mobility: Having a higher mobility allow the player to run faster when holding AK117 than ASM10.


AK117 vs ASM10 Comparison in Call of Duty Mobile.

ASM10 has a lower fire rate, accuracy, and mobility but has higher damage and range than AK117.

High Damage: Having a higher damage allows ASM10 to take down an enemy faster than AK117.

High Range: Having a higher range allows ASM10 to hit the target further than AK117.

Comparison Result

Close-Range situation

Better use AK117 instead of ASM10 because AK117 has a higher fire rate, accuracy, and mobility that give players the advantages to win in close-range fight.

Long-Range situation

Use ASM 10 to dual with your enemy in the long-range fight because it has better damage and range than AK117.


At this conclusion, after the comparison, you guys already know the value of both guns and hope you guys use it in the correct way.

Which one you think is the best Sub Machine gun in COD Mobile among these two? Leave your vote down below.