Welcome to Wild Rift Jungle Tier List - This Jungle Tier List is in the current version of the game Patch 4.2b.
Down below are the following tier list image from Tier S+ to Tier B that you can check it out.
Tier S+
There are 10 Champions in this S+ Tier List featuring:
- Volibear
- Kayn
- Riven
- Gragas
- Wukong
- Diana
- Yone
- Evelynn
- Kha'zix
- Aatrox
These champions are great to pick as a jungle that has great ability and skill combos which are easy to farm, hard to kite and gank in 1 vs 1, and can carry the game in this current Patch.
Tier S
There are 16 champions in this S Tier List featuring:
- Olaf
- Shyvana
- Xin Zhao
- Camille
- Jarvan IV
- Vi
- Dr Mundo
- Fizz
- Jayce
- Lee Sin
- Pantheon
- Nautilus
- Nunu & Willump
- Rammus
- Zed
- Tristana
These champions can do better performance in the game and also good in the team fight but you need a better understanding and good mechanical skills in each champion.
Tier A
There are 18 champions in this Tier A Tier List featuring:
- Shen
- Fiora
- Graves
- Ekko
- Gwen
- Jax
- Darius
- Irelia
- Morgana
- Amumu
- Garen
- Kai'sa
- Kayle
- Yasuo
- Lillia
- Rengar
- Twitch
- Master Yi
These champions are the common jungle champions which need 2 or 3 items to become stronger in the game.
Tier B
There are 9 champions in this B Tier List featuring:
- Renekton
- Tryndamere
- Corki
- Nasus
- Sion
- Warwick
- Urgot
- Samira
- Teemo
These jungle champions are a bit slow farm and when it goes to ganking the lane it is easy to kite by the enemies.