League of Legends Wild Rift Patch Notes 2.3b

Welcome to Wild Rift Patch Notes 2.3b all updates in this patch will be found down below:

New Champions

Introduces you guys two new Marksman champions coming into Wild Rift:

Lucian The Purifier

Wild Rift | Lucian - zilliongamer

Lucian is a Marksman Role that usually plays in Duo Lane. Lucian will be released on July 9 at 00:01 UTC.

Senna The Redeemer

Wild Rift | Senna - zilliongamer

Senna is a Marksman Role that usually plays in Duo Lane. Lucian will be released on July 9 at 00:01 UTC.

Champion Changes

There are 12 champions that need to change some of their abilities and base stats in this patch notes.


Wild Rift Draven Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins - zilliongamer


(2) Blood Rush

Movement Speed: 40/ 45/ 50/ 55% -> 50/ 55/ 60/ 65%

(3) Stand Aside

Cooldown: 18/ 16/ 14/ 12s -> 15/ 14/ 13/ 12s


Fizz Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer


(P) Seastone Trident

Bonus damage to monsters: 200 -> 150%


Garen Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer


(3) Judgment

Base damage: 15/ 20/ 25/ 30 -> 11/ 14/ 17/ 20

AD ratio: 0.25/ 0.3/ 0.35/ 0.4 -> 0.3/ 0.35/ 0.4/ 0.45

(Ult) Demacian Justice

Base damage: 150/ 300/ 450 - 150/ 275/ 400

Missing health percentage damage: 20/ 25/ 30% -> 15/ 20/ 25% + 8% per 100 bonus AD

Max damage towards epic monsters: 600/ 600/ 600


Irelia Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Base Stats

Base mana regen: 15 -> 18


(1) Bladesurge

Base damage: 10/ 40/ 70/ 100 -> 15/ 45/ 75/ 105

Healing Attack damage ratio: 0.14/ 0.16/ 0.18/ 0.2 -> 0.19/ 0.21/ 0.23/ 0.25


Jinx Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer


(Ult) Super Mega Death Rocket!

Maximum damage on epic monsters: 500/ 650/ 800


Wild Rift | Kha'Zix - zilliongamer


(1) Taste Their Fear

Base damage: 65/ 100/ 135/ 170 -> 60/ 95/ 130/ 165


Rammus Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer


(3) Frenzying Taunt

Attack Speed: 50/ 60/ 70/ 80 -> 35/ 45/ 55/ 65%


Riven Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer


(3) Valor

Shield Strength: 95/ 135/ 175/ 215 -> 105/ 145/ 185/ 225


Vayne Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer


(2) Silver Bolts

Base damage: 30/ 50/ 70/ 90 -> 50/ 65/ 80/ 95

(Ult) Final Hour

Cooldown: 80/ 70/ 60s -> 75/ 65/ 55s


Wild Rift | Katarina - zilliongamer

Base Stats

Armor: 35 -> 30

Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Base Stats

Armor: 35 -> 30


Ziggs Guide | League of Legends Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Base Stats

Armor: 35 -> 30

New Accessories

You can earn or purchase accessories from a bunch of different sources.

New Accessories - zilliongamer

Baubles: Sentinel Crest, Ruined Fetters

Icon Border: Sentinel HQ

Emotes: Looking Good Feeling Good, My Hero.

Icons: Light in the Dark, Sentinel Master

Spawn Tags: Sentinel I, Sentinel II, Sentinel III.

New Event

New Event - zilliongamer

Sentinels of Light event as the black mist engulfs Runeterra, an ancient order must bolster its ranks to protect the fading light. 

This event will begin July 9 at 00:01 UTC.

Rune Change

Second Wind

  • Passive flat health regen: 6 HP every 5 seconds -> 5 HP every 5 seconds
  • Regeneration after taking damage from a champion: tooltip fixed to match actual functionality.
    • After taking damage from a champion, regenerate 3 + 1.5% missing health over 10 seconds (doubled for melee champions)
    • Previously read 6 + 3%
    • Actual healing values from this effect are unchanged.

New Skins

New Skins - zilliongamer

Two new skins will be released July 9 at 00:01 UTC

True Damage Senna

Hired Gun Lucian

End of Wild Rift 2.3b Patch Notes.

Credit to Wild Rift Twitter