Wild Rift Patch 2.1 Preview & New Champion Leaks

Here are some incoming news heads to League of Legends Wild Rift Patch 2.1 preview featuring new champion leaks, new skins, replays and spectator mode, and new events.

New Champion Leaks

Here are 6 new champions that will be coming into Wild Rift from February to the end of March update. 

1. Xayah 

Xayah Champion Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Xayah is a Marksman that usually play in Dragon Lane. One of her best partner is Rakan.

2. Rakan 

Rakan Champion Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Raka is a Support in Wild Rift that can play in Dragon Lane and he is a good support for Xayah.

3. Katarina

Katarina Champion Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Katarina is a Mage champion and usually play in Mid Lane.

4. Leona

Leona Champion Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Leona is one of the Support champions in Wild Rift and plays in the Dragon Lane.

5. Diana

Diana Champion Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Diana is a Mage champion that she usually plays in the Mid Lane.

6. Pantheon

Pantheon Champion Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Patheon is a good champion that can be an Assassin or Support in the game. He also can play in all lanes Mid/ Baron / Dragon. 

New Skins 

2 new skins will be released in Patch 2.1 in Wild Rift and more skins will come in the future.

New Skins: Omega Squad 

Omega Squad New Skin Wild Rift - zilliongamer

New Skins: Project

Project New Skin Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Replays and Spectator Mode

In the next Patch, 2.1 updates will bring all the Wild Rift fans with the new Replays and Spectator mode. 

Replays And Spectator Mode Wild Rift - zilliongamer

New Events 

2 new events will be coming soon into Wild Rift. Keep waiting for the full details when Patch 2.1 release.

Lunar Beast Event

Lunar Beast Event Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Path of Ascension Event

Path of Ascension Event Wild Rift - zilliongamer

Source: Wild Rift League of Legends